Top FBI official linked to reporter who broke Trump dossier story

I B Hankering's Avatar
Top FBI official linked to reporter who broke Trump dossier story

James Baker, the FBI's recently reassigned general counsel, was in touch with David Corn of Mother Jones in the fall of 2016.... documents — made available recently to lawmakers by the Department of Justice — revealed that James Baker, the FBI's general counsel, communicated with Mother Jones reporter David Corn in the weeks leading up to the November 2016 election. Corn was the first to report the existence of the dossier on Oct. 31 and that it was compiled by a former high-level western spy.

The Washington Post reported Thursday that Baker had been reassigned within the FBI, though the reason for the move was unclear....

The news of Baker's reassignment came just days after congressional Republicans began asking questions about his contacts with media.

Baker was on Capitol Hill on Tuesday as counsel for Andrew McCabe, deputy director of the FBI, who testified to the House Intelligence Committee in the panel's ongoing Russia probe.

dilbert firestorm's Avatar
there's more...

Ex-FBI Assistant Director: Patriots Within The FBI Will Soon Step Forward And Expose The "Cabal"
The Big Ugly is about to...

FBI/DOJ Co-Conspirators Just Lost Biggest Asset – FBI Director Wray Kicks Out James Baker….

There is a clear plan and strategy in place to deal with the schemes of the “small group” of co-conspirators within the DOJ and FBI. CTH advises prudent patience, and assembly of tar and feathers, as the Machiavellian schemes continue to be untangled.

Tuesday afternoon when FBI Deputy Director Andrew McCabe travelled to Capitol Hill for his 10-hour closed door testimony and questioning he was accompanied by “small group” defense shield, FBI legal counsel, James Baker. In front of the House Intelligence Committee, Andy McCabe suddenly couldn’t remember his relationship with the Steele Dossier. As a result of Attorney Baker’s appearance and specific engagement within the hearing investigators announced yesterday to Baker would be summoned for questioning:
I B Hankering's Avatar
there's more...

Ex-FBI Assistant Director: Patriots Within The FBI Will Soon Step Forward And Expose The "Cabal" Originally Posted by dilbert firestorm
Good article.

The Big Ugly is about to...

FBI/DOJ Co-Conspirators Just Lost Biggest Asset – FBI Director Wray Kicks Out James Baker….

Originally Posted by IIFFOFRDB
Long overdue.
Good article.

Long overdue. Originally Posted by I B Hankering
MORE stories about treacherous lyin' liberals ( or as those shifty, lying POS's call themselves now-a-days, PROGRESSIVES ). Lets see how the fudge packer clique responds..........
Lets hope they all don't just get 'allowed to resign with full pension' but FACE CRIMINAL charges...
I said it before and it bears repeating

Top members of the FBI and elements of Obama's doj, likely tith Lynch's tacit approval, conspired to frame trump

Additionally they shielded Hillary from prosecution

This would be a big deal if the shoe were on the other foot for the main stream media would be on this like a chicken on a June bug

There'd be hour long news specials in prime time with faces in boxes and lines drawn between all the conspirators

There'd be nonstop breaking news stories interrupting football games and regularly scheduled programming over and over as breathless reporters announce the smallest new tidbit or some changed nuance

Instead the media only pushes a false narrative of how government institutions are being picked on in attempts to protect trump from potential impeachment and that trump is planning to fire mueller

The truth and conservatives have an uphill battle

It'll likely end like the Lois Lerner Obama IRS political attack did, where the force of government was used to harm obamas political opponents, with the perps quietly cashiered, the media never letting it be a story and the truth never revealed and as time goes by everyone just moves along
WTF's Avatar
  • WTF
  • 12-23-2017, 01:41 PM
dilbert firestorm's Avatar
Originally Posted by WTF
what happens what comes down isn't fake news? still gonna plug your ears, call it fake news, and say "la la la, I can't hear you"???
WTF's Avatar
  • WTF
  • 12-23-2017, 02:22 PM
what happens what comes down isn't fake news? still gonna plug your ears, call it fake news, and say "la la la, I can't hear you"??? Originally Posted by dilbert firestorm
You talking to me or Trump?

dilbert firestorm's Avatar
You talking to me or Trump?

. Originally Posted by WTF
you obviously.
LexusLover's Avatar
So, WTF is calling the Hezbollah smuggling operation "fake news"?

One person was arrested and charged. Another was arrested as he was trying to leave the country. There are video/photos of the used car lot from which they operated to laundry the money, and they have witnesses who inadvertently went to the lot to buy one of their "high end" vehicles, but had to wait until one could be brought to the lot?

There are DEA agents who are pissed about and complaining, because they worked their asses off in a high risk environment only to have the DOJ shit can the prosecutions they worked up?

And he's calling it "fake news"?

And he also claimed Zimmerman would get convicted of "something" in the trial for Martin's death! ... I guess that "not guilty" verdict was "fake news"?

The intellectual minnow WTF has struck again!
I said it before and it bears repeating

Top members of the FBI and elements of Obama's doj, likely tith Lynch's tacit approval, conspired to frame trump

Additionally they shielded Hillary from prosecution

This would be a big deal if the shoe were on the other foot for the main stream media would be on this like a chicken on a June bug

There'd be hour long news specials in prime time with faces in boxes and lines drawn between all the conspirators

There'd be nonstop breaking news stories interrupting football games and regularly scheduled programming over and over as breathless reporters announce the smallest new tidbit or some changed nuance

Instead the media only pushes a false narrative of how government institutions are being picked on in attempts to protect trump from potential impeachment and that trump is planning to fire mueller

The truth and conservatives have an uphill battle

It'll likely end like the Lois Lerner Obama IRS political attack did, where the force of government was used to harm obamas political opponents, with the perps quietly cashiered, the media never letting it be a story and the truth never revealed and as time goes by everyone just moves along Originally Posted by nevergaveitathought
And this is why i feel 95% of the media, needs to be told "EITHER STOP being so totaly and utterly biased, or LOSE YOUR bloody FCC license!.. You have been warned"..