I'll all for stopping sexplotation of the unwilling and underage, but once Trump signs the mess into law, prostitution will be forced deeper underground and back to the old, far less safe days. Like most things the government does, this is ill-conceived and impractical to implement. Won't stop it from going through, however, and trampling the rights of a large number of consenting adults.
Also won't stop those being taken horrendous advantage of from still suffering. May even get worse as politicians shove the idea down the public throat that they "done good" while ignoring real solutions.
Originally Posted by Fancyinheels
And if anything, it might make women/girls MORE prone to being trafficed.. Not less.
Do you really think that society cares that your criminal enterprise will be hurt in the process of trying to save human trafficked sex slaves?
If 100 independent hookers criminal enterprises lost 75% of their business to save one sex slave wouldn't it be worth the sacrifice?
Originally Posted by Treetop78759
So by that logic lets ban all guns, all drugs etc, just cause 'if it saves just one kids life, it will be worth it'.