A girls says she's waiting on me because I am "muy especial."

Met one girl there who says I am "muy especial." She is going to wait for me and she thinks she loves me because she thinks of me "con frecuencia." She's asked me to "help her" with some dinero. But, she wont' give me her address, she wants me to send it to her "amiga."

Do you think I am "muy especial" enough to "help her" with some dinero sent to her "amiga"? It's so hard to find love of this quality any more, I am speechless on how she picked me.

I wonder why her "amiga" gets her mail for her and she doesn't want it sent to her house.

Do you think this could possibly be a hoax? LOL
Keyzer Soze's Avatar
If it quacks like a duck, if it walks like a duck ,if it smells like a duck, it's a duck!!! HOAX
trey50's Avatar
Tell her that you will come get her and fly her back to the US and she can get some money when you get back here. See what she says to that.

Es possible tu dinero es muy especial y ella piensa de tu dinero con frecuencia?
Es possible tu dinero es muy especial y ella piensa de tu dinero con frecuencia? Originally Posted by trey50
For the Win!! What's also funny is that she seems to always have her signal drop and hang-up if we're just having a casual chat. If we start talking about ways I can "ayudar" the phone never loses signal and/or she never hangs up. The exception was that she was going to give me an address, her "amiga" I guess, but the phone did drop then before she could spit it out.

Since she doesn't speak English and the conversations are in Spanish,I wonder if she doesn't have a husband/boyfriend etc., who she doesn't want them to hear her taking sweet nothings or saying "Te Amo," things like that.

I thought about offering her a ridiculous sum, like $2 with the explanation that $2 goes a long way down there. Or, I could tell her I lost my job and I have to be a gigolo to make ends meet. I can tell the same stories like her except they'll be women taking advantage of me because they are fat, old, smelly, etc. but I let them do what they want because I need the money.

That should shake her loose.