Massage therapist screen?

I am colon hydrotherapist that just opened my office here in Benton Arkansas,
How do people that have home offices screen new clients that may or may not be in the hobby?
I see massage therapist advertise on BP, but often ask myself, how do they screen their new clients?..
If you have seen a massage therapist from BP or anywhere else..
what questions did they ask you to confirm you were not a creep coming to their office? is my side site.. hobby site
Dave the Rave's Avatar
Damn Nurse Carrie why are you not in Nola when I need you!
Why would a massage therapist need to screen? They are providing a legal service and I suspect they are required to not discriminate.

Now, is the real question, should they let some creep into their home when they work from their home?

This is why working from your own home offers many dangers.