Holder is stepping down at last.

Devo's Avatar
  • Devo
  • 09-25-2014, 10:53 AM
Seems Eric Holder has lost all value to the Frobama admin, and they are finally forcing him to step down.

Too bad for the Mexican Cartels who needed more guns........

dynamitekid's Avatar
Devo, ye of little faith...
Did you ever think his 'thorough' investigation into the IRS scare tactics before the last election wore him out?
Devo's Avatar
  • Devo
  • 09-26-2014, 04:55 PM
I wondered if that, on top of the the time spent investigating the Black Panthers for Voter intimidation in Philly may have done the trick.

I just wonder how I would be treated if I stood outside a polling place with a truncheon telling blacks not to vote there.
eaglehorse's Avatar
Those black panthers said its time to vote for the black man, he's going to rule now, that POS should be in Jail, and his bar card burned. This is a good sign the mid terms will go repo in the Senate. Also the Federal judge has enough of his BS with F&F documents. The biggest scandal is the IRS, wait now wait, Learner, sent that zip file with all of those Tea Party donor info and private citizens, to DOJ, DOJ wanted all that info, so they could investigate (Imitate) these groups and people under the campaign laws......the big question is when Brain Terry, was murdered, there were 2 weapons recovered at the crime sence, only one was turn in as evidence, now who has the other AR rifle..........
bambino's Avatar
Purely a political move. BO needed to get a new AG threw before the Repubs take the Senate.
lustylad's Avatar
Hey Devo, you should drop in sometime at the national Political Forum. You would fit right in.
