Body Wraps To Help Slim Down in 45 Minutes

These are almost identical to the ones the salons sell for $100 each. They are all natural. The gel is absorbed into your skin and it detoxes the fat cells causing them to shrink. The gel also firms and tightens. You will continue to slim down for 72 hours after using a wrap. Some people may need more than one wrap. You keep the wrap on for a minimum of 45 minutes but you can keep it on for as long as you want although it's only active for 8 hours. Single wraps are $35. I can also get you a 4 pack of wraps for just $72 shipped. If you sign as a Loyal Customer you will get 3 free wraps (one with each of your monthly shipments. You can join for as little as $23 plus shipping.

PM me for more information. They are truly awesome. I've lost 8 inches with the wraps. I also like the Fat Fighters because it allows you to eat whatever you want without gaining weight. I've lost 6 pounds so far.

These are my customers' results:
is this for real cause if it is as soon as i can i would like to get this. please email me at asap thanks
What happened to healthy eating and regular exercising?
when you have given birth by c-section then regular exercising still does no good.
Guest091314's Avatar
I have been interested in wraps for quite a while! Sweettred33 I cannot agree with you more, I am about to have my 3rd c-section and scared of what I will look like after...

Upon my return I will definitely check it out!
Nothing beats diet & working out... nothing. 30 mins a day. Even if its 5 min here & there... just keep moving & eat right. I tried the wraps a few years back... they SUCKED!
Amazing results
I've tried them myself and lost 8 inches and 6 pounds. I love them! For some people the wraps take more than one to work because their body is so toxic or they have an underlining medical condition. 99% of people that I have sold to have had results with the wraps.
I Had a Body Wrap Recent & I Bought It Here In My City from a Lady That Just Started Her Business about 2 months Back & Is Doin BIG business already.I Think It is called "It Works" Anyways I Work out 5-7 days a Week & am In Fitness Training.I LOVED My Body Wrap In addition 2 My Fitness Plan & nutrition Drink.I lost 4 Inches In My waist Very Quick & Do another Body Wrap Next Week....GREAT POST!!!!
~Exotic Beauty~
  • Kloie
  • 10-01-2011, 07:51 PM
How Long do they last? I mean the results, I've heard they are a quick temporary fix.
They usually last 2-6 months.

How Long do they last? I mean the results, I've heard they are a quick temporary fix. Originally Posted by Kloie
Yup that's the business! I am an It Works Independent Distributor!

I Had a Body Wrap Recent & I Bought It Here In My City from a Lady That Just Started Her Business about 2 months Back & Is Doin BIG business already.I Think It is called "It Works" Anyways I Work out 5-7 days a Week & am In Fitness Training.I LOVED My Body Wrap In addition 2 My Fitness Plan & nutrition Drink.I lost 4 Inches In My waist Very Quick & Do another Body Wrap Next Week....GREAT POST!!!!
~Exotic Beauty~ Originally Posted by Exotic Beauty
vidagalore's Avatar
im interested.please send me some
mirandalee's Avatar
Diet and exercise works best in my opinion.. I have 6 kids and what works is wearing tights under your clothes but eating right will drop the weight fast....
Very True,Diet & Excersise Work WONDERS! Also The Body Wraps Really Work If Done along w/Proper maintanence & Do Really Work,Each Persons Body is Different so The Results May Vary. I do a Monthly journal & Log Eating,Excersise & any Other Things Like Body Wraps & Nutrition Supplements etc. So I Can See What Combinations Work Best For Me as Well,Being a Mother & Growing Older My Metabolism changes So I have to find a Plan that works w/My Height/Porportion.....

"Body Wraps Help The Total Package Results"...If Done Consistently as any Thing else The Slower The Results The Longer It Is maintained... (My Opinion) Thanx 4 Sharing Since This is a Very Positive Thread. : ) Have a Happy Sunday Lovely Ladies!
~Exotic Beauty~