Kochs to Congress: Focus on spending, not Obamacare

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  • 10-09-2013, 07:33 PM
New orders boys! You might start cutting into the bottom line...


In a move that highlights a growing rift in conservative ranks, Koch Industries -- the privately held energy conglomerate owned by billionaires Charles and David Koch -- today distanced the firm from allied political groups lobbying to keep the government shut down unless Obamacare is defunded. . .

. . .But privately, Koch officials have expressed concern to lawmakers that the prospect of a government default over the Obamacare issue would be a "disaster" for the economy, according to one GOP consultant who recently discussed the matter with Koch officials and asked for anonymity. Koch Industries associates note that the firm is widely diversified, including last month's $7.2 billion purchase of a company that makes connectors for Apple iPhones and other consumer products -- one of many markets that could be effected by spikes in credit resulting from a government default
Hold steady guys, this is more astro-turf bullshit.
Keep your eyes focused on the hands, and you'll never see the foot that kicks you in the balls...
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  • CJ7
  • 10-09-2013, 10:46 PM
hands = wallet
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The KOCK Broz and now Heritage Action and Freedom Works (who are all massive money sugar daddies for Teawipe Kongrasspersons) last week were "true believers" in the shutdown to the point of having recently funded $236M+ worth of ads against 100 Republican't Kongrasspersons that have been signaling a desire to end the shutdown, are NOW saying either, "Who, me?" in the case of the KOCK Broz or, as is the case with the other two, "End the shutdown with a clean bill NOW."

The Wall Street Urinal finally had to point out to the Teawipes and their patrons that the worldwide financial situation is poised to move downhill in a hurry and that all of this "it won't be so bad, in fact it may even be beneficial" horsepucky is merely the wet dream talking points of dumbasses. Isn't it odd how Really Big Money suddenly changes direction when it becomes known that they will lose up to half of their new worth if the US defaults?

The problem with our resident Teawipe Geniuses is that they are silly little foot soldiers of the plutocrats, NOT members of the "1%," (or even the "30%") and too fu*king stupid to realize it.
The Gop already abandoned defunding Obamacare as a negotiating position.....you and the Koch's are behind the times.
When did you abandon it whirl a turd?
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  • 10-10-2013, 07:26 AM
The Gop already abandoned defunding Obamacare as a negotiating position.....you and the Koch's are behind the times. Originally Posted by Whirlaway
They never were for it. This Koch news release is aimed directly at you Tea Nuts. You won't be getting any more big money from Daddy Koch if you keep up this dumb shit is what the big money boys are telling you small government dreamers.

Hold steady guys, this is more astro-turf bullshit. Originally Posted by IIFFOFRDB
And you are to blind to see which side of the bread is buttered. Without their money , you fuckers will go back to being John Birchers.
The Bard had it right...........

Another "demise of the Tea Party" post.......................... ..................
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  • 10-10-2013, 07:46 AM
The Bard had it right...........

Another "demise of the Tea Party" post.......................... .................. Originally Posted by Whirlaway
You are already history , you just don't know it.

Just like the John Birch society.

You mistake hanging around with being relevant. Oh you will hang around....just like the John Birch Society, you just won't be relevant.
You been saying that chant for several years; and all along the TP has won elections and their influence grows, not wanes...........

How do you explain that ?
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  • 10-10-2013, 08:07 AM
You been saying that chant for several years; and all along the TP has won elections and their influence grows, not wanes...........

How do you explain that ? Originally Posted by Whirlaway
It took more than several years to rid the GOP of the Birchers.....

You are a fringe group. You are like the nuts on the far left, you balance each other out. You are the Code Pink of the GOP.
You said the TP is in decline; you offer no proof..........

I say it is in ascendancy; I have offered up proof - election wins, recall victories, recall defeats, influencing agenda, etc.

You are just blow smoke and hope someone buys it..........

If you have proof of your claim that the TP is in decline; then please provide it.
CJ7's Avatar
  • CJ7
  • 10-10-2013, 12:43 PM
The Gop already abandoned defunding Obamacare as a negotiating position.....you and the Koch's are behind the times. Originally Posted by Whirlaway
yeah, Rafael sent a pretty clear message about the abandonment ... took him 21 hours.
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  • 10-10-2013, 02:11 PM
You said the TP is in decline; you offer no proof..........

I say it is in ascendancy; I have offered up proof - election wins, recall victories, recall defeats, influencing agenda, etc.

You are just blow smoke and hope someone buys it..........

If you have proof of your claim that the TP is in decline; then please provide it. Originally Posted by Whirlaway
you did not win the 2012 presidential election and obama care is going to start