How does one reverse the downward spiral happening to America?

oilfieldace's Avatar
Elect Donald J Trump and we will return to normal.

Folks R and D’ s and I’s are coming together to purge the White House , Senate of these blood sucking liberals.

Prosperity will return come November.

No other mortal man can correct our decline.
... Yes Indeed, mate... A country UNITED - One Nation - Under God
Indivisible - With Liberty and Justice For ALL!

.... Vote TRUMP! ...

#### Salty
winn dixie's Avatar
Haley is our only hope
That is how to reverse the downward spiral.
Biden is inept and
Trump is the most embarrassing and corrupt president in our history
Yssup Rider's Avatar
Actually “one” cannot do anything. We all must pull together to protect our nation.

Throw Trump in jail and put an end to all this radical foolishness on both sides … but mostly the violent right.
oilfieldace's Avatar
Haley is our only hope
That is how to reverse the downward spiral.
Biden is inept and
Trump is the most embarrassing and corrupt president in our history Originally Posted by winn dixie
Haley is history if the voters get a voice, she has already lost, she is just to stupid to know
oilfieldace's Avatar
Actually “one” cannot do anything. We all must pull together to protect our nation.

Throw Trump in jail and put an end to all this radical foolishness on both sides … but mostly the violent right. Originally Posted by Yssup Rider
Violet right, want to have a total to the lefts destruction and pillaging , no worries , I know you don’t, the totals are staggering
Yssup Rider's Avatar
Ingles, por favor.

You ain’t making no sense pardner!
adav8s28's Avatar
Haley is our only hope
That is how to reverse the downward spiral.
Biden is inept and
Trump is the most embarrassing and corrupt president in our history Originally Posted by winn dixie
I guess you did not get the memo that voters in Nevada sent in the Nevada republican primary. She was not running against anyone and still lost.

Shouldn't a RHINO republican do better in a state like Nevada? I can understand her having problems in the bible belt region but not in Nevada. Nevada is the only state in the USA (that in certain counties) pay for play is legal.

Sleepy Joe won the democrat Nevada primary.
Why_Yes_I_Do's Avatar
How does one NOT reverse the downward spiral happening to America?

We can't solve problems by using the same kind of thinking we used when we created them - Albert Einstein
adav8s28's Avatar
Elect Donald J Trump and we will return to normal.
Originally Posted by oilfieldace
Things are returning to normal right now.

Inflation is falling (ask Trump guy L. Kudlow)

The unemployment rate is low

The stockmarket is high

People are making money and spending it
ICU 812's Avatar
Elect Donald J Trump and we will return to normal.

Folks R and D’ s and I’s are coming together to purge the White House , Senate of these blood sucking liberals.

Prosperity will return come November.

No other mortal man can correct our decline. Originally Posted by oilfieldace

I agree as far as this post goes, but it might take more than just that.

It will take an effort at the grass roots level to regain control of many local and state institutions, from school boards, city councils and on.

It does not have to be only a hard-right conservative movement either. If the choice in a city election is between a politician emulating AOC or someone more like Bill Mahar, I'd go with Mahar.

Here in Houston, we have done exactly that. Mayor Sylvester Turner had to step down due to term limits. Rep. Sheila Jackson Lee ran as herself. Mayor Turner will run for her seat in congress. Lee was defeated by a moderate, no-nonsense democrat, John Whitmire (think of Bill Mahar with a boot and a hat)..

The former mayor and several of his staff are facing federal charges for corruption. So are most of the higher-level officials of Harris County government.

That is how we redirect the Nation from the brink of becoming s third world country and returning to the path that will bring back prosperity, civil order and pride in being an American.

Local elections are as important as the nationals.
ICU 812's Avatar
Things are returning to normal right now.

Inflation is falling (ask Trump guy L. Kudlow)

The unemployment rate is low

The stockmarket is high

People are making money and spending it Originally Posted by adav8s28
So why is butter six dollars a pound?

A drive-through lunch with the grand kids (2) can be as high as $40 to $50. People are becoming homeless due to rents tripling. Folks cannot finance a new home. Crime is rampant. enforcement is non-existent. Businesses are leaving city centers across the nation.

Sure the rate of inflation is moderating, but the cost of living has not. The cost of living is just getting intolerable less quickly.
SpeedRacerXXX's Avatar
Yet another rather dumb post by oilfieldace. Absolutely no content.
eyecu2's Avatar
So why is butter six dollars a pound?

A drive-through lunch with the grand kids (2) can be as high as $40 to $50. People are becoming homeless due to rents tripling. Folks cannot finance a new home. Crime is rampant. enforcement is non-existent. Businesses are leaving city centers across the nation.

Sure the rate of inflation is moderating, but the cost of living has not. The cost of living is just getting intolerable less quickly. Originally Posted by ICU 812
That's called inflation-gouging. Butter in PA is 2.99 a lb, and there are plenty of places that offer the biggie bag lunch for kids for 5.00 -7.00 dollars each., depending on where. I'd say that a lot of inflationary woes are subjective to location, and again the gouging of pricing is indicative of greed and a lack of suitable housing resources. Housing has been MIA as far as builders were concerned for almost 2 yrs. THat's a huge backlog and it's going to take another 2 yrs for that to mitigate; Maybe not fully for longer. The good news is that general concensus is that the FED has targeted about 4-5 rate decreases and hopefully those will take effect sometime perhaps in March - April. The Fed has more input than any president does in a stagflation economy and they don't want to ease too fast with all the "good" economic news.

The economy is robust- and keeps showing that there are lots of demand out there for purchases and consumption. The problem is that there is few dollars left sitting on the sidelines for rainy days. It wouldn't matter who was the POTUS to change that. The only policies that will be affected might be border issues and some reproductive rights. Electing Trump will just throw Drama back into the mix and I for one, don't need one iota of that to come back.

Return to Normal??

Return to pre-pandemic Trump Normal??

NAhh. I'mma say pass- Hard Pass on that one. We could all use a breath of fresh air, and he's not it.