Crazy Clients - true story

I am sitting in Zurich with my Girlfriend now and of course we advertise with cell phones. No one replies to text messages because these people are just annoying weirdoes stealing your time, they never come or never set up appointments.

Here is what happened to my GF the last days, we were crawling on the floor laughing tears because of that. True story done in text messages;

Guy: Hello, I am a super hot male Model and really like you . I want to be your boyfriend. Click here for photos, you seem nice, please check out my page and the name, I am really intrigued by you. (link to some freaking weird page with great names and some really hot looking guy photos - some unknown name)

Girl out of fun, we europeans are like that sometimes: i just called my male supermodel friend (put in some well known austrian models name), he says he does not know you. Not interested. Screw someone else with your funny jokes. For appointmenst call and don`t text.

Guy: I love you, I am in hospital and have surgery tomorrow, I can`t call. I love you, I will rescue you from this job, I am serious and do really like you. No joke,you have to believe me

Girl ignoring the text - never write back to such stalkers

Guy: I love you, please write back. I have fever like 40 degrees centigrade, I am really not feeling well.

Girl ignoring the text

Guy: you give a shit, right?

Girl ignoring the text

Guy: I love you, you are my dream woman, I really do care! Why don`t you write back to me?

Girl ignoring the text

Guy: I love you, good morning. I do truly love you honey. Please give me a chance you won`t regret.

Girl ignoring the text
(many more crazy similar texts followed like that in a completely crazy stalker way)

Guy: What is wrong with you! I am having brain surgery tomorrow

Girl ignoring the text (and we laughed our ass off and she was almost to reply to him - she did not, otherwise this never stops - about how he can have brain surgery when he obviously does not have one....What would there be to operate on?? )

Guy: You are seriously crazy!! Why don`t you behave like a normal person? I am feeling bad and you give a shit! This does not even bother you? I am in hospital, my dear! How can you be so cruel and not care when I love you with all my heart

-note: the guy and the girl never met, its some freakin`stranger writing about 30 messages a day like that. We share an apartment, and we really really hope the guy does not decide to show up. We locked door about three times....Usually these freaks don`t show up anyways...thank god

The guy keeps writing messages like that, and we almost rolled on the floor laughing about the psychopath that asked "us" why we don`t behave like normal people. Hello??????? In Austria and Germany we have an expression when some stuff like that happens, its :

"Wow I believe my pig just whistled (a statement when you think you see or hear things that can`t possibly be true, and it might be you are crazy because you "hear pigs whistling" - which refers to hallucinations without any relation to reality- don`t know if similar expressions like that exist in the USA.

This happens a lot in Europe actually. Of course most guys just want to send stupid texts back and forth that always end up with guys trying to get free cybersex, after first asking for appointments, telling how gorgeous they look (I am a good looking (put in some countries residents name) guy and want to know if we can meet. Please describe your services and tell how much you charge).

No one even answers such things. But that guy is seriously crazy , he kept messaging for three days in a row, never getting answers, wishing for her to be his girlfriend and complaining on how much he loves her (they never met, he saw her ad only) and how could she not be worried about him when he is in hospital getting surgery.

Best is him - the freak who writes 30 really fucked up text messages that bear not even the sllightest connection to reality asking HER why she can`t just WRITE like a normal person??

Hahahaha, I was laughing so hard, i had to put on new make up because tears were running down my face.

Someone needs to put that as a photo somewhere. I wonder how many more times he will do this. This is happening for three days now. Number blocking is not possible.

Do such things happen in USA too?
Naomi4u's Avatar
You know what Nina for one, I am jealous of your girlfriend in Zurich. I wish I were the one sitting and chatting with you right now *hugs*. On topic: The best way to handle people like that is to not provoke them. Seriously -- if you REALLY think someone is crazy/or a psychopath that's the best thing to do. You just don't know what they'll do next. People are scare. You two be careful!
tonytiger4u's Avatar
Stories like that make me glad to have my problems. Obviously, it could be so much worse!! LOL!! OTOH, this guy could just be the new tech version of a prank caller. Who knows?
Sweet N Little's Avatar
That is funny Nina, unfortunately Zurich doesn't corner the market on nuts LOL!

Try "My parents just pulled up.... gotta go"
Sorry Nina, I'll stop. My brain surgery has been postponed -they couldn't find anything!! Come back to the US where we are a little less crazy....but just a little.....
Pink Floyd's Avatar
Nina, that is one of my favorite posts on ECCIE. I was at the strip club today and I was going out to dinner with one girl and her girlfriend was there. This guys walks up to the bar and she says "Oh my God", and she goes on to tell a story about how they went out to a dance club together and she took a dance from another guy and he started crying. This was a club where she hangs out at and here she is with some guy crying. I was laughing my ass off.
Sweet N Little's Avatar
Sorry Nina, I'll stop. My brain surgery has been postponed -they couldn't find anything!! Come back to the US where we are a little less crazy....but just a little..... Originally Posted by Ed Highlight
Hey now, no making fun of brain surgery lol ..just yet my Xrays finally came in They said something was amiss

Hey now, no making fun of brain surgery lol ..just yet my Xrays finally came in They said something was amiss
Originally Posted by Sweet N Little
Sorry baby, your brain looks pretty normal to me.....
Still Looking's Avatar
If anyone needs a new brain.... get a man’s brain. They cost $250,000.00. A women’s brain is only $100.00. Why is the man brain so pricy? Well you want one that’s hardy ever used right? LOL
  • anita
  • 02-28-2012, 05:08 PM
Lmao!! That guy is hilarious.
Thanks for all the fun replies. My friend told me the guy kept texting her for three days in a row. She left for germany and does not have her swiss cell, so who knows what she will find if she comes next to switzerland. .


But the thing I laughed about the most is that the guy "wanted to teach her how to behave like a normal person" ------ wahahahahahahahaha.....
Hey now, no making fun of brain surgery lol ..just yet my Xrays finally came in They said something was amiss

Originally Posted by Sweet N Little