Tangerine - The Movie

ElisabethWhispers's Avatar
Sounds "unique." In an article about the film that I read earlier this summer, it said that the film was shoot using ONLY an Apple Iphone. Plus, the subject matter might be interesting to those that like to read this forum.


I haven't seen it but would like to.

chicagoboy's Avatar
That pimp needs to get himself some new bitches.
ElisabethWhispers's Avatar
The movie had a brief run in Dallas, but I just learned that it's no longer showing in my area.

Iron Butterfly's Avatar
Netflix ?

ElisabethWhispers's Avatar
Netflix ?

IB Originally Posted by Iron Butterfly
Checked on that. Looks like it'll be released in November.

I got a chance to see Tangerine last month at screening in New Orleans. The performances were riveting and it was important to see a more multidimensional portrayal of transgender women of color and street-based sex workers.

Mya Taylor, one of the leading actresses, did a lovely interview on Janet Mock's show.