Burisma and Grassley another nothing burger

winn dixie's Avatar
That's right. Just another gotcha nothing burger. When are both sides just gonna sit down and govern?
Nothing will come of it.

All to get airtime
  • Vulva
  • 07-20-2023, 07:07 PM
hey buddy you already had your say on this subject....

remember "Omg"

Why did you start a thread on the same subject?

winn dixie's Avatar
All alleged and not verified.
When will the witch hunts end? And governing start? On both sides
  • Vulva
  • 07-20-2023, 08:18 PM
All alleged and not verified.
When will the witch hunts end? And governing start? On both sides Originally Posted by winn dixie
If you say so

  • Tiny
  • 07-20-2023, 09:00 PM
hey buddy you already had your say on this subject....

remember "Omg"

Why did you start a thread on the same subject?

https://eccie.net/showthread.php?t=2930448 Originally Posted by Vulva
The definitive thread, 146 pages and 2100 posts, is here,


Winn Dixie is correct. The Burisma scandal was largely fiction, concocted by Rudy Giuliani, Lev Parnas and Igor Furman, and Trump fell for it, hook, line and sinker.

Now Biden's trip to China where he hauled Hunter along on the Vice Presidential jet to do business deals, and Joe telegraphing the IRS to go easy on his son actually merit attention. Burisma is a dead end for any Republicans looking to dig up serious dirt on Joe Biden.

It does show how Hunter shamelessly sold the Biden family name though. Mykola Zlochevsky owns Burisma. He's a Ukrainian oligarch who served as Ukrainian Minister of Ecology and Natural Resources in a strongly pro-Russian government. During that stint in office, he corruptly issued valuable natural gas permits issued to Burisma. The fact that the son of the Vice President of the United States was on his board of directors probably enabled Burisma to retain the natural gas properties when the Ukrainian government changed hands. And it might just have kept Zlochevsky out of a Ukrainian jail.

The removal of Viktor Shokin, the prosecutor general of Ukraine, would have happened with or without Biden. Shokin's removal if anything hurt Burisma, because he was slow walking corruption investigations. The decision to threaten to withhold the $1 billion loan from Ukraine was, despite his bragging, not Joe Biden's. It was something the State Department, the IMF, the EU and the World Bank came up with jointly.
  • Tiny
  • 07-20-2023, 09:16 PM
hey buddy you already had your say on this subject....

remember "Omg"

Why did you start a thread on the same subject?

https://eccie.net/showthread.php?t=2930448 Originally Posted by Vulva
I just saw your other thread and the link. I may be eating crow. I suspect not. Time will tell.
The_Waco_Kid's Avatar
The definitive thread, 146 pages and 2100 posts, is here,


Winn Dixie is correct. The Burisma scandal was largely fiction, concocted by Rudy Giuliani, Lev Parnas and Igor Furman, and Trump fell for it, hook, line and sinker.

Now Biden's trip to China where he hauled Hunter along on the Vice Presidential jet to do business deals, and Joe telegraphing the IRS to go easy on his son actually merit attention. Burisma is a dead end for any Republicans looking to dig up serious dirt on Joe Biden.

It does show how Hunter shamelessly sold the Biden family name though. Mykola Zlochevsky owns Burisma. He's a Ukrainian oligarch who served as Ukrainian Minister of Ecology and Natural Resources in a strongly pro-Russian government. During that stint in office, he corruptly issued valuable natural gas permits issued to Burisma. The fact that the son of the Vice President of the United States was on his board of directors probably enabled Burisma to retain the natural gas properties when the Ukrainian government changed hands. And it might just have kept Zlochevsky out of a Ukrainian jail.

The removal of Viktor Shokin, the prosecutor general of Ukraine, would have happened with or without Biden. Shokin's removal if anything hurt Burisma, because he was slow walking corruption investigations. The decision to threaten to withhold the $1 billion loan from Ukraine was, despite his bragging, not Joe Biden's. It was something the State Department, the IMF, the EU and the World Bank came up with jointly. Originally Posted by Tiny

so Biden was just a bagman working on Barry Soetoro's orders. so Barry is the real treason criminal. who knew??


your claim that the EU, England, the World Bank and the state dept all thought Shokin was "corrupt" is nonsense. they were the corrupt ones so of course they had to deflect to cover their corruption.

it's all on Barry Soetoro the real traitor
winn dixie's Avatar
It's all petulant bickering. Point is
stop with the endless grandstanding and just govern. That's both sides
  • Tiny
  • 07-20-2023, 09:34 PM
so Biden was just a bagman working on Barry Soetoro's orders. so Barry is the real treason criminal. who knew??

your claim that the EU, England, the World Bank and the state dept all thought Shokin was "corrupt" is nonsense. they were the corrupt ones so of course they had to deflect to cover their corruption.

it's all on Barry Soetoro the real traitor Originally Posted by The_Waco_Kid
President Barrack Obama and Secretary of State Hillary Clinton were on the law review at Harvard and Yale respectively. Joe Biden was in the bottom of his class at the University of Delaware and Syracuse University law school. He probably wouldn't have graduated if he hadn't plagiarized other peoples work, a habit he carried on into his political career.

So would Barrack, or Barry as you call him, and Hillary have trusted Biden to call the shots on a billion dollar loan to Ukraine? Would you if you were in Barry's shoes? Well, I guess it's possible he did. Biden was looking around for something to do while he was Vice President. And Obama didn't really think much of his VP. But did let him be point man on Ukraine. Still I think the decision to threaten to withhold the loan wasn't Biden's.
The_Waco_Kid's Avatar
President Barrack Obama and Secretary of State Hillary Clinton were on the law review at Harvard and Yale respectively. Joe Biden was in the bottom of his class at the University of Delaware and Syracuse University law school. He probably wouldn't have graduated if he hadn't plagiarized other peoples work, a habit he carried on into his political career.

So would Barrack, or Barry as you call him, and Hillary have trusted Biden to call the shots on a billion dollar loan to Ukraine? Would you if you were in Barry's shoes? Well, I guess it's possible he did. Biden was looking around for something to do while he was Vice President. And Obama didn't really think much of his VP. But did let him be point man on Ukraine. Still I think the decision to threaten to withhold the loan wasn't Biden's. Originally Posted by Tiny

it was Barry's decision. Biden was just the lackey patsy. like Oswald in Dallas. i mean, who else would Barry and HildeBitch send to do their bribery? Joey of course. he's too stupid to be anything else but the motley fool

matchingmole's Avatar
it was Barry's decision. Biden was just the lackey patsy. like Oswald in Dallas. i mean, who else would Barry and HildeBitch send to do their bribery? Joey of course. he's too stupid to be anything else but the motley fool

bahahhhaaaa Originally Posted by The_Waco_Kid
If you say so

... ALL THE TRUTH laid out right there in Congress!

... WHY do the liberal lads wanna HIDE from it??

... "Pay for Play" schemes for the Biden family.
And a CORRUPT and lying FBI who stopped any and all investigations
of it.

... Nice "honest" government you fellows got here.
And you call Russia corrupt? ...

#### Salty
  • Tiny
  • 07-20-2023, 10:36 PM
it was Barry's decision. Biden was just the lackey patsy. Originally Posted by The_Waco_Kid
Well then, we agree.
oilfieldace's Avatar
Only if one fails to grasp the Big Picture. The IRS dudes weren’t usin conjecture nor reciting second hand information. It’s evident the BCF are corrupt. Follow the proved money trail
matchingmole's Avatar
Shure Jan