Looking for recommendations for pain management or neck specialist...

Wasn't sure where to put this, but ended up with horrible migraine that made me sick today, got xrays about a year ago and was in stage 2 degeneration...

As title says...
Thanks and I should be good for the weekend btw.
Victoria Columbari's Avatar
Try Mia Christine?
Getting xrays done at hospital today, I do have insurance, depending on how bad, will determine which route I take... May need orthopedic surgeon if that bad.
Loxly's Avatar
  • Loxly
  • 04-29-2014, 08:05 AM
Before considering any surgery you might want to check this out:

Before considering any surgery you might want to check this out:

http://www.airrosti.com/ Originally Posted by Loxly
Thanks! I have insurance so definitely looking into it. It's confirmed. They're telling me need 50,000 surgery...
GneissGuy's Avatar
Before considering any surgery you might want to check this out:

http://www.airrosti.com/ Originally Posted by Loxly
That smells like very well marketed chiropractic/quackery, so be careful. It looks like someone is being very careful to manage their internet presence.

However, I don't think chiropractic is always quackery. I think they sometimes help with spine related pain. I just think they sell a lot of hooey when they think they can fix anything other than back or neck pain.

Definitely think twice or more about surgery. There are a lot of chop happy surgeons out there. Lots of back or neck pain goes away on its own. An awful lot of people who get surgery don't get better and have bad side effects.

Sometimes, surgery is the right answer.
Loxly's Avatar
  • Loxly
  • 04-29-2014, 11:27 PM
While I have yet to deal with the place I mentioned I have dealt with several "crack-o-practors" over the years. My best results were with getting traditional periodic adjustments and traction.

I did not need to have anything fused or the like. If there's disc degeneration that's a whole different story and chiropratic services might be part of recovery.

Regardless I wish you well.
Xrays got redone, bones in lower disc's in my neck are fusing together, stage 2 almost 3 degeneration. In other words, not good. Got appointment there the 12th. I've tried chiropractor, never liked it, didn't seem to help, just make migraines worse. But other option is to quit (staff edit; forbidden topic; ztonk), and go to pain management specialist but they piss test every 30 days
Fletchlives's Avatar
Not sure if it will work for your particular issue but I hear they are using stem cells to regenerate discs. You may want to look into that. Fusion is not the worst thing. You do lose some range of motion though.
Schmafty's Avatar
...I hear they are using stem cells to regenerate discs. You may want to look into that... Originally Posted by Fletchlives
There's a place in Austin that does stem cell therapy, and I've heard positive stories from folks using that as a treatment for joint pain. The only downside there is that it doesn't seem like insurance normally covers stem cell treatment, so it's all out of pocket.
everyone is different, I had back and neck pain for 15 years, thought it was muscle.. turned out after 3 months at the chiropractor no more pain, I go back once a month and now have been pain free for 3 years!!

keep your core muscles strong that also helps.

now on your migraines, check your diet out and see if what you are eating makes any difference..
Oh that's gotta SUCK 50,000 yikes!!

I hate the chiropractor I got in a wreck once and it made me 100% worse!!!

And that neck cracking made me want to puke to!!!

Chiropractor may work if your not severely injured
But you have to PLAY NICE!

Here in Missouri you can get pain meds as long as (staff edit; forbidden topic; ztonk) is all that's in your system. No felony things
Oh that's gotta SUCK 50,000 yikes!!

I hate the chiropractor I got in a wreck once and it made me 100% worse!!!

And that neck cracking made me want to puke to!!!

Chiropractor may work if your not severely injured
But you have to PLAY NICE!

Here in Missouri you can get pain meds as long as (staff edit; forbidden topic; ztonk) is all that's in your system. No felony things Originally Posted by Annika
Isnt this considered mentioning things that are not supposed to be mentioned. You must be sending out free videos again, hmmm I need to remember to do this.... Any takers on making a bng video with me, wont charge the video rate and you keep copy as long as I get one too, hell all of us should be doing this, might keep us from always getting into trouble...
Xrays got redone, bones in lower disc's in my neck are fusing together, stage 2 almost 3 degeneration. In other words, not good. Got appointment there the 12th. I've tried chiropractor, never liked it, didn't seem to help, just make migraines worse. But other option is to quit (staff edit; forbidden topic; ztonk), and go to pain management specialist but they piss test every 30 days Originally Posted by sashasmith512
No wrong shayla I quoted the op here good try!!

Isnt this considered mentioning things that are not supposed to be mentioned. You must be sending out free videos again, hmmm I need to remember to do this.... Any takers on making a bng video with me, wont charge the video rate and you keep copy as long as I get one too, hell all of us should be doing this, might keep us from always getting into trouble... Originally Posted by shayla84

I knew your hating ass could not ignore me
now you wanna hate on my video bc you didn't make one first lol copy cat get a life and come up with a new idea of your own STOP BEING SO JEALOUS!!!!

A free bj for a video epic move shayla good luck

Everybody wants to be like me oh what's that song GET LIKE ME BAHAHAHAHA

Why can't you just find something original and new like I did HATER

Ps anyone who wants to see my footlong bj video pm me ITS AWESOME AS THE HATERS CAN TELL YOU LMMFAO
oh sweets I am not jealous of you I feel bad for you, and there was NO mention of free bj, I said no donation for video, see it cost to take me home, and lots of great men are happy to pay it, I dont have to make one and send it out to everyone to get attention.