BP: Kimora (off I-45 @ 1960) is well aware of her poor ratings on this site

badme's Avatar
  • badme
  • 05-25-2013, 12:22 PM

I live near Asian Kimora (I-45 North @ 1960) and saw her ads on BP a few times. She definitely looks hot! I go for that hot spinner, Asian look so she is right up my alley!

I saw her reviews here on ECCIE which are MOSTLY negative with a few positives and even an over-the-top "Hell Yeah!" so I figured: OK, I am the certified Asian babe expert and clearly my compadres here on ECCIE need my help. Somebody with Asian know-how needs to go in and clear up the confusion surrounding this chick. So, being the team player that I am, I decided that I was the man for the job!

I called her up, explained that I was nearby, had seen her ads, was especially attracted to Asian girls - she let's out a cute giggle...so far so good, then she asks "What time do you want to schedule baby?"

I ask "What is the donation?"

She replies "Its $120.00 for the half and $175.00 for the full hour."

Seems a bit pricey considering her lack of good reviews so I tell it like it is....

I say " That seems kinda high. I'm a member of ECCIE and honestly, your reviews aren't that good. But no worries, I will clear it all up for you. I really dig Asian chicks and would love to give you a great review so let's meet for 30 minutes...but I don't want to pay $120.00 for just half an hour".....or something to that effect. I was not rude, belligerent, or demeaning. I simply explained the situation in a polite and business-like manner.

She replies with viscous hatred in her voice "I don't meet lying assholes from that website anymore at any price!" and hangs up on me.

So........to all you lying assholes from this website, Kimora is not interested in meeting you at any price.....she said so.

There! I told 'ya I'd clear it all up.


Customer service is clearly not her forte.
Dorian Gray's Avatar
RoDunn's Avatar
Somebody with Asian know-how needs to go in and clear up the confusion surrounding this chick.

"I really dig Asian chicks and would love to give you a great review so let's meet for 30 minutes...but I don't want to pay $120.00 for just half an hour" Originally Posted by badme
So, in a nutshell, to help the rest of us confused idiots out, you told her you would give her a great review if she gave you a discounted rate, and she told you to fuck off. Does that accurately sum it up?

Sorry to burst your bubble, but no matter how great your review was, it wouldn't have changed my mind about this provider.
gearslut's Avatar
No way she's fuckin 20 years old either.... Far too many Asian girls to choose from on here to bother with someone like that.
DEAR_JOHN's Avatar
So even if she knows you're an eccie member and you gave her a great review, what keeps her from giving the next guy a shitty session because she assumes he's not an eccie member?

The eccie hobbying members are still not any better than they were. Some people are set up to fail, while you set this provider up to pass, however as I stated earlier, what keeps her from you giving her a 'pass' while the next poor bastard gets her (could be) normal, thumbs down, session.

At the end of the day, a 'set up' review doesn't do anybody any good.
surcher's Avatar
So, in a nutshell, to help the rest of us confused idiots out, you told her you would give her a great review if she gave you a discounted rate, and she told you to fuck off. Does that accurately sum it up?
Originally Posted by RoDunn
TFF, yet spot on! If you wanted to TOFTT and find out for yourself, you would have gone in and not used Eccie reviews to get her to lower her rate.
badme's Avatar
  • badme
  • 05-25-2013, 11:14 PM

What a bunch of little ninny sour-pusses you are!

I was not trying to negotiate a better rate based on this site nor was I setting her up to pass/fail.

I'm just sharing a semi-funny phone call with my compadres here on ECCIE that some of you MIGHT find entertaining or interesting or useful to know.

It was what it was. She looks cute (I think we all agree). Her reviews are 'mixed' at best. I like Asian chicks. I live nearby so seeing her would be very convenient. Perhaps I should not have even mentioned this site to her. But had I not, then this funny exchange would not have happened and I could not share with you and you guys could not whine and bitch about it.

So in a way, I performed a double service!

Not only did I uncover her contempt for members of this site and provide my humorous take on that......but I also provided some low-end bitching food for the bottom feeders here to bitch about.

What a bunch of cry-babies......except Dorian and Gearslut who clearly recognize humor.

The ENTIRE purpose of this post was to set-up the situation to tell you what she said "I don't meet lying assholes from that website anymore at any price!"

I included the back-story so that her comment would make sense and be taken in proper context.

Like I said.......UGH.
badme's Avatar
  • badme
  • 05-25-2013, 11:23 PM
BTW: What does "TFF" and "TOFTT" mean?
kerwil62's Avatar

What a bunch of little ninny sour-pusses you are!

I was not trying to negotiate a better rate based on this site nor was I setting her up to pass/fail.

I'm just sharing a semi-funny phone call with my compadres here on ECCIE that some of you MIGHT find entertaining or interesting or useful to know.

It was what it was. She looks cute (I think we all agree). Her reviews are 'mixed' at best. I like Asian chicks. I live nearby so seeing her would be very convenient. Perhaps I should not have even mentioned this site to her. But had I not, then this funny exchange would not have happened and I could not share with you and you guys could not whine and bitch about it.

So in a way, I performed a double service!

Not only did I uncover her contempt for members of this site and provide my humorous take on that......but I also provided some low-end bitching food for the bottom feeders here to bitch about.

What a bunch of cry-babies......except Dorian and Gearslut who clearly recognize humor.

The ENTIRE purpose of this post was to set-up the situation to tell you what she said "I don't meet lying assholes from that website anymore at any price!"

I included the back-story so that her comment would make sense and be taken in proper context.

Like I said.......UGH. Originally Posted by badme
Basically you were just fucking with her. You weren't planning on seeing her anyway.

With that attitude, let her ass stay where she's at!
DEAR_JOHN's Avatar

I was not trying to negotiate a better rate based on this site nor was I setting her up to pass/fail.
Originally Posted by badme
Dude, most all of us have attempted to use the review system to get better sessions. By letting them know we're from eccie, aspd, or whatever review site, the underlying message is that 'I'm going to write a review for all the guys to read, so you had best bring your A game'. It was never meant to be a threat or anything like that, but just letting her know the session would be reviewed. The ladies usually took it from there.

So, you get a great session and she get's a great review, which I was mentioning in the 'set up to pass' comment.

I've been on hiatus for >5 years and I'm not so sure about now, but back in 2000-2006 or so, being a well known reviewer of a well known site had it's benefits. A lot of us received calls, pm's, emails from guys like Junior, Chalino, and some other agencies letting us know a new girl was in town, awaiting a good review. It was usually a win/win for the guy, the girl, and the agency owner. No doubt the owner would tell the new girl that a buddy of his was coming by and to take care of him, and he would take care of her. So the guy gets one hell of a great session, the girl gets great reviews as does the owner, which puts money in both of their pockets. Then the guy looks cool to some of the other guys because he reviewed this gal first.

Here is a picture of a nice young lady I spent time with back years ago, if you can manage to look away from her FF cup tits, look to the board to the right and see who the new girl in town was. Just know she had just arrived and see the amount of sessions she did during that day. Also know (from personal experience) that the other two ladies, Debbie (in the picture) and Dolores were also super hot and gave great sessions.

One positive review from a known member will lead to many more sessions, if the girl doesn't get burned out or have other problems. No doubt Christina made several car notes as a result of a couple of positive reviews when she first arrived.

(note to the old timers here, how many of you would have a session with Debbie, Dolores, or Christina today for $160.............oh hell yea!)

Sorry DJ, all I got out of that was ..... DDDebbie

Sigh.... The good ole days.

Dude, most all of us have attempted to use the review system to get better sessions. By letting them know we're from eccie, aspd, or whatever review site, the underlying message is that 'I'm going to write a review for all the guys to read, so you had best bring your A game'. It was never meant to be a threat or anything like that, but just letting her know the session would be reviewed. The ladies usually took it from there.

So, you get a great session and she get's a great review, which I was mentioning in the 'set up to pass' comment.

I've been on hiatus for >5 years and I'm not so sure about now, but back in 2000-2006 or so, being a well known reviewer of a well known site had it's benefits. A lot of us received calls, pm's, emails from guys like Junior, Chalino, and some other agencies letting us know a new girl was in town, awaiting a good review. It was usually a win/win for the guy, the girl, and the agency owner. No doubt the owner would tell the new girl that a buddy of his was coming by and to take care of him, and he would take care of her. So the guy gets one hell of a great session, the girl gets great reviews as does the owner, which puts money in both of their pockets. Then the guy looks cool to some of the other guys because he reviewed this gal first.

Here is a picture of a nice young lady I spent time with back years ago, if you can manage to look away from her FF cup tits, look to the board to the right and see who the new girl in town was. Just know she had just arrived and see the amount of sessions she did during that day. Also know (from personal experience) that the other two ladies, Debbie (in the picture) and Dolores were also super hot and gave great sessions.

One positive review from a known member will lead to many more sessions, if the girl doesn't get burned out or have other problems. No doubt Christina made several car notes as a result of a couple of positive reviews when she first arrived.

(note to the old timers here, how many of you would have a session with Debbie, Dolores, or Christina today for $160.............oh hell yea!)

Originally Posted by DEAR_JOHN
LexusLover's Avatar
I was not trying to negotiate a better rate based on this site .... Originally Posted by badme
Yea, you were.

And that is the best spin on your story.
Dude, you went about getting your discount the wrong way. You should of told her you were doing a top 10 list and had one slot open. And promise to share the review with her in advance so she could see how great it was.

It is sad these bottom feeders don't see the humor in you trying to extort lower rates from girls. Don't they know you and others do this all the time? Don't they see that upstanding human beings like you are giving eccie guys such a good name?
RoDunn's Avatar

What a bunch of little ninny sour-pusses you are!

I was not trying to negotiate a better rate based on this site nor was I setting her up to pass/fail.

I'm just sharing a semi-funny phone call with my compadres here on ECCIE that some of you MIGHT find entertaining or interesting or useful to know.

It was what it was. She looks cute (I think we all agree). Her reviews are 'mixed' at best. I like Asian chicks. I live nearby so seeing her would be very convenient. Perhaps I should not have even mentioned this site to her. But had I not, then this funny exchange would not have happened and I could not share with you and you guys could not whine and bitch about it.

So in a way, I performed a double service!

Not only did I uncover her contempt for members of this site and provide my humorous take on that......but I also provided some low-end bitching food for the bottom feeders here to bitch about.

What a bunch of cry-babies......except Dorian and Gearslut who clearly recognize humor.

The ENTIRE purpose of this post was to set-up the situation to tell you what she said "I don't meet lying assholes from that website anymore at any price!"

I included the back-story so that her comment would make sense and be taken in proper context.

Like I said.......UGH. Originally Posted by badme
I did find the humor in your post, but I was laughing at you, not with you. Anyone who sees this lady does it at their own peril, but you took it even further and tried to manipulate her and got your ass handed to you.

And let us explore who the real bottom feeder is in this tread. You troll BP until you find a provider with a number of bad reviews. You see this as an opportunity. So you contact her and compliment her, setting her up. Then, when she quotes you $120 for a half hour, you tell her that's too high based on her eccie reviews. But, you have a solution. You can help her improve her eccie reputation by doing a great review, but you don't want to pay the quoted rate (i.e., I'll give you a great review if you give me a great rate). Having heard this 100 times before, she tells you to shove your review and your review site where the sun doesn't shine.

This is what happens when a rate haggler and provider who doesn't give a shit collide.

Thanks for the laugh.
Ha @ the "I am the certified Asian babe expert!!!

Naw bro, that honor goes to Seedy, he is neck deep in Asian pussy almost all day.

Retard alert

Badme, you so very stupid & cheap.