New York Magazine's Jonathan Chait took a look at the Associated Press's "fact check" of President Bill Clinton's DBC convention speech last night and got a small taste of just what it is Republicans have been dealing with for almost five years:

This Associated Press “fact check” of Bill Clinton’s speech last night has attracted a fair amount of Internet abuse, but not nearly enough. It’s not only a prime specimen of journalistic idiocy —it’s one of those documents that reveals the incredibly blinkered quality of conventional wisdom, so contemptuous of facts that challenge its assumptions.

The broad conceit of the piece rests upon a complete inability to distinguish facts from opinion, manifesting itself most hilariously in this refutation of Clinton’s argument:

CLINTON: "Their campaign pollster said, 'We're not going to let our campaign be dictated by fact checkers.' Now that is true. I couldn't have said it better myself —I just hope you remember that every time you see the ad."

THE FACTS: Clinton, who famously finger-wagged a denial on national television about his sexual relationship with intern Monica Lewinsky and was subsequently impeached in the House on a perjury charge, has had his own uncomfortable moments over telling the truth.

This “fact” has gotten the most ridicule, but in defense of the AP, it is at least true that this is a fact: Bill Clinton did lie about his affair. It’s not a fact that in any way refutes what Clinton said, but it is a fact.

Oh, put it to music, Jonathan.

Chait has nothing to whine about because as stupid as this fact check is (and it is stupid), what harm is it doing?

It's not like the media launched into a 10-day crusade to destroy Clinton's credibility -- which is exactly how the corrupt media used these degenerate liars we call fact-checkers to attack Paul Ryan after he told the truth about Obama breaking a promise to retool a GM plant in Janesville.

Nothing in the media I've seen today touched on Clinton's lies last night. In fact, all I saw from the media today was something verging on the kind of blind and dangerous cult-like worship you see in films like "Gunga Din."

From where I sit, the corrupt AP intentionally manufactured a ridiculous fact check so they could be on record fact-checking Clinton while at the same time doing zero harm to him and by extension Barack Obama.


If the AP was truly interested in doing some serious fact-checking of Clinton's web of lies, its article today would look something like this.
Dawgs's Avatar
  • Dawgs
  • 09-07-2012, 08:46 PM
All depends on what the meaning of "is" is.
If you were married had a affair were confronted what would your answer be? Protect the wife and family or confess? Wingers still whining after all these years.
I B Hankering's Avatar
If you were married had a affair were confronted what would your answer be? Protect the wife and family or confess? Wingers still whining after all these years. Originally Posted by ekim008
What "if" you were formally sworn to tell the truth, which might embarrass you, or you could choose to tell a lie, which might get you impeached -- thus embarrassing you -- plus possibly get your ass thrown in prison for perjury. What would your answer be, you dumbass simpleton?
Munchmasterman's Avatar
New York Magazine's Jonathan Chait took a look at the Associated Press's "fact check" of President Bill Clinton's DBC convention speech last night and got a small taste of just what it is Republicans have been dealing with for almost five years:

This Associated Press “fact check” of Bill Clinton’s speech last night has attracted a fair amount of Internet abuse, but not nearly enough. It’s not only a prime specimen of journalistic idiocy —it’s one of those documents that reveals the incredibly blinkered quality of conventional wisdom, so contemptuous of facts that challenge its assumptions.

The broad conceit of the piece rests upon a complete inability to distinguish facts from opinion, manifesting itself most hilariously in this refutation of Clinton’s argument:

CLINTON: "Their campaign pollster said, 'We're not going to let our campaign be dictated by fact checkers.' Now that is true. I couldn't have said it better myself —I just hope you remember that every time you see the ad."

THE FACTS: Clinton, who famously finger-wagged a denial on national television about his sexual relationship with intern Monica Lewinsky and was subsequently impeached in the House on a perjury charge, has had his own uncomfortable moments over telling the truth.

This “fact” has gotten the most ridicule, but in defense of the AP, it is at least true that this is a fact: Bill Clinton did lie about his affair. It’s not a fact that in any way refutes what Clinton said, but it is a fact.

Oh, put it to music, Jonathan.

Chait has nothing to whine about because as stupid as this fact check is (and it is stupid), what harm is it doing?

It's not like the media launched into a 10-day crusade to destroy Clinton's credibility -- which is exactly how the corrupt media used these degenerate liars we call fact-checkers to attack Paul Ryan after he told the truth about Obama breaking a promise to retool a GM plant in Janesville.

Nothing in the media I've seen today touched on Clinton's lies last night. In fact, all I saw from the media today was something verging on the kind of blind and dangerous cult-like worship you see in films like "Gunga Din."

From where I sit, the corrupt AP intentionally manufactured a ridiculous fact check so they could be on record fact-checking Clinton while at the same time doing zero harm to him and by extension Barack Obama.


If the AP was truly interested in doing some serious fact-checking of Clinton's web of lies, its article today would look something like this. Originally Posted by Whirlaway
The Romney campaign said 'We're not going to let our campaign be dictated by fact checkers.'
The way you do that is make it look like every time “fact check” is brought up it is just opinion, not fact. Like whirly is doing.
The link he posted goes to an opinion piece. The post says Clinton lied in his speech. There were a couple of references to Monica-gate but no actual examples with proof that he had lied in his speech. They attack AP without giving examples except;

CLINTON: "Their campaign pollster said, 'We're not going to let our campaign be dictated by fact checkers.' Now that is true. I couldn't have said it better myself — I just hope you remember that every time you see the ad."
THE FACTS: Clinton, who famously finger-wagged a denial on national television about his sexual relationship with intern Monica Lewinsky and was subsequently impeached in the House on a perjury charge, has had his own uncomfortable moments over telling the truth.

AP is a news service. The opinion piece attacks AP because they don’t like the facts that AP checked or the wording they used. This shows some fact checking orgs are better than others.

And of course, the only link in the opinion piece…………………………..went to another opinion piece. Go figure.

I would agree AP should stick to doing what they do best but the opinion piece show no lies AP made.

So until there are examples of proven mistakes that aren’t corrected the fact checking org themselves, Politifact will be my fact checker. Claiming they are wrong without proof is the same as someone taking their ball and going home.

Here are a few examples from Clinton’s speech.

Bill Clinton says the president let students pay 'clear, fixed, low' rate for loans


Clinton says Ryan attacked Obama for Medicare cuts reflected in Ryan's own budget


Bill Clinton says 4.5 million jobs have been created under Barack Obama


What is funny about this is that contrary to what Ryan says Obama has been reducing the size of government.
“If you count from the start of Obama’s term, private-sector jobs have increased by 332,000, but total jobs have decreased by 316,000 due to losses of government jobs.”

Bill Clinton says Barack Obama cut taxes for 95 percent of people through stimulus


Bill Clinton says Democratic presidents top Republican presidents in job creation

I B Hankering's Avatar

Bill Clinton says 4.5 million jobs have been created under Barack Obama
"Clinton is cherry-picking the numbers to paint Obama’s record in the most favorable light. Other methods show less impressive growth in jobs -- even declines." But Poltifact doesn't call this a lie. How quaint!


Bill Clinton says Barack Obama cut taxes for 95 percent of people through stimulus
Half-truth; hence, a lie.


Originally Posted by Munchmasterman
What "if" you were formally sworn to tell the truth, which might embarrass you, or you could choose to tell a lie, which might get you impeached -- thus embarrassing you -- plus possibly get your ass thrown in prison for perjury. What would your answer be, you dumbass simpleton?
Originally Posted by I B Hankering

Starr had overstepped his bounds and he probably didn't think Monica was so slow in doing her laundry.Most honorable men would try to protect their family unlike you who shows he has no honor.Or maybe stolen honor...
CuteOldGuy's Avatar
Now Clinton was being "honorable." God, you people crack me up!

I B Hankering's Avatar
Starr had overstepped his bounds and he probably didn't think Monica was so slow in doing her laundry.Most honorable men would try to protect their family unlike you who shows he has no honor.Or maybe stolen honor... Originally Posted by ekim008
You are a fucking joke, Ekim the Inbred. Slick Willie lied. Your -- and others' -- claim that he did it to protect his marriage is a fucking joke. Slick Willie had previously been accused of adultery several times before; so, it wasn't anything Hillary hadn't heard before.

Slick Willie perjured himself during a deposition pertaining to the Paula Jones case. Slick Willie was also charged with obstructing justice in the Jones case -- denying a wronged woman proper justice -- and you dare call him "honorable". In the long run, Starr's investigation rightfully garnered justice for Paula Jones. You and the other Slick Willie defenders are disgusting, lobotomized minions.

Regarding "stolen honor" -- you previously claimed you did your stint, but yesterday you skirted the issue. So which is it? Did you or did you not serve, you miserable piece of shit?.
dilbert firestorm's Avatar
Starr had overstepped his bounds and he probably didn't think Monica was so slow in doing her laundry.Most honorable men would try to protect their family unlike you who shows he has no honor.Or maybe stolen honor... Originally Posted by ekim008
How can Clinton be an honorable person if he was having an affair with another woman behind his wifes back?
dilbert firestorm's Avatar

Regarding "stolen honor" -- you previously claimed you did your stint, but yesterday you skirted the issue. So which is it? Did you or did you not serve, you miserable piece of shit?.
Originally Posted by ekim008
maybe ekim has PSTD issues. something to think about.
I B Hankering's Avatar
maybe ekim has PSTD issues. something to think about. Originally Posted by dilbert firestorm
Ekim the Inbred has had too many tricycle accidents without a helmet.
I B Hankering's Avatar
Bill Clinton’s claim about Democrats spurring job growth

Posted by Glenn Kessler at 04:00 PM ET, 09/06/2012

"The Pinocchio Test

"We considered giving this our “true but false” label but instead settled on One Pinocchio. For readers unfamiliar with our rating scale, a single Pinocchio does not represent an outright falsehood but more a selective telling of the truth. In this case, the numbers add up, but they are used to reach a conclusion that doesn’t tell you much about how either political party has managed the economy in the past — or would in the future."


Fact check: Clinton's claims are a stretch

By Tom Raum, Associated Press

CLINTON: "For the last two years, health care spending has grown under 4 percent, for the first time in 50 years. So, are we all better off because President Obama fought for it and passed it? You bet we are."

THE FACTS: That's wishful thinking at best. The nation's total health care tab has been growing at historically low rates, but most experts attribute that to continued uncertainty over the economy, not to Obama's health care law.

CLINTON: "I know many Americans are still angry and frustrated with the economy. … I experienced the same thing in 1994 and early 1995. Our policies were working but most people didn't feel it yet. By 1996, the economy was roaring, halfway through the longest peacetime expansion in American history."

THE FACTS: Clinton is counting on voters to recall the 1990s wistfully and to cast a vote for Obama in hopes of replicating those days in a second term. But Clinton leaves out the abrupt downward turn the economy took near the end of his own second term and the role his policies played in the setting the stage for the historic financial meltdown of 2008. . .

Also, as president, Clinton supported the 1999 repeal of the Glass-Steagall Act, a law dating back to the Great Depression that separated banking from high-risk financial speculation. Robert Rubin, who had been Clinton's first treasury secretary, helped broker the final deal on Capitol Hill that enabled the repeal legislation to pass. Some financial historians say the repeal of the law paved the way for banks to invest in risky investments like mortgage-backed securities and collateralized debt obligations that played a role in the 2008 financial meltdown.

Munchmasterman's Avatar
. Originally Posted by I B Hankering
Bill Clinton says 4.5 million jobs have been created under Barack Obama"Clinton is cherry-picking the numbers to paint Obama’s record in the most favorable light. Other methods show less impressive growth in jobs -- even declines." But Poltifact doesn't call this a lie. How quaint! Read the whole article.

You just cherry picked the article. Here is why they don’t see it your way. And posting their conclusion isn’t cherry picking since I provided a link to the entire post.
While it’s true that by most measures, the number of jobs in the United States has increased on Obama’s watch, Clinton has done some cherry-picking in coming up with the 4.5 million number. But he chose his words carefully in describing the jobs picture. He said, "In the last 29 months, our economy has produced about 4.5 million private-sector jobs." On balance, we rate the claim Mostly True.

Bill Clinton says Barack Obama cut taxes for 95 percent of people through stimulusHalf-truth; hence, a lie. Your opinion.


Did you notice they corrected their original assessment from true to half true?

I’m curious. How many lies did you hear in Ryan’s speech? You know, the guy actually running for office.

You don’t need to answer if you think it was nothing but the truth.
Munchmasterman's Avatar
Bill Clinton’s claim about Democrats spurring job growth

Posted by Glenn Kessler at 04:00 PM ET, 09/06/2012

"The Pinocchio Test

"We considered giving this our “true but false” label but instead settled on One Pinocchio. For readers unfamiliar with our rating scale, a single Pinocchio does not represent an outright falsehood but more a selective telling of the truth. In this case, the numbers add up, but they are used to reach a conclusion that doesn’t tell you much about how either political party has managed the economy in the past — or would in the future."
In other words, not a lie.


Fact check: Clinton's claims are a stretch In other words, not a lie.

By Tom Raum, Associated Press

CLINTON: "For the last two years, health care spending has grown under 4 percent, for the first time in 50 years. So, are we all better off because President Obama fought for it and passed it? You bet we are."

THE FACTS: That's wishful thinking at best. The nation's total health care tab has been growing at historically low rates, but most experts attribute that to continued uncertainty over the economy, not to Obama's health care law.

CLINTON: "I know many Americans are still angry and frustrated with the economy. … I experienced the same thing in 1994 and early 1995. Our policies were working but most people didn't feel it yet. By 1996, the economy was roaring, halfway through the longest peacetime expansion in American history."

THE FACTS: Clinton is counting on voters to recall the 1990s wistfully and to cast a vote for Obama in hopes of replicating those days in a second term. But Clinton leaves out the abrupt downward turn the economy took near the end of his own second term and the role his policies played in the setting the stage for the historic financial meltdown of 2008. . .
No mention of a lie.
Also, as president, Clinton supported the 1999 repeal of the Glass-Steagall Act, a law dating back to the Great Depression that separated banking from high-risk financial speculation. Robert Rubin, who had been Clinton's first treasury secretary, helped broker the final deal on Capitol Hill that enabled the repeal legislation to pass. Some financial historians say the repeal of the law paved the way for banks to invest in risky investments like mortgage-backed securities and collateralized debt obligations that played a role in the 2008 financial meltdown. In other words, he signed a bill passed by a republican Congress.

http://www.usatoday.com/USCP/PNI/Nation/World/2012-09-07-CVNDemocratsFactCheck-96_ST_U.htm Originally Posted by I B Hankering
So you think the breitbart article is bullshit. Me too, pretty much. Just some guy's opinion.
Had time to see if there were any lies in Ryan's speech?