Can't get her out of my head !!

Funguy38's Avatar
So last weekend the wife gave me the shopping list and sent me off to HEB. I was doing my duty and I look up and see a vision from heaven. Angel Grace doing her shopping just like a normal person. She was dressed in shorts, flip flops and a long sleeve tshirt. Hair was pulled back and she had glasses on with no make up. And let me tell you, she was as beautiful as I have ever seen her in session or in her showcase. Didn't say anything to her. Just made eye contact and smiled.

Now it's been about a year and a half since I saw her in session so I am not sure if she recognised me or not.

I couldn't stop thinking about her. So much so that the wife got a fucking of a lifetime that night.

And before you even ask, I am not telling you which HEB.
lol just like a normal person... We have to eat too funguy! That's sweet though and good manners!
Funguy38's Avatar
Speaking of eating....... Could go for a taste of you Tracy
lol it has been a while since I've seen you love!!
Funguy38's Avatar
Yes it has. Too long! ;(
pickupkid's Avatar
Well it was nice you recognized her and you did the correct thing by not going up to her and talking to her...she has her own private life. and I would not tell her you saw her at heb.
Joe Buck's Avatar
Angel is a doll for sure. By the way I know which HEB she shops at LOL
@pickupkid.... agreed! He did the right thing, eye contact and smile. No one can say it wasn't innocent.

Funguy.. you need to come see me soon though
Doglegg's Avatar
Absolutely did the right thing.

Funguy38's Avatar
U tell me when Tracy !!
SofaKingFun's Avatar
Not me. I would have chatted her up...*just like a normal person*...why not? I chat up *normal people*, especially hot, *normal women people*, any chance I get. Mind you, I wouldn't go all dumbass and out that we're in the hobby, (although she and I are more than acquainted), and I'd make sure she was alone, but yeah, if the coast was clear, and all of that, I would definitely strike up a conversation, if the opportunity presented itself. I guess if you don't have enough sense to keep things casual and not spill the beans, then, yeah, avoid her as if she isn't a *normal person*. But all of this avoiding people like they're lepers is pretty funny to me

Anyway. ..that's just my take on the matter.



I'm sure it's different for different providers, but I'd prefer to not be approached in public...

But funguy, I'm available most days in the morning.. it's really up to you love
Looking forward to tasting Tracy also!
She's so lovely...Such a classic beauty.