Interesting Info I found about Entrapment

mirandalee's Avatar Enjoy!! Feel free to share thought or experiences on this topic.
raedy4funn45's Avatar
Good reading. Here is some food for thought:

When LE asks vague questions, such as have you been drinking, what are you doing here, the correct answer is:

"I will be happy to answer your questions as soon as you read me my miranda rights" has some good information too. Here is a quote" If they speak to police about the incident before invoking the Miranda right to remain silent, or afterwards at any point during the interrogation or detention, the words they speak may be used against them if they have not stated they do not want to speak to police."

In other words, if they ask you if you were drinking, and you say yes or no, that is probable cause.

If you don't answer and request your miranda rights, they can't continue fishing, and need probable cause. Why give them ammunition?

This defense may not be perfect, but it puts a burden on LE to have more than a hunch about something.
BoomShakaLaka's Avatar
I got pulled over one night and the cop asked me where I was coming from, Well I was on the interstate heading east so I told him WEST --- he said where west? I asked him if he knew his directions and he told me yes --- so I pointed west and said WEST --- asked me where I was heading -- I told him east -- he just smiled and pointed and said EAST?

He asked if there was anything in the truck -- I told him yes -- a loaded pistol with one in the chamber, He asked if he could search my truck I told him no and locked the door,
That kinda pissed him off but he has no business in my truck. No probable cause

I dont answer any questions even if they read me my rights, They arent trying to help you no matter what they tell you , They are always gathering information and trying to use it against you
I got pulled over one night and the cop asked me where I was coming from, Well I was on the interstate heading east so I told him WEST --- he said where west? I asked him if he knew his directions and he told me yes --- so I pointed west and said WEST --- asked me where I was heading -- I told him east -- he just smiled and pointed and said EAST?

He asked if there was anything in the truck -- I told him yes -- a loaded pistol with one in the chamber, He asked if he could search my truck I told him no and locked the door,
That kinda pissed him off but he has no business in my truck. No probable cause

I dont answer any questions even if they read me my rights, They arent trying to help you no matter what they tell you , They are always gathering information and trying to use it against you Originally Posted by BoomShakaLaka
Very true and great advice.
mirandalee's Avatar
Great advice guys and you are right Boom the cops can not search your car without a warrant and have to have probale cause. It is good that we continue to educate ourselves with the law for issues like these to protect our rights and avoid legal situations..

In Tampa I saw this guy and after the session he tries to test me and told me 'get up youre under arrest' I knew this bitch was full of shit so I said your funny get the fuck out I did get my donation upfront but this guy was just trying to pull a fast ne on me and I aient having it. Then he contacts me several times wanting to see me again uh fuck no aient happening. Some guys try to get free sessions and intimidated us providers but we gotta be smart too. This is why I always talk a lot before anything so I can get a feel about you and read you. If im not comfortable with you or suspect youre LE I make them leave.
Police do not always need a warrant. But pretty good advice in that article, entrapment hardly ever works as a defense though.
mirandalee's Avatar
Police do not need a warrent if they have probable cause.
raedy4funn45's Avatar
Probable cause for an immidiate search requires specifc reasons, such as openly visable, imminent danger of harm to someone, or possibility of destruction of evidence.

Cops always ask to search a vehicle, and 99% of the time have no right to do so.They just want to go fishing.

Silence is golden.
mirandalee's Avatar
Yup raedy4funn45 but also every state have different laws... I learned a whole lot taking Criminal Justice Classes lol..