DFK in the age of COVID?

Just curious about people’s thoughts on this? It would seem to me that do people are still meeting, then why not (unless it’s normally off the table). But how are others handling this?
Maybe it's just me but I think this is a rather strange question. Considering all the other activities besides the DFK, you're definitely not remaining "socially distant". I've had some providers who use Covid as the reason they don't do DFK, but when I ask them if they are going to wear a mask the answer is always no. I will admit that my hardware is not large or long enough to foster proper social distancing either.

I guess since the start of the pandemic my hobby activities have been more limited (not necessarily because of the pandemic) but I have a regular SB who I see. I will tell you that neither she nor I wear a mask when we're together and there is no social distancing whatsoever. I'm curious to see some other answers on here though.
I figured it was an odd question, but it’s just something that popped into my head and I thought I’d ask. I agree social distancing is pretty much impossible in this hobby, but I have seen and heard things here that just make you think, “Huh?”.
Ran into this myself, come on we are swapping fluid in other ways, we are hands on ALL over if we are going to get it from each other, not DFKing wont stop it.
Hell, it was hard to find pre-covid.... Or maybe I just hideous. Either way, I look for it.