Donald Sterling Banned From NBA......Totally

I wonder how many of the other owners are wondering if there is something that they have said, even in the distant past, that might bring them down as well.
CJ7's Avatar
  • CJ7
  • 04-29-2014, 02:50 PM
now comes some half ass apology and he sells the team and makes 600 million ... woe is him
Or one billion.
Guest123018-4's Avatar
You can publicly hate on white people but don't hate on black people in private.
Thought crime.
Yssup Rider's Avatar
You can publicly hate on white people but don't hate on black people in private.
Thought crime. Originally Posted by The2Dogs
How about on handicapped people, Wendy?
Guest123018-4's Avatar
Yes she has publicly hated on the handicapped, what a shame. I do not think she would make a good hooker, more than likely thinks of herself as a HDH.......smh

But back to the topic of the threAD......a white man tells his mistress in a private conversation not to bring blacks to the games and he is publicly vilified. I am thinking that it must be worse than blacks publicly hating on whites because he is an owner of a team that employs black people.

I see a scenario where history will repeat itself by creating an all negro league like back in the days of baseball. Just tons of irony here don't you thinck?
TheDaliLama's Avatar
I'm a little surprised at the punishment.

Too bad Louis Farrakhan or Rev. Wright can't be held accountable for their public spews of hate.
Jewish Lawyer's Avatar
You can publicly hate on white people but don't hate on black people in private.
Thought crime. Originally Posted by The2Dogs
Private free speech, illegally recorded, and he gets a 2.5 million dollar fine, banned for life from the NBA, and will probably have to sell his team.
The liberal takeover of America has been a total and complete victory for them.
What is left for liberals to do to America except imposing total communism?
What is left for liberals to do to America except imposing total communism? Originally Posted by Jewish Lawyer
Your next defection date cannot come soon enough!
One of the owners attended last nights game.

I suppose since California is a community property state, any selling of the team would also include Shelly Sterling.

Maybe ole hard dick should just sell his to her. Then tell Magic Johnson to go fuck himself.

But be sure and use "protection".
CJ7's Avatar
  • CJ7
  • 04-30-2014, 09:22 AM
Clipper stock just went up too ...

Win baby WIN
CPT Savajo's Avatar

I wonder how many of the other owners are wondering if there is something that they have said, even in the distant past, that might bring them down as well. Originally Posted by Jackie S
So do you agree that Sterling should be "forced" to sale his business in the NBA? Does that sound Amerikan to you? This story parallels the Nazi persecution of the Jews in Nazi Germany in the early days. The media whores are experts at spinning stories.
It's amazing to see that a lot black people and white people actually favor him being fined and potentially losing his business by being "forced" to sale, for when the shit really hits the fan, blacks will be one of the most disadvantaged groups and will suffer the most in U.S. society. What a shift in ideological thinking! The collective have the right and the might.... the individual gets squashed. I guess sending Dennis Rodman to party with the North Korean dictator is having an influence on young minds in Amerika.

I agree with the last post above

CPT SAVAJO- blacks will be one of the most disadvantaged groups and will suffer the most in U.S. society
CPT Savajo's Avatar
I agree Annika, Sterling should be able to say what he wants to BCD.
BigLouie's Avatar
You don't understand. This has little to do with what he said and where it was just a easy way to do what they have wanted to do for a while but David Stern never had the balls to do it