An absolute tragedy at a Connecticut elementary school.

AlbanyBlonde's Avatar
This is far worse than Columbine by number of dead. Grades kindergarten through fourth are students at the school. If you have children give them a big hug tonight.
CuteOldGuy's Avatar

Grandchildren, too.
CJ7's Avatar
  • CJ7
  • 12-14-2012, 01:57 PM
tragic situations involving kids rattle me to the bone ... not in my wildest imagination can I fathom anyone doing that to school children in a place where they are supposed to be safe
It's almost impossible to believe....that someone could walk into an elementary school and start shooting little kids.
markroxny's Avatar
tragic situations involving kids rattle me to the bone ... not in my wildest imagination can I fathom anyone doing that to school children in a place where they are supposed to be safe Originally Posted by CJ7

LexusLover's Avatar
News coming in that there is more than one "crime" scene ... 2 others?
markroxny's Avatar
News coming in that there is more than one "crime" scene ... 2 others? Originally Posted by LexusLover
Someone dead at his home I believe. Possibly his brother?

If the early reports are true, this guy killed everyone in his world. Crazy.
Old-T's Avatar
  • Old-T
  • 12-14-2012, 03:12 PM
A very, very tragic situation. This can't even be "excused" as a bullying situation, not when a 20 y/o kills first graders. The two shooters--if that's what there was--are very, very sick and evil people.

It is beyond my ability to understand why anyone would do something like this. I would never condone killing a spouse or SO or...., but in those sad cases I can at least comprehend why someone might think about doing that kind of thing--but 5 year olds?
CuteOldGuy's Avatar
And the parents, with Christmas presents under the tree, grandparents coming to visit, all the excitement that kids feel this time of year. The grief will never end. May their angels carry those children to the heart of God, and may the ones who loved them find strength to go on. DO NOT LET THIS PSYCHOPATH WIN!

My God, indescribable. I don't believe in hell, but right now, I hope I'm wrong.
Old-T's Avatar
  • Old-T
  • 12-14-2012, 03:24 PM
Someone dead at his home I believe. Possibly his brother?

If the early reports are true, this guy killed everyone in his world. Crazy. Originally Posted by markroxny
What they are saying on the TV now is it was the mother.
joe bloe's Avatar
+1 Originally Posted by markroxny
Fifty five million babies have been killed in the womb since Roe v Wade. A Democrat, expressing compassion for dead children, is absurd.
Fifty five million babies have been killed in the womb since Roe v Wade. A Democrat, expressing compassion for dead children, is absurd. Most African-American pregnancies end in abortion. Originally Posted by joe bloe
LexusLover's Avatar
Someone dead at his home I believe. Possibly his brother?

If the early reports are true, this guy killed everyone in his world. Crazy. Originally Posted by markroxny
His mom was the teacher in the classroom he hit. She's one of the dead at the school.

As reported.

If it really matters, I guess all the facts will get sorted out and the media reports get accurate in a few days.

Why the kids? In front of the kids? Now 20 reported.

There is no answer.
CJ7's Avatar
  • CJ7
  • 12-14-2012, 04:04 PM
fucker killed his dad, his mom, his GF is missing too...

surely there was some indication of this idiots mental state leadng up to this horrific event ... didnt anyone notice he was on the edge of oblivion? something? anything?
LexusLover's Avatar
.... his GF is missing too... Originally Posted by CJ7
..hopefully she is hunkered down somewhere .... or ...

.. is that the 2nd person LE is 'interviewing"?