Please let me know about the weather

StaceyMay's Avatar
I'm wondering if I should worry about the snow heading to the area Wed/Thursday. Ya know some places get a couple inches and shut down. Should I worry about it affecting my travel?
Thanks for any info.
Looks like one inch of snow, that should not do much to us lol. that is little compared to what we are used to
woody4eroticfun's Avatar
It all depends on how many inches you can handle...inches of snow that is ;-)
Unique_Carpenter's Avatar
Getting snowed in with a friend can lead to hours of smiles.
Alas, the weather feds have changed the forecast to chance of light snow on weds.
StaceyMay's Avatar
Thanks guys! Hmm. Being born in the NE has given me the ability to deal with several inches of snow. LOL. Just didn't know if I would run into road closures or things like that. I appreciate the responses.