62% of Americans get it (wanna bet it is the leftists that don't)

berryberry's Avatar
62% of Americans say they would support a new government program to deport all the people living in the United States illegally.

... The pretty-bird from CBS surely seemed FLABBERGASTED
(a good Australian word that mean "greatly surprised")
by the poll result! ...

See? ... CBS poll has NO "middle ground" and that's by design
to get "more votes" AGAINST deportation.

And the poll surely BACKFIRED! ... ... ...

(Hey Berry - clear some PM space!)

#### Salty
berryberry's Avatar
Yeah Salty - surely those results were painful to the DNC media at CBS

(and PM space cleared)
bambino's Avatar
They way things are going, Mexico will finish the wall. They don’t want these people back. They get it too!!!!!!