So we all know someone whose addicted to Strip Clubs

Hottassamelia's Avatar
I think I need to go buy some clear heels...
knotty man's Avatar
chris kills me! aint dat right "cinna buns". perhaps a vino and clear heels special?
Hottassamelia's Avatar
chris kills me! aint dat right "cinna buns".

I was just thinking about a "cinna buns" name change..

perhaps a vino and clear heels special?

I think you have some thing here..

Originally Posted by knotty man
I just love Chris Rock. Spent the latter ( not better, latter) part of my evening watching these clips on you tube..
knotty man's Avatar
can you get the clear heels with the goldfish swimmin in them....sorry,thats the trailer in me
  • Paven
  • 02-23-2011, 11:01 PM
can you get the clear heels with the goldfish swimmin in them....sorry,thats the trailer in me Originally Posted by knotty man

  • Vyt
  • 02-24-2011, 01:41 AM
So are you going to save me from my addiction, Amelia?
Hottassamelia's Avatar
So are you going to save me from my addiction, Amelia? Originally Posted by Vyt
Im sure there is some kind of 12 step program I could start..and that we can get you involved with.
The first step is admitting you have a problem.

maybe I should get a 1 800 number....

The real Question at hand is if your there giving away MY foot massages.
I don't think there is no saving VYT from the strip clubs
Please avoid the clear heels. I'm sure there are many others on this diverse board who will disagree but I have never found a lady in clear heals to be sexy. Trashy yes, but certainly not sexy.

I would find a pair of Nine West Nillian or Avantgard pumps so much more alluring.
  • Paven
  • 02-24-2011, 05:53 PM
I must admit I fell into the trap of purchasing the clear heels, but low and behold I can't walk in the dog gone things anyways lol. I wonder if I could sell them at a consignment shop? lol.
Dagny D.E.W.'s Avatar
AAAAaaahhhhh but the FOOT SCRUBS!!!! I can say that is a wonderful thing to give a guy.

He comes in and stays in his clothes, gets to have his feet scrubbed with salt morsels and his feet ends up softer, and much more touchable. Yummmmm...

OK I love the toe sucking that can happen after a foot scrub because ya know the last time the feet were washed.....

I'm sure I have you pegged all wrong but I have always pictured you in a pair of Mizuno's. I guess it’s the athletic build / muscular yet feminine legs... or maybe it is the day dreaming of you in the gym working out. Either way I just can’t picture you in clear heels.

Now something like this would also be sexy... NVELD-EST511-BK-10
Bad photo but if they are the ones I saw in Cindies they are sexy.


I'm sure I will be brandished as less then masculine but I believe in pedicures for guys. I was taught years ago in my formative days that it’s just not cool to scratch a lady with your claws under the sheets.
  • Paven
  • 02-24-2011, 06:37 PM
I got them because I thought they'd go with everything, freaking ankle breakers lol.
I do wear boots but more of platform for stability purposes they are 5 inches high though and I do get them at Cindies. They make me 5'8" lol. They hook me up with an entertainer discount, word.

Oh and I do a lot of stairs to get those legs lol.
entertainer there a secret handshake or something to gain access to those benefits? Next time I’m there the wife is paying after she tells them she dances at P10. I'm assuming they don’t check pay stubs.
  • Paven
  • 02-24-2011, 07:33 PM
No secret handshake that I'm aware of lol. They will ask you where you work, I told them I am independent which I am. It's only for the clothes, and shoe side. Not the toy, movie party stuff side.