Backpage Prosecution Mistrial

MactheKat's Avatar
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I think the judge was right. The prosecutors presented evidence of child sex trafficking, although thr defendants aren't charged with that offense. (They're charged with facilitating prostitution and money laundering.) The judge's mistake in allowing such evidence in was costly to taxpayers, who will foot the bill for eight days of meaningless trial.

The ruling, however, was not on the merits of the government's case.
Ronin3's Avatar
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I think the judge was right. The prosecutors presented evidence of child sex trafficking, although thr defendants aren't charged with that offense. (They're charged with facilitating prostitution and money laundering.) The judge's mistake in allowing such evidence in was costly to taxpayers, who will foot the bill for eight days of meaningless trial.

The ruling, however, was not on the merits of the government's case. Originally Posted by ShysterJon
True, but the cost of those 8 days will pale in comparison to what those dickheads will cost us when they’re senators and congressmen.

This YouTube video from reason TV was pretty interesting.
  • Typo
  • 10-05-2021, 06:05 AM

This YouTube video from reason TV was pretty interesting. Originally Posted by Big Ed
Thanks for that. To me, that seems to flip the the facts reported up to this point.
I don’t have any real issues with the feds going after underage or enslavement of adult workers, but what usually happens in these cases is that total emphasis is placed on abusing child workers, ignoring the ads placed by truly independent adult providers placing ads attracting a mutually consenting transaction between adults ,just a way for the feds to demonize the whole industry as nothing but child molesters.

The same thing happened after 9/11 when the feds clamped down on the banking and money moving methods to offshore sportsbooks. Feds claimed the whole offshore sportsbook industry was nothing but a front for terrorists to move $$$ to fund terrorist operations. They used a known evil of terrorism to demonize the offshore gambling industry, I’m sure there were some ignorant people who heard the “terrorist” part and sat around spellbound over the governments “well placed efforts”......when in fact the terrorists could give two shits less what Alabama or Houston does this weekend.

Is it too simple to go after the violent criminals who rape and murder and the guys who do home invasions for a living? If the reports I seen are correct there are about 200,000 cold cases for murder in this country, and the ones that might be solved by DNA just get colder by the day, the suspects get closer to getting off until the day they die and the DNA gets closer to degrading to the point where it’s useless if it isn’t already. And how many rape kits are they behind in testing? Some priority.....let’s protect people from themselves with morality pursuits and ignore the real predators in society that need to be caught. Misplaced priorities, one of the fucking reasons I don’t vote.
Bratzdoll's Avatar
I don’t have any real issues with the feds going after underage or enslavement of adult workers, but what usually happens in these cases is that total emphasis is placed on abusing child workers, ignoring the ads placed by truly independent adult providers placing ads attracting a mutually consenting transaction between adults ,just a way for the feds to demonize the whole industry as nothing but child molesters.

The same thing happened after 9/11 when the feds clamped down on the banking and money moving methods to offshore sportsbooks. Feds claimed the whole offshore sportsbook industry was nothing but a front for terrorists to move $$$ to fund terrorist operations. They used a known evil of terrorism to demonize the offshore gambling industry, I’m sure there were some ignorant people who heard the “terrorist” part and sat around spellbound over the governments “well placed efforts”......when in fact the terrorists could give two shits less what Alabama or Houston does this weekend.

Is it too simple to go after the violent criminals who rape and murder and the guys who do home invasions for a living? If the reports I seen are correct there are about 200,000 cold cases for murder in this country, and the ones that might be solved by DNA just get colder by the day, the suspects get closer to getting off until the day they die and the DNA gets closer to degrading to the point where it’s useless if it isn’t already. And how many rape kits are they behind in testing? Some priority.....let’s protect people from themselves with morality pursuits and ignore the real predators in society that need to be caught. Misplaced priorities, one of the fucking reasons I don’t vote. Originally Posted by sexykarma
Read the bios of individual candidates, and vote for those who support sex work decriminalization. Especially vote for district attorney candidates that pledge to end prosecution of sex work sex buying and related support activities.
SSDman's Avatar
Is it too simple to go after the violent criminals who rape and murder and the guys who do home invasions for a living?[/QUOTE]

Yes but letting them run amok makes people try to vote the solution away and increase LE funding. Theres not enough money for the depraved to actually solve problems. If they cant skim off of it the bird wont fly.