Shouldn't there be a (better) way to screen us ladies for the guys ???

Us providers can use refs from other providers on a clients recent hobby list to verify he is currently clean and not LE associated but although gents can use our review list as refs, it is very well known by now that there are a lot of white knights out there or that a gent will sometimes be afraid of posting a bad review or speak down on a girl who actually might not be clean or safe, due to a fear of having others come out and attack his reputation or of that provider doing the same. I am not saying that ALL gents lie so please don't take direct offense to this if it doesn't describe you. There are a lot of great and honest gents who have helped me stay and remain safe from diseases and LE only because they have remained honest and understanding with me and I appreciate that so much !
krinklesack's Avatar
Well there is a group that uses a yahoo database that has every NCNS, alert posted, and bad TCB. That covers all of the reported stuff, which is basically the same as any provider is getting for screening info. Not everything is reported for either. Not all guys are afraid to tell the truth, though it would be nice if more contributed. We guys generally go on reports, and reviews of those we consider trust worthy. Not too much differently than ladies. Of course some guys aren't always thinking straight due to low blood, and they read stuff thinking that'll never happen to me, ignoring all the reports.
FootLong's Avatar
We tend to use references of guys we know/trust from past experience, and also back-channel (pm, email, or direct in-person conversations) to screen girls. If there is something better, I am all for it.
Well there is a group that uses a yahoo database that has every NCNS, alert posted, and bad TCB. That covers all of the reported stuff, which is basically the same as any provider is getting for screening info. Not everything is reported for either. Not all guys are afraid to tell the truth, though it would be nice if more contributed. We guys generally go on reports, and reviews of those we consider trust worthy. Not too much differently than ladies. Of course some guys aren't always thinking straight due to low blood, and they read stuff thinking that'll never happen to me, ignoring all the reports. Originally Posted by krinklesack
oh my ! I bet I am on that list a lot , I NCNS if I feel any bit threatned, unsafe, or unprepared . I would rather be safe and healthy and out of jail even if it means not having a solid dependable reputation on here. After all what I love about being a provider is I can't get fired, and I'm not on ANY set schedule and if I want to stay in bed or hang with friends instead ... I CAN ! I WONT LET MY BODY BE OVERWORKED ... OR BE PUT AT RISK!
guy fawkes's Avatar
it is very well known by now that there are a lot of white knights out there or that a gent will sometimes be afraid of posting a bad review
Been there done that got a t-shirt
guy fawkes's Avatar
it is very well known by now that there are a lot of white knights out there or that a gent will sometimes be afraid of posting a bad review
Been there done that got a t-shirt
I remember back in 2010 a gentleman started a list of appearance flaws and had other Gents add to it which provider had what. For example his categories would be : Stretch marks, mommy tummy, scars, acne, bad breath, unclean incall, too much makeup, gang tattoos, etc. And the list was updated constantly with providers names under the categories the gents felt they belonged under. I was listed under scars for my breast reduction scars but not stretch marks but I will admit I do have some.
My opinion: the current system, imperfect though it may be, is the best we can do.
I think reviews should be required for EVERY appointment. Even if the review itself is false, at least I would be able to see and keep track of who has seen who . I know there is a provider on here that isn't clean and I wish I could have a full list of the Gents she has been with so I know exactly who to avoid lol. *Sigh* I tend to a bit OCD ... it is obvious ? LOL :P
krinklesack's Avatar
That's a lot harder then it seems. I knew of a provider much the same situation. So I decide I'm not seeing providers that her clients see. That works up to about 5, then it gets crazy cause you're tracking the clients she sees, the providers they see, and all the clients and providers they see. A bit like counting to infinity.
Slave Guinevere's Avatar
I think reviews should be required for EVERY appointment. Even if the review itself is false, at least I would be able to see and keep track of who has seen who . I know there is a provider on here that isn't clean and I wish I could have a full list of the Gents she has been with so I know exactly who to avoid lol. *Sigh* I tend to a bit OCD ... it is obvious ? LOL :P Originally Posted by crystalwhite69

First off... it would be IMPOSSIBLE to make EVERY Hobbiest write a REVIEW on every PROVIDER... and even if that was a requirement... Who is going to POLICE this activity and then we have to extrapolate out what is going to be the PUNISHMENT for NON REPORTING of said SEXUAL ENCOUNTERS?

So, that in essence is a ridiculous statement. What seems to be the REAL ISSUE is that you have a CONCERN about a PROVIDER and instead of just having the GUTS to WOMAN UP and say what is on your mind... you would rather ALLUDE and cast HINTS of some MACABRE BEHAVIOR by some UNKNOWN PROVIDER here in SAN ANTONIO...

This type of thread is a GOOD EXAMPLE of BAD DRAMA that I simply detest... MOST PEOPLE would respect you more... and take your concerns more seriously... if you would simply STATE YOUR CONCERN in a concise and non judgmental manner... and then leave it at that... and let the debate begin...

Otherwise, this appears to me... to be yet another way for you to ATTACK providers that you do not like or care for... There is NO ONE more OBSESSIVE COMPULSIVE then myself when it comes to hygiene ...

However, instead of wondering and speculating what OTHER people are doing... I simply focus my attention and energy on what I CAN CONTROL... I focus on providing my men with a clean and safe environment... I practice exceptional personal hygiene... I ALWAYS have a minimum of 6 styles of condoms... laid out in plain view in every room of my in call... and every month I invest in routine STD test's to ensure that I am safe and clean for the men and women that I play with...

So, if you have something to say...

Then just SAY IT...

Your straightforward slave,

savak's Avatar
  • savak
  • 10-26-2013, 06:34 PM
My opinion: the current system, imperfect though it may be, is the best we can do. Originally Posted by Bush Pilot
yeah, it is, sometimes we just have to decipher the recon based on the trust we have of the client reviewing and on how frequently the provider's reviews indicate she will provide the kind of service i am seeking.

I admit, I've had some providers I've seen that are misses and wish I hadn't seen and probably should have done a review of my lack of enjoyment.

But, doing a review for every session we have with every provider is a pain in the neck. And I prefer to review providers that provide me a remarkable experience. Also, there are some sessions that I want to just keep to myself cause I hate to have a provider's review list say "me", "me", "shmuck 38", "me", "shmuck 40".

oh yeah, and nice avatar crystal
Whispers's Avatar
oh my ! I bet I am on that NCNS list a lot , I NCNS if I feel any bit threatned, unsafe, or unprepared Originally Posted by crystalwhite69
Pretty good Screening Statement for a hobbyist right there darlin. I won't your time or mine after that statement.

If for ANY reason you decide to cancel an appointment a PM or Text saying simply that something came up and you will not be making it will at least give a legitimate guy caught up in your suspicious, worried, nervous, fearful, apprehensive thinking an opportunity to salvage some of his time and it might mitigate what he has to say about you later.

never a good reason for a NCNS.... Feeling suspicious, worried, nervous, fearful, apprehensive is a reasonable reason so simply state it.

Those are "synonyms" by the way for the word I would have used but it may have been misinterpreted.
nerdy123's Avatar
Ma'am , would you truly want honesty? We, at one time, set up an early appt. You didn't respond until late in the day, at which time your "Earlybird" rates were no longer valid- you did, kindly, offer me your regular rates. Staff edit JJ
krinklesack's Avatar
oh my ! I bet I am on that list a lot , I NCNS if I feel any bit threatned, unsafe, or unprepared . I would rather be safe and healthy and out of jail even if it means not having a solid dependable reputation on here. After all what I love about being a provider is I can't get fired, and I'm not on ANY set schedule and if I want to stay in bed or hang with friends instead ... I CAN ! I WONT LET MY BODY BE OVERWORKED ... OR BE PUT AT RISK! Originally Posted by crystalwhite69
I looked and yes you are on there twice. Personally I am not deterred til after 3. Things happen, and 3 in 100's of appts is not that big a gamble. Not to take away from the ones who got stood up, there is no excuse to not shoot a text, it takes 2 seconds.