Encounter: Country girl joei not a good time

Date: First week of 2021
Name: Country girl joei
Phone: was 4022650858 now 5312154971
Email Address: dont know
URL / Website: sipsap.com/countrygirljoei1422
City: Lincoln
State: Nebraska
Address: north Lincoln
Activities: bbbj, cfs, almost bit by the dog, got the hell out asap
Hair Length and Color: dirty blondish past shoulders
Age: 50ish
Smoking Status: Smoker
Ethnic Background: White/Caucasian
Physical Description: her ad says 150, probably closer to 190.
Recommendation: No
I had similar experience, I left before anything started.
LNK's Avatar
  • LNK
  • 01-27-2021, 02:34 PM
Wow, now I'm glad we couldn't come to an agreement the one time I tried to contact her.

Thanks for the report, brother. Sometimes somebody just has to take the bite in the ass, glad the dog didn't actually bite you.
Whew......I almost saw her when she came down this way. Glad I skipped out
Did u guys actually look at her pics? Puke
RaulPenwa's Avatar
She just looks gross. Ugh.
She just looks gross. Ugh. Originally Posted by RaulPenwa
At least you didn't puke