A fictional account of what happened with Bin Laden

There has been a lot of questions about what happened with Bin Laden, and some of the answers don't fit. This was a pretty good article critical of what the government was telling us: http://www.caseyresearch.com/cwc/dou...-killing-osama

"But you’d think they could get their story straight. First he’s hiding behind a woman, using her as a shield as he returned fire. Then he’s unarmed. I’ve read he was killed with two shots to the head. It sounds like a mob hit."

Surely, the military should have gotten a focus group before throwing out the stories/lies that they did.

A few hours after posting the link to Doug Casey's story, I had a conversation with someone and for all you doubters out there, I won't even bother telling you who this person is. Consider it fiction if you will... but this "fiction" was a whole lot more credible IMO than the official version.

I think the funny thing about this "fiction" was what happened in the movie Wag the Dog. They had a Hollywood actress play an Albanian refugee and they just told her, "You can't tell anyone." and left it at that. There weren't any threats because well no one would believe her.

So the "You're crazy" response is just what the government is counting on. Fine, so let me say up front this is "fiction".

The reason for the raid was Obama's sagging poll numbers, and using the military to get presidential approval ratings higher is a slam dunk.

Bush had 9-11 and Iraq to push his numbers higher. Clinton blew up an aspirin factory to get Monica off the front page, and the American public's reaction of people screaming "USA" was just what Obama was looking for.

So that is why we had Obama in our sights for ten months and did nothing. I don't know how many folks saw the movie the Dark Knight, the batman movie, where Bruce Wayne used the microphones on the whole city's cell phones to find the Joker. Well, that technology, and the ability to find a person's specific voice print was based on the military actually having that application. We are at Orwell's 1984, and nobody told us. The government is not using a screen though. They are using our own cell phones to spy on us. It was that technology that allowed us to find Bin Laden.

In the late 1970s, our satellite technology was so good, we could see if a Russian soldier shaved in the morning. How good do you think they are now?

I wondered why the SEALS didn't use knockout gas. Why go into fire fight when you can use stealth? Well, they did use gas. There were only two rounds fired, and two of the navy seals were recording the whole operation. Obama was asked about and confessed to the entire 9-11 operation, and his confession was recorded. He was not shot in the head but in the neck. His body was shipped to the U.S., and his brain will be examined post mortem.

Apparently, military doctors wanted to see if Obama suffered from a gliobastoma or other brain tumor and see if that was why he was so evil. The University of Texas shooter, Charles Whitman, had such a tumor.

The Bin Laden friends and family were not killed in the fire fight but have been rounded up and placed into the Guantanamo like centers in Europe where they will be interrogated, permanently detained, and possibly executed.

The other shot fired was actually fired by one Navy Seal at another on the team. Apparently, this twisted "soldier" wanted to rape Bin Laden's daughter. He wouldn't shut up about it, so he was shot in the leg.

Why the helicopter crash? Well, this one you won't believe but just remember this is "fiction". The helicopter pilot did drop the team off and had to wait for them. These aircraft have internet access and apparently the pilot was surfing porn, got excited, and crashed the chopper and died doing so. I was told "at least he died happy."

Because the chopper had state of the art technology, that is why it was destroyed. The military was afraid it would fall into Pakistani and Chinese hands.

If this is not enough, apparently, you can expect to see a raid or two more in the next few months (especially if Obama's numbers go down again), so we can win the "war on terror". Sigh.

Just remember this is "fiction". What the government said was the truth. This is the same government that told us the truth on Pat Tillman, Jessica Lynch, and Richard Jewell.

To me, the most scary thing about this (and this has been true with Clinton, GW Bush, and now Obama) is how ruthless these guys are when it comes to being re-elected. If they have to spill a little blood to get re-elected, then so be it.
Doove's Avatar
  • Doove
  • 05-05-2011, 04:42 PM
Just so ya know, Woody, we did land on the moon.
Randy4Candy's Avatar
Here it comes, here it comes, here it comes your 19th Nervous Breakdown. Just go play with one of the lovely ladies around here.....
I B Hankering's Avatar
Dayum! I find myself agreeing with Randy and, and Doove.
Just so ya know, Woody, we did land on the moon. Originally Posted by Doove

We know because the public SAW the Saturn V take off, we SAW the LEM land, we SAW Neil Armstrong step out, we SAW the splashdown. The press was free and encouraged to talk to all the scientists and astronauts involved. NASA folks lived among us and spoke freely here in Houston. They put moon rocks and space capsules on display.

Although I don't agree with everything in the original post: Stop trying to belittle people who are asking for evidence. You make a mockery out of transparency and our democracy.
Doove's Avatar
  • Doove
  • 05-05-2011, 06:57 PM
Although I don't agree with everything in the original post: Stop trying to belittle people who are asking for evidence. Originally Posted by gnadfly
Why edit the "simply and respectfully asking for evidence" part of your post to remove the "simply and respectfully" part?

Nevermind, you don't need to answer that.

Dayum! I find myself agreeing with Randy and, and Doove. Originally Posted by I B Hankering
You make a mockery out of transparency and our democracy.
I B Hankering, are you gonna take that from this guy?
Randy4Candy's Avatar
We know because the public SAW the Saturn V take off, we SAW the LEM land, we SAW Neil Armstrong step out, we SAW the splashdown. The press was free and encouraged to talk to all the scientists and astronauts involved. NASA folks lived among us and spoke freely here in Houston. They put moon rocks and space capsules on display.

Although I don't agree with everything in the original post: Stop trying to belittle people who are asking for evidence. You make a mockery out of transparency and our democracy. Originally Posted by gnadfly
Well, uh, like that stopped those who "really knew what happened" from going off of the deep end - and staying there till this day. You know, it was all done on a sound stage even though the people were real - the event wasn't, it was worth the $$ to fire the payloadless Saturn rocket in order to "dupe the masses," yakkity-yak-yak-yak ad infinitum.....

People who are that way are, well, that way and nothing short of taking them along on the mission will ever be satisfactory. Hell, that's probably not even good enough because there's always a chance that they were "brain-worshed."

IB, things are nice out here in centerfield, aren't they...lol.
Although I don't agree with everything in the original post: Stop trying to belittle people who are asking for evidence. You make a mockery out of transparency and our democracy. Originally Posted by gnadfly
They are a noticeable minority, but there seems to be one helluva lot more people lying here than there was in the past.

A poster actually misquoted my written word last week which took a lot of chutzpah. The responses were comically bad lies and so stupid I couldn't believe it. I asked myself why people were so pissed, and I realized I was stepping on the forum's mantra that every HDH is a great value and worth every cent a man has. That HDHs are so great that they don't have to do bareback because they are so worth it. The truth is: some are and some aren't, but there is no room for the truth. I was attacking the brand and had to be dealt with accordingly.

As for the responses here, all but yours gnadfly are lies. First off, all I am doing is sharing what I was told, and the person telling me what happened was IMO more credible than the crap the pols were handing out. And the person telling me this version of events was not some 18 year old locked in his mother's basement, but I can't swear what I was told was the truth.

I don't care if people believe it because I know these same knuckleheads would react in a similar way if I had inside information on how Pat Tillman died.

We have gone to such extremes in this country. You have to believe one party's version of the truth or the other. Quite frankly, I don't see much difference between the parties, but people want their party to take all the credit when something good happens and blame the other when something bad happens.

So on what happened with Bin Laden, you either believe the official version or you are some nut job who thinks we never landed on the moon. There is no room for healthy skepticism and a truth seeking person.

Much of the vitriol comes from the left wingers who think I was being critical of Obama, and the mantra for them on this issue has to be: Obama rocks!!

Of course, I was critical of Bush using 9-11 and Saddam Hussein to boost his poll numbers too. But in reality, it says more about the American public that killing people boosts presidential approval ratings. If you reflect on it, it is actually pretty sick.

The version of events I was told actually made me feel better about the whole situation. I like that Bin Laden confessed, that the SEALS used stealth and didn't have a fire fight, and that Bin Laden's brain is being studied.

And quite frankly, I am sick of the lying about how great our troops are. Sure, most are honorable men, but some of these people are real nut jobs who would probably be in jail if they were not in the military.

I am not sure I even buy all of the series of events I was told. In fact, I was hoping to hear from others what parts were less likely to be true.

I predicted the "you're crazy" responses, and when I can predict what people are going to post, and they do it anyway, that is just confirmation that they are pathetic bores.
discreetgent's Avatar
So that is why we had Obama in our sights for ten months and did nothing. I don't know how many folks saw the movie the Dark Knight, the batman movie, where Bruce Wayne used the microphones on the whole city's cell phones to find the Joker. Well, that technology, and the ability to find a person's specific voice print was based on the military actually having that application. We are at Orwell's 1984, and nobody told us. The government is not using a screen though. They are using our own cell phones to spy on us. It was that technology that allowed us to find Bin Laden.

In the late 1970s, our satellite technology was so good, we could see if a Russian soldier shaved in the morning. How good do you think they are now?

I wondered why the SEALS didn't use knockout gas. Why go into fire fight when you can use stealth? Well, they did use gas. There were only two rounds fired, and two of the navy seals were recording the whole operation. Obama was asked about and confessed to the entire 9-11 operation, and his confession was recorded. He was not shot in the head but in the neck. His body was shipped to the U.S., and his brain will be examined post mortem.

Apparently, military doctors wanted to see if Obama suffered from a gliobastoma or other brain tumor and see if that was why he was so evil. The University of Texas shooter, Charles Whitman, had such a tumor.
Originally Posted by woodyboyd
Surely you meant Osama, right? Freudian slip, perhaps?
Doove's Avatar
  • Doove
  • 05-07-2011, 05:52 AM
I predicted the "you're crazy" responses, and when I can predict what people are going to post, and they do it anyway, that is just confirmation that they are pathetic bores. Originally Posted by woodyboyd
Or it's confirmation of what's completely obvious.
Randy4Candy's Avatar
Awright, so UBL wasn't immediately, and may never be, turned into fish food. Hell, he may not even be dead. OK, big-fu*king-deal. It is a war of sorts so I'm all about doing things that will help us win. BUT, I'm also all about not providing recruitment tools to the opposition or doing stupid sh*t that doesn't advance the ball. Soooo, it follows that there should be some things that should be kept SECRET and would even call for disinformation - always has and always will. The problem with all of that is the "true believers" and "real Americans" are guaranteed to lose their minds and go balls-to-the-wall over the edge. So, we are left to depend on those involved in the system who are decent, disciplined and moral to police the fringe. It ain't necessarily bad that occasionally the press/media gets info (The Pentagon Papers, for instance) that, strictly speaking, they are not supposed to have and that's another check to keep all of the "patriots" who know "best" somewhere within the lines.

Of course, the opportunity for the average person - or even the above average ones who are not in the inner sanctum - to be proactive about actually doing anything about all of this is really remote. So, wringing our collective hands about what's supposedly going on is someting to do, just not something that accomplishes anything.
There has been a lot of questions about what happened with Bin Laden, and some of the answers don't fit. This was a pretty good article critical of what the government was telling us: http://www.caseyresearch.com/cwc/dou...-killing-osama

"But you’d think they could get their story straight. First he’s hiding behind a woman, using her as a shield as he returned fire. Then he’s unarmed. I’ve read he was killed with two shots to the head. It sounds like a mob hit."

Surely, the military should have gotten a focus group before throwing out the stories/lies that they did.

A few hours after posting the link to Doug Casey's story, I had a conversation with someone and for all you doubters out there, I won't even bother telling you who this person is. Consider it fiction if you will... but this "fiction" was a whole lot more credible IMO than the official version.

I think the funny thing about this "fiction" was what happened in the movie Wag the Dog. They had a Hollywood actress play an Albanian refugee and they just told her, "You can't tell anyone." and left it at that. There weren't any threats because well no one would believe her.

So the "You're crazy" response is just what the government is counting on. Fine, so let me say up front this is "fiction".

The reason for the raid was Obama's sagging poll numbers, and using the military to get presidential approval ratings higher is a slam dunk.

Bush had 9-11 and Iraq to push his numbers higher. Clinton blew up an aspirin factory to get Monica off the front page, and the American public's reaction of people screaming "USA" was just what Obama was looking for.

So that is why we had Obama in our sights for ten months and did nothing. I don't know how many folks saw the movie the Dark Knight, the batman movie, where Bruce Wayne used the microphones on the whole city's cell phones to find the Joker. Well, that technology, and the ability to find a person's specific voice print was based on the military actually having that application. We are at Orwell's 1984, and nobody told us. The government is not using a screen though. They are using our own cell phones to spy on us. It was that technology that allowed us to find Bin Laden.

In the late 1970s, our satellite technology was so good, we could see if a Russian soldier shaved in the morning. How good do you think they are now?

I wondered why the SEALS didn't use knockout gas. Why go into fire fight when you can use stealth? Well, they did use gas. There were only two rounds fired, and two of the navy seals were recording the whole operation. Obama was asked about and confessed to the entire 9-11 operation, and his confession was recorded. He was not shot in the head but in the neck. His body was shipped to the U.S., and his brain will be examined post mortem.

Apparently, military doctors wanted to see if Obama suffered from a gliobastoma or other brain tumor and see if that was why he was so evil. The University of Texas shooter, Charles Whitman, had such a tumor.

The Bin Laden friends and family were not killed in the fire fight but have been rounded up and placed into the Guantanamo like centers in Europe where they will be interrogated, permanently detained, and possibly executed.

The other shot fired was actually fired by one Navy Seal at another on the team. Apparently, this twisted "soldier" wanted to rape Bin Laden's daughter. He wouldn't shut up about it, so he was shot in the leg.

Why the helicopter crash? Well, this one you won't believe but just remember this is "fiction". The helicopter pilot did drop the team off and had to wait for them. These aircraft have internet access and apparently the pilot was surfing porn, got excited, and crashed the chopper and died doing so. I was told "at least he died happy."

Because the chopper had state of the art technology, that is why it was destroyed. The military was afraid it would fall into Pakistani and Chinese hands.

If this is not enough, apparently, you can expect to see a raid or two more in the next few months (especially if Obama's numbers go down again), so we can win the "war on terror". Sigh.

Just remember this is "fiction". What the government said was the truth. This is the same government that told us the truth on Pat Tillman, Jessica Lynch, and Richard Jewell.

To me, the most scary thing about this (and this has been true with Clinton, GW Bush, and now Obama) is how ruthless these guys are when it comes to being re-elected. If they have to spill a little blood to get re-elected, then so be it. Originally Posted by woodyboyd

Just a quick point - the military didn't put out all the conflicting bullshit stories - it was the Whitehouse!
Awright, so UBL wasn't immediately, and may never be, turned into fish food. Hell, he may not even be dead. OK, big-fu*king-deal. It is a war of sorts so I'm all about doing things that will help us win. Originally Posted by Randy4Candy
Let me quote Doug Casey, "The whole thing stinks, from top to bottom. You’d think that if they knew where he was, they would have gone out of their way to take him alive – at almost any cost. Think of the information he would have had! But instead they seemed to go out of their way to kill him, which impresses me as incredibly stupid and counterproductive... Unless they don’t want him talking."

So which war are we talking about? The war on terror? Or the war on government incompetence? Because I don't see why we killed Bin Laden to fight the war on terror. It would have made much more sense to capture him.

There are two strained view of the federal government: one, and a wrong one, is that it is super smart and all powerful. The other, and a much more correct one, is that it is made up a bunch of screwups who have the ultimate job security.

And the folks in government beat their chest whenever something goes right and scream that they need more money and power when something goes wrong. 9-11 was not an inside job. It was a fuckup at the highest levels, but no one was fired.

And when the government says we need more money and more power, the sheeple just go along with it. It is this type of manipulation I hate. Now that Bin Laden is dead: are we going to repeal the Patriot Act? Disband the TSA? Or at least get rid of the damned body scanners? Of course not.

Do you remember when Charles showed an article about how a Miami TSA agent got in a fight because other TSA agents were making fun of how small his penis was? Well, I was in Houston and the TSA showed images of what the body scanners put out, and the images didn't show naked bodies. It showed men and women in their underwear: another lie.

Of course, the opportunity for the average person - or even the above average ones who are not in the inner sanctum - to be proactive about actually doing anything about all of this is really remote. So, wringing our collective hands about what's supposedly going on is someting to do, just not something that accomplishes anything. Originally Posted by Randy4Candy
That is an unbelievable statement. These videos are well worth everyone's time: http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=qhNob...eature=related

What they show is that there really are only two forums of government: a republic and oligarchy. What we have here is an oligarchy pretending to be a democracy, i.e. the majority of Americans want to see Bin Laden dead so it is okay that Obama orders the hit.

But it is not okay. Just like they show in the video about lynching a man felt to have murdered another, the Republic form of government dictates that the law not the majority rule, and the accused gets a trial.

Bin Laden was a murderer not a warrior and as such he should have been given a trial. Even Saddam Hussein had that. So how come he didn't really have a trial? Was the evidence against him weak enough that the government was afraid that they could not convict?

And instead of jumping around like a bunch of idiots screaming "USA", shouldn't we be asking if the raid was even legal? And the obvious answer is of course not. You say we are in a war. Well, are we at war with Pakistan? Because that is the only legal justification for the raid.

FWIW, Obama is ordering more and more of these illegal Bin Laden type raids.

Just like the video shows when a mob wants to hang someone whom they feel is guilty, the average man should say, "that is against the law.", and the people should listen to him.

Congratulations, Randy, you just stumbled across what I was trying to say. The average person quoting the law does not matter anymore. You are being politically correct, and being political correct these days means advocating for the oligarchy. And I personally never thought being a patriot meant cheering on an oligarchy.

The fight these days, and it is a fight I hate, is over which party is going to be the oligarchs: Republican or Democrat. And it's not like there is much difference between the two.

Back to Doug Casey, "Of course the government has always had professional killers in its employ – but it at least had the decency to deny their existence."

And isn't that what we all do when we engage in the hobby? We don't go flaunting it because we would get in trouble. If you break the law, as the government did, at the very least, you shut up about it, but they didn't. They HAD to brag.

60 Minutes interviewed Obama, and it was one softball question after another which should have been surprised no one. We have a press that does not question government anymore but kisses its ass.

Again, Doug Casey, "a thinking person has to question authority – at all times, on all issues." And that is the shame of it all. Only a handful of people are questioning anything these days. A thoughtful cynic is unpatriotic.
woodyboyd---It really does not matter that you confused the names Osama and Obama repeatedly throughout the story. After all, it's the thought that counts!

I wanted to take just a moment to thank you for sharing the story with us! The fact that my ol' buddy Gnadfly has given it a high-five, gives it instant credibility.

Now if we could just get Rush, Sean and Glen on board!