Mistrial brewing in NYC?

bambino's Avatar

This sham was crooked from start to finish.

winn dixie's Avatar
Don't put your hopes in that alleged comment.
bambino's Avatar
Looks like the Libtards hopes will be dashed once again!!!!!!

berryberry's Avatar
If it wasn’t for the NY Supreme Court telling corrupt Judge Merchan that a relative of a juror made a comment on Facebook the day before the verdict saying that they were told that the Jury would convict Trump, Merchan probably would never have notified anyone
... Maybe Mechan is tryin' to save face - as he's obviously aware
that this case will be overturned on appeal. ... He can vacate
the verdict put a finish to this one-way sham.

And this might be his chance to do it!

#### Salty
matchingmole's Avatar
Trump should have plead insanity
bambino's Avatar