So what successful "legal" non hobby related businesses have providers started with saved Benjis.

A business thread in Sandbox inspired this thread.
I have often wondered what types of legit businesses retired highly successful providers have started up. What is even available with a 100% cash start up?

OK so now you've saved up that 50k or 100k in Benjis over the years which is collecting mold in that hidden box in your yard or safety deposit box. Yeah yeah I know many if not all providers will publicly chime in that they have claimed all the cash. If so then let's make it a purely "Hypothetical" scenario.

How do you put that wasted green to good use without having to explain where that much cash suddenly came from? I don't mean long term investing as in buying gold bars which still requires explaining.
I'm talking about moving on and starting your own dream business which will allow you to become the normal tax paying, fully transparent proud business owner everyone with any sense would like to be.

Obviously there is no shortage of underworld cash business ventures you could start up but I'm guessing that the vast majority of providers would like to eventually lead a clean, legit, prosperous and non porn related life.

What will your next Dream business venture be when you've had enough of the hobby? How will you start it? Is it even possible?
greymouse's Avatar
It is not likely you will get a reply from an lady who has successfully exited "The Business" since the very last thing any (real world) businesswoman wants is to associated in any way with the sleazy world of sexwork and the equally sleazy inhabitants thereof.

The second part of your question: what sort of business might current sexworkers like to finance out of the money they are working so hard for might get some fantasy replies but no one with an actual business plan is going to risk exposure of it. Providing the sharp eyed and long remembering with a hint to link yourself to sexwork would be like a Republican politician coming out in favor of freedom for non-1% - a career ender.
It is not likely you will get a reply from an lady who has successfully exited "The Business" since the very last thing any (real world) businesswoman wants is to associated in any way with the sleazy world of sexwork and the equally sleazy inhabitants thereof.

The second part of your question: what sort of business might current sexworkers like to finance out of the money they are working so hard for might get some fantasy replies but no one with an actual business plan is going to risk exposure of it. Providing the sharp eyed and long remembering with a hint to link yourself to sexwork would be like a Republican politician coming out in favor of freedom for non-1% - a career ender. Originally Posted by greymouse

Good points however I wasn't asking anyone to out themselves by exposing their current business. My question is more along the lines of what types of legit business can one hope to start up with cash only as a retired provider. Still I see your point that even mentioning this much might make one feel more vulnerable. Oh well just a curious thought. I wonder if the mongers have any ideas?
Seems that running an agency (recruiting, booking, screening) seems fair biz for retired provider. Organizing bachelor parties. Webcam shows... Many busy providers (seems volume more key to making money than hourly rate except for few elite providers who can be busy at high rates; and popular pornstar-providers) seem to buy a nice vehicle or a house with proceeds. I have known three providers who did one or more decent to high quality porn shoots, followed by a country tour (BP, Eccie, P411 etc), each took in revenue over 250,000. One burned out on porn/providing and got married. Another manages a strip club in Brooklyn third high-earner gave the money to her Indonesian parents to buy a house on Bali.

One idea for a post-providing business: The Novel. Imagine the stories that, say Tori of Austin could write, would be informative, entertaining and rich in cultural and sexual milieu. Downloads revenue? Rights to make a movie or web video might be worth something? Maybe retired provider can provide services for existing and new clients: sugar baby arrangement service?

My strong sense is that most providers don't get rich but rather just get by, the 80% so to speak. Most hobbyist falsely presume that most girls pile up lots of money most don't for some obvious and inexplicable reasons to be sure...

Some providers retire and cut ties to the hobby altogether, disappear. I often wonder most about them.

I've known two ladies that have left and done pretty well for themselves starting there own businesses. One currently owns and manages a fairly successful salon ( going on 5 years now). The other opened a Boutique children's store ( clothes, books , toys etc...). Been open over a year and she's doing alright.

It's not the common departure but it does happen.
Reincarnated's Avatar
I know of a Sugars dancer I helped with buying a home. At 24 she owned 3 4 plexes and two houses and was buying a larger one. All of her properties were paid for except one house. She said she bought and flipped property in Killeen to pay them off and plan to retire at 28 with 8 properties all paid for and positive cash flow. Smart and beautiful gal, and one hell of a dancer.

My strong sense is that most providers don't get rich but rather just get by, the 80% so to speak. Most hobbyist falsely presume that most girls pile up lots of money most don't for some obvious and inexplicable reasons to be sure...

Some providers retire and cut ties to the hobby altogether, disappear. I often wonder most about them.

Trees Originally Posted by 19Trees
You would be far more insightful in your assessment than Codybeast was in his. I'm endlessly amused by the idea that so many guys think most providers are making thousands of dollars a week in unaccounted-for cash. A smart provider who is thinking of her/his future will file taxes; there are any number of legit businesses that generate cash that can be deposited into a bank account -- massage, for example. There are any number of legit expenses a provider can claim as a cost of doing business. My ex-roommate operated in such a way so she was able to buy a house with her partner. She worked with a CPA for years to establish her business as an "entertainer/performer". She also completed her degree and is now retired from the biz and working as an accountant, seeing only a handful of trustworthy, favored clients on the side.

She charged between $300-400 an hour in the years I knew her (this was in SF), and did pretty well at times, but the majority of the money she made went for living expenses, school, and paying off old debts so she could eventually be in a position to get a home loan. A long time ago I knew of an escort here in Austin who paid for law school with her earnings. I had another SF escort friend who bought a house that she rehabbed and turned into a rental property on Airbnb, but unfortunately, these goal-oriented providers are few and far between. Most just get by, and having a cash business, they develop an "easy come, easy go" mentality towards money, and fail to have an exit plan.
nuglet's Avatar
not to switch sides on the discussion, but the same can be said for a major portion of MALE blue collar workers, especially in construction. I can't count the number of guys that spend a lot of their early adult life, working hard, getting paid cash, under the table, no taxes paid, and then around the mid to late 40's end up with nothing to show for it, but worn out, beat up, bad physical condition, poor health etc etc. It's not just the "working" ladies here. it's called a life plan and goals...
Carl's Avatar
  • Carl
  • 08-08-2012, 04:04 PM
Really, that can be said of any endeavor that pays in cash. Back in the 80's before the IRS tightened up the rules on entertainment expenses and business lunches, I knew a number of cocktail waitress and bartenders in bars and restaurants that catered to white collar professionals that were raking in more net income from tips (under reported if reported at all) than most of the bankers and executives they were waiting on. A few socked it away and made out like bandits, a couple I knew retired completely in their mid-30's. But most pissed it all away. Sooner or later, big wads of cash burn a hole in most people's pockets. It's very easy to give in to numerous temptations when you have the means to experience them right now and are assured of having plenty more where that came from by the end of your next workshift.
The "exit" to this business, voluntarily or non-voluntarily is usually not a pretty sight. It is not a pretty sight at all. In fact, it's pretty ugly. It's a pretty ugly sight.
You would be far more insightful in your assessment than Codybeast was in his. I'm endlessly amused by the idea that so many guys think most providers are making thousands of dollars a week in unaccounted-for cash. Originally Posted by Datura
My post specifically stated "I have often wondered what types of legit businesses retired highly successful providers have started up". My definition of highly successful is those few smart providers who did and do quietly rake in the benjis while putting tons away. Actually saving 1k or even occasionally 2k in a week isn't unrealistic for a busy provider with good sense and little debt.

I personally have one such close friend/provider who is doing exactly that. She has no debts to speak of. No destructive vices. No extravagant spending habits. Very intelligent and extremely frugal in fact. She specifically got into the business because of its potential to Save lots more in less time. She dumped her day gig because she was tired of just paying the bills.

In only one year she has saved more than most earn in two so yes I assume by retirement (Years away) she'll be sitting pretty wondering where to put all that green. Of course she may be reporting every penny for all I know. I never asked nor would I ever.

What I did Not in any way imply was that I assume like many others that "Most providers are making thousands a week" as you stated.

I welcome opposing views and even justifiable criticism but at least base it upon my actual words and not something you pulled out of thin air (Being polite) in order to make a point. Not every provider on the board has only 4 reviews in almost a year's time.
I can't speak for anyone else but, my goal has always been to be an established poet or painter... or both. And regardless of how I come to that end... that's what I see. And what I hope/dream for. Maybe it's silly, but I would assume that all great things start with a dream or an idea, and I know I have enough gumption to accomplish my goals, regardless of what or who I am doing right now. As to WHAT I am doing to accomplish these goals... well... I can't really say now can I?