This is just a heads up!

Was with Camille this afternoon, having a good time and then bam (mid-stroke) Grandma busts in yelling n screaming for me to leave then got on the phone like she was calling somebody. Camille looked shocked , I jump up got dressed told the old hag I know she’s the Boss and left out. Don’t know why it happened. I’m just letting you fellas know it happened to me today.
Oh side note : Emily “the throat goat” is a big ugly sea monster! I left her at Stewart’s once I so that hideous beast emerge
Stay safe fellas
Was with Camille this afternoon, having a good time and then bam (mid-stroke) Grandma busts in yelling n screaming for me to leave then got on the phone like she was calling somebody. Camille looked shocked , I jump up got dressed told the old hag I know she’s the Boss and left out. Don’t know why it happened. I’m just letting you fellas know it happened to me today.
Oh side note : Emily “the throat goat” is a big ugly sea monster! I left her at Stewart’s once I so that hideous beast emerge
Stay safe fellas Originally Posted by SouLkilla
Camille from the towers?? I thought the pimp was a guy??
All I know this old hag was the one that came in and camille looked at me and said just go she isn’t playing then she got up head down and went into the bathroom and shut the door
I’ve seen the rotating cast of the crew for several years and when I looked in the old witches eyes it clicked I’ve seen her around them a lot in the hallways, near the stairs, out in the lot never paid her no mind but now I know
Maybe she’s the one who’s supposed to be keeping an eye on things while the pimp’s in jail..
Maybe she’s the one who’s supposed to be keeping an eye on things while the pimp’s in jail.. Originally Posted by Warrenajeffers
I don’t know but I’ve seen Camille a bunch of times let alone the others that past through and I never had a bad vibe once until today.
Maybe she’s the one who’s supposed to be keeping an eye on things while the pimp’s in jail.. Originally Posted by Warrenajeffers
Keeping an eye on things does not mean chasing off long time customers (or any customers for that matter). None of this makes any sense and is so inconsistent with this crews past.
Yeah… I mean how long over the time we you? And be honest? Your saying u did HHR and they busted in early??
I keep hearing about the towers. What are the towers. I've been trying to see Camille for months can never get a reply back
Yeah… I mean how long over the time we you? And be honest? Your saying u did HHR and they busted in early?? Originally Posted by Manage2
I wasn’t even at the spot parking to leaving for more than 15 minutes.
Might have just double or overbooked in some manner and decided to clear one customer out for another waiting in parking lot or something along those lines.
Guess all good things must come to an end..
Was with Camille this afternoon, having a good time and then bam (mid-stroke) Grandma busts in yelling n screaming for me to leave then got on the phone like she was calling somebody. Camille looked shocked , I jump up got dressed told the old hag I know she’s the Boss and left out. Don’t know why it happened. I’m just letting you fellas know it happened to me today.
Oh side note : Emily “the throat goat” is a big ugly sea monster! I left her at Stewart’s once I so that hideous beast emerge
Stay safe fellas Originally Posted by SouLkilla

Is grandma skinny or heavy? Idol curiosity?
Is grandma skinny or heavy? Idol curiosity? Originally Posted by afterdark1971
She was skinny, Had that toothless street beaten look to her like an ugly seasoned vet of the game haha