How do you react? The limp lizard.

burkalini's Avatar
Hey ladies all of us guys( come on guys admit it) have had instances of not getting as hard as we like. It can be alcohol related or nerves or just not in the best shape or just fucking age. What do you do when it happens on a session. Do you try to help. Do you get frustrated or pissed. Or do you just sit back and let him try to get it going/
I love them like that!! Gives me a challenge!
Definitely try to help! However, helping too much can sometimes make matters worse because then you feel pressured and stressed out. Sometimes just stopping to talk, cuddle, make out, and start over gets the ball rolling again
Guest032213's Avatar
and blah blah blah! lmao ! id stop service..
Naomi4u's Avatar
Hey ladies all of us guys( come on guys admit it) have had instances of not getting as hard as we like. It can be alcohol related or nerves or just not in the best shape or just fucking age. What do you do when it happens on a session. Do you try to help. Do you get frustrated or pissed. Or do you just sit back and let him try to get it going/ Originally Posted by burkalini
Lizards don't go limp around me. LOL.
i totally get to tryin i have a mission on every appointment to get him off and he isnt leavin until he does lol
burkalini's Avatar
Lizards don't go limp around me. LOL. Originally Posted by Naomi4u
I guess your the only one
Lizards don't go limp around me. LOL. Originally Posted by Naomi4u
Not everything is about you, dearie. You don't control the "lizards." They tend to have a mind of their own and go limp based on factors uncontrollably by you or any one else.
burkalini's Avatar
Not everything is about you, dearie. You don't control the "lizards." They tend to have a mind of their own and go limp based on factors uncontrollably by you or any one else. Originally Posted by charlestudor2005
No Charles she is so hot that it never exist. She's the only lady one the planet that can claim that but apparently she has special powers. lol
Naomi4u's Avatar
Not everything is about you, dearie. You don't control the "lizards." They tend to have a mind of their own and go limp based on factors uncontrollably by you or any one else. Originally Posted by charlestudor2005
Did you notice the "LOL" at all. I was clearly joking. *rolls eyes*.

No Charles she is so hot that it never exist. She's the only lady one the planet that can claim that but apparently she has special powers. lol Originally Posted by burkalini
No Charles she is so hot that it never exist. She's the only lady one the planet that can claim that but apparently she has special powers. lol Originally Posted by burkalini
She should get a mask and a cape...
Naomi4u's Avatar
whatever Charles.
I'd try to help... but unfortunately, even the best of us can sometimes fail Just gotta roll with the punches I suppose.
burkalini's Avatar
I'd try to help... but unfortunately, even the best of us can sometimes fail Just gotta roll with the punches I suppose. Originally Posted by LAVixian
A good honest answer. thank you
If it's my fault, I am sure I would find something else to do....and this happens to everybody on any given session. Sometimes you just never know.

For example, one time a madam knocked on the door during a session...
"Yall ok in there"

Or the driver waiting in the car parked out in front of the house.....

Those are kinda deflating.....
And I do agree the lizard has a mind of it's own...maybe it's just getting even because if it had eyes it would kill me....