FYI: New Target

I B Hankering's Avatar
US drone targets key Qaeda figure in Yemen

US-Yemeni cleric and terror suspect Anwar al-Awlaqi escaped unhurt from a US drone attack which killed two local al-Qaeda members in restive southern Yemen, a tribal source told AFP yesterday.
Yep, a natural born American on the "Kill List" with Obama's approval but without the benefit of due process or a fair trial. And the Social Democrats are perfectly fine with that....

But DON'T waterboard him!
TexTushHog's Avatar
I'm not OK with it at all. It raises a number of disturbing issues.
discreetgent's Avatar
TTH: +1
Welcome to the new warfare. In the future it will be largely drones, robots and an occasional SEAL team thrown in. The days of massed infantry are pretty much over.
WTF's Avatar
  • WTF
  • 05-08-2011, 09:02 AM
Yep, a natural born American on the "Kill List" with Obama's approval but without the benefit of due process or a fair trial. And the Social Democrats are perfectly fine with that....

But DON'T waterboard him! Originally Posted by gnadfly
I really do not care if we waterboard a dead mutherfucker.

I do not care if we waterboard a live one if it works. I do think it a waste of time to waterboard one and have him lie to us and then declare that waterboard works.
DFW5Traveler's Avatar
LOL!!! I'm in the same category with TTH, again. TTH, this is something the Libertarians have been saying for years, the R and D politicians are one in the same, they talk a completely different game, but they both walk the same line.

It appears that the D constituents are have a hard time believing that they are getting lip service while the R (and some D) constituents have spoke out against their self-proclaimed masters ala the Tea Party.
One caution:

Nature abhors a vacuum. Sometimes, better the devil you know than the devil you don't know.
Are you saying you'd rather have herfacechair back over Marshall?
discreetgent's Avatar
Are you saying you'd rather have herfacechair back over Marshall? Originally Posted by gnadfly
I have herfacechair on my ignore list, so sure lol
I have herfacechair on my ignore list, so sure lol Originally Posted by discreetgent
I accept this as a back-handed ko-libs can't stop themselves from reading my posts...they can't put me on ignore even if they want to! HA! HA! HA! HA! HA! Whether they can comprehend the truth I bring is another story.......