Trump and his whore Nikki Haley, destroying America for Putin!

StandinStraight's Avatar
Behind the smoke screen of the tax scam was the biggest news story of the week. One of Putin’s main goals is to break up the United Nations. So it came as no surprise that his Manchurian Candidate Donal Trump would send his whore Nikki Haley to do the job. So gestapo lady tells the United Nations, since we are the most powerful and wealthy you do what we say or else we are coming after you.

My deplorable friends will have a hard time seeing the problem with that because they are uneducated as Trump wants them to be. However those of you with some intelligence will see this for what it is, the United States that stood for freedom and equality, now thinks like a third world bully government that wants everyone to bow to them under threat of power!

No country that believes in freedom and equality will bow to our assholishness which for Putin will drive a wedge between the United States and our allies in the United Nations. This is more proof that Trump is a Putin puppet and a compromised president, very scary stuff!
LexusLover's Avatar
Actually, "professor," that's the least important story ... after the celebration of the birth of Christ and then the tax reform by the people who believe in less government comes ...

the treasonous behavior of the conspiratorial FBI agents who were plotting the overthrow of the Trump Administration before the election last year in order to cover up the facilitating by Obaminable of the Hezbollah smuggling enterprise in the U.S.

BTW: Do you still have your "students" convinced there is a Santa Claus and his nickname is "Prancer"?

Budman's Avatar
The UN is a club that gives credence to thugs and despots. It gives them a platform to criticize the US and act like they actually are a world leader. We are the super power in the world and we foot the bill for the UN. Many of these countries like to bitch about the US but sure are quick to take our money and then whine that we aren't doing enough. Fuck them and you motherfucker.
LexusLover's Avatar
Fuck them and you motherfucker. Originally Posted by Budman
It's a nice piece of real estate. Trump's kids could turn it into something to brag about and increase the revenues of NYC instead of being a burden on the taxpayers.

Of course the Clintons and the Obaminables would have to work harder to collude with their buddies who set up shop now in NYC.
WTF's Avatar
  • WTF
  • 12-22-2017, 07:28 AM
It's a nice piece of real estate. Trump's kids could turn it into something to brag about and increase the revenues of NYC instead of being a burden on the taxpayers.

. Originally Posted by LexusLover
So now you want to shut down the UN and give the real estate to the Trumps.

Boy you really have drank the kool-aide komrade.

LexusLover's Avatar
WTF "thinks" he wants to build a 2-2 house there, or what?
WTF's Avatar
  • WTF
  • 12-22-2017, 07:32 AM
dilbert firestorm's Avatar
128 voted yes
9 voted no
35 abstained

I wonder how many countries who voted yes would lose aid money???

Budman's Avatar
Originally Posted by WTF
You're a dick but that is pretty damn funny.
LexusLover's Avatar
When he bought those silk ties and they didn't last, is when he probably decided that silk ties should be made in the U.S.A. by U.S. citizens.

I think they should also. The Chinese silk ties don't last long around the knot. The material separates.
Behind the smoke screen of the tax scam was the biggest news story of the week. One of Putin’s main goals is to break up the United Nations. So it came as no surprise that his Manchurian Candidate Donal Trump would send his whore Nikki Haley to do the job. So gestapo lady tells the United Nations, since we are the most powerful and wealthy you do what we say or else we are coming after you.

My deplorable friends will have a hard time seeing the problem with that because they are uneducated as Trump wants them to be. However those of you with some intelligence will see this for what it is, the United States that stood for freedom and equality, now thinks like a third world bully government that wants everyone to bow to them under threat of power!

No country that believes in freedom and equality will bow to our assholishness which for Putin will drive a wedge between the United States and our allies in the United Nations. This is more proof that Trump is a Putin puppet and a compromised president, very scary stuff! Originally Posted by StandinStraight
What's truly scary is your interpretation of this subject. The UN are nothing but trouble makers and have never done a thing for peace or to improve humanity around the world. They are nothing but henchmen working for the Globalist. You need to pry your head out of your liberal ass once in awhile and learn what's really going on instead tuning into the flakes on CNN and MSNBC.

LexusLover's Avatar
What's truly scary is your interpretation of this subject. The UN are nothing but trouble makers ...... Jim Originally Posted by Mr MojoRisin
"The Professor" likes the U.N. because they trash the U.S.

Remember that alleged co-worker who allegedly grabbed his balls...

.... being hurt by others is his fantasy.

That's a fetish.

He's worried about the U.S. deficit, but he wants to piss off tax dollars on yo-yo's who trash the U.S.

..... just like he likes women who trash him and he pays them to do it.
goodolboy's Avatar
Trump did what many presidents before him promised to do but did not deliver. Now Professor StandinShit says the sky is falling, for the third time this week. Get a grip StandinShit and grow some balls.

Fuck the UN and fuck their Paris global welfare accord. Cut off the wasted cash going to these country's for aid and put it toward our debt that Obama doubled.
I am so proud to finally have a president not afraid to call these weasel out for what they are.
One of Putin’s main goals is to break up the United Nations. Originally Posted by StandinStraight
so eliminating all the rest of your idiocy, I ask you sir, where do you get this idea?
"The Professor" likes the U.N. because they trash the U.S.

Remember that alleged co-worker who allegedly grabbed his balls...

.... being hurt by others is his fantasy.

That's a fetish.

He's worried about the U.S. deficit, but he wants to piss off tax dollars on yo-yo's who trash the U.S.

..... just like he likes women who trash him and he pays them to do it. Originally Posted by LexusLover
It boils down to one thing. Liberals have no clue how the world really works. They don't exactly have the "Midas Touch", lol.
