mueller: new email scandal???

dilbert firestorm's Avatar

I would have agreeded that theres no privacy on govt. computers and records can be handed over. how ever I read the legal analysis in the 3rd link. It suggests otherwise.

the transition records are considered private even thought its on govt. computers.

theres another problem, it looks like some regulations were broken by the meuller team & by GSA.

trumps lawyers were not informed about the transfer for 3 weeks.

the article does not mention this, but the meuller team failed to get an MOU for the records outside their dept.
LexusLover's Avatar
The only way Mueller is going to emerge from this growing scandal of COLLUSION between the Clintons, Obaminable, and elements of the FBI UNSCATHED is to portray himself as a "victim," and he doesn't do "victim" well. He's too loyal to the regime.
dilbert firestorm's Avatar
looks like there are some obama holdouts in GSA too.
WTF's Avatar
  • WTF
  • 12-20-2017, 06:25 AM
The only way Mueller is going to emerge from this growing scandal of COLLUSION between the Clintons, Obaminable, and elements of the FBI UNSCATHED is to portray himself as a "victim," and he doesn't do "victim" well. He's too loyal to the regime. Originally Posted by LexusLover
They have to try and discredit Mueller.

Do you still stick with your prediction that FBI Agents will be convicted?

Trey's Avatar
  • Trey
  • 12-20-2017, 07:06 AM
looks like there are some obama holdouts in GSA too. Originally Posted by dilbert firestorm
The emails were sent useing gsa equipment they are not private like your personal email. Everything is a conspiracy with trumpers. Yall are the new tin foil hat gang.
bambino's Avatar
They have to try and discredit Mueller.

Do you still stick with your prediction that FBI Agents will be convicted?

. Originally Posted by WTF
Rank and file agents, no. Comey, McCabe, Strzok, maybe.
Hotrod511's Avatar
The emails were sent useing gsa equipment they are not private like your personal email. Everything is a conspiracy with trumpers. Yall are the new tin foil hat gang. Originally Posted by Trey
What's that make you oh I just forgot you're a dickhead
WTF's Avatar
  • WTF
  • 12-20-2017, 07:34 AM
Rank and file agents, no. Comey, McCabe, Strzok, maybe. Originally Posted by bambino
Well LexyLiar is on record as saying they will be convicted.

Not sure what he set the odds at though!

Yssup Rider's Avatar
The only way Mueller is going to emerge from this growing scandal of COLLUSION between the Clintons, Obaminable, and elements of the FBI UNSCATHED is to portray himself as a "victim," and he doesn't do "victim" well. He's too loyal to the regime. Originally Posted by LexusLover
You are utterly full of shit.

You and your little Yappy Lapdog too!

bambino's Avatar
They have to try and discredit Mueller.

Do you still stick with your prediction that FBI Agents will be convicted?

. Originally Posted by WTF
Mueller has discredited himself. With a lot of help from his team.
goodolboy's Avatar
They have to try and discredit Mueller.

Do you still stick with your prediction that FBI Agents will be convicted?

. Originally Posted by WTF
Mueller and his team need no help discrediting their investigation, they have done a good job of that themselves. perhaps filling his team with Clinton connected lawyers and loyalist was not such a good call long term.

My understanding is that based on supreme court ruling Muellaer could not take these records without at least notifying Trump, and likely needed a warrant.
LexusLover's Avatar
The emails were sent useing gsa equipment they are not private like your personal email. Everything is a conspiracy with trumpers. Yall are the new tin foil hat gang. Originally Posted by Trey
Apparently you have not examined the transition legislation. And additionally you obviously don't know shit about "confidential" communications. Why can't Congress get Presidential communications between his or her staff members? That's on "government computers"!

Much better legal minds that you, you can rest assured, have concluded exactly the opposite of your legal opinion in the past few days!

The GSA has NO AUTHORITY to hand out private emails OR government emails! See:

The Senator clearly states the source and reasons for the policy, agreements, regulations, and provisions of the Act.

Besides if you are so correct ... why did it take so long to get the GOVERNMENT emails HillariousNoMore was hoarding on HER PRIVATE COMPUTER and in the Department of State?

Were you raising hell when she wasn't turning over her emails? NO!
goodolboy's Avatar
Apparently you have not examined the transition legislation. And additionally you obviously don't know shit about "confidential" communications. Why can't Congress get Presidential communications between his or her staff members? That's on "government computers"!

Much better legal minds that you, you can rest assured, have concluded exactly the opposite of your legal opinion in the past few days!

The GSA has NO AUTHORITY to hand out private emails OR government emails!

If you are so correct ... why did it take so long to get the GOVERNMENT emails HillariousNoMore was hoarding on HER PRIVATE COMPUTER? Originally Posted by LexusLover
I remember when Obama claimed executive privilege and refused to hand over the Fast and furious communications.
LexusLover's Avatar
The emails were sent useing gsa equipment they are not private like your personal email. Originally Posted by Trey
Really? And you know this how?

Speaking of "tin foil" shit!

So the sassy emailed bullshit from the FBI should be handed over to Congress!

LexusLover's Avatar
I remember when Obama claimed executive privilege and refused to hand over the Fast and furious communications. Originally Posted by goodolboy
Yea, but he's "special" .... like HillariousNoMore!

HillariousNoMore can "share" with her daughter, but not Congress!

Don't even pay attention to these lameass mental contortionists.

They've been CAUGHT with their pants down, literally and otherwise!