Libtards are Fucked whent Libtards start blaming Libtards for Dumbamacare

Students at the University of Colorado - Boulder (CU), a dependably liberal college town, blamed President Obama and Democrats on Tuesday for the ongoing government shutdown, which is now in its second week.

“He’s [Obama] just being really stubborn, not willing to negotiate at all, not taking any ideas from anyone else, it’s either his way or the highway and apparently we got to shutdown the government because of that,” one student told Campus Reform.

"Obamacare is stupid. You shouldn't be required to have health care." Tweet This

"Obamacare is stupid. You shouldn't be required to have health care," said another student.

Students who spoke with Campus Reform at UC-Boulder, a town known for tofu hot dog stands and a self-imposed carbon tax, acknowledge it was ironic that they blamed Democrats rather than Republicans for the fiscal impasse.