Wow..... rather harsh!

Howdoyoudo2's Avatar
Pitfall's Avatar
I knew what this was going to be before I clicked the link.

Fucking WilCo, man.
DallasRain's Avatar
yep utter stupidity! And yet a Texas rapist gets a break on his sentence!
I knew what this was going to be before I clicked the link.

Fucking WilCo, man. Originally Posted by CatPee
So if I use Hash Oil as a lubricant will they then try to weigh my dick?
bueller22's Avatar
Williamson County is an embarrasment.
MOCHAakaMOCHA's Avatar
Potentially getting life for pot brownies is beyond cruel and unusual punishment imo.
I agree 5 to life is harsh and weighing the brownies is a little crazy but think about it this kid was clearly a dealer with intent to distribute.
He also had a pound of trees and 1600 in cash.... What if one of your children ended up with one of these cookies or brownies??
Im thinking maybe the kid should get probation depending on his past history hell that little retard who was drunk and killed 4 people only got probation because they said he was privileged
Pitfall's Avatar
What if one of your children ended up with one of these cookies or brownies?? Originally Posted by Ts AmberRose
They'd get really, really high. Probably pass out on a friend's couch with Adventure Time playing on the TV. They'd feel shitty the following day and not do edibles again until college.
Wilco,da outta control.
Jagermonster's Avatar
Wilco cops do like to fuck on people.
Wilco cops do like to fuck on people. Originally Posted by Jagermonster
Lol they will fuck you on, over and under if you don't have a lawyer who is the DA's butt buddy