Were you one of the kewl kids??

Just curious.

If you were:
  • a cheerleader
  • a football star
  • another sports player/star
  • on the drill team
  • homecoming king/queen or in the court

you were probably one of the kewl kids.

If, however, you were:
  • on the honor roll
  • in the chess club
  • in the band

you were probably NOT a kewl kid.

So what were you? I was not a kewl kid.
I read comics, love Star Wars and Star Trek, and read all the Lord Of The Rings books before I was 15. What do you think?
Sweet N Little's Avatar
cheer leader (not high school though, it became uncool then lol)
homecoming court
Fastcars1966's Avatar
Big fish in a small pond I guess you could say. State Champs Multiple sports.
Outdoorsman's Avatar
Sports - not football but a lot of others
Honor Roll
I was nerdy but got away with it because I was very athletic. I was kinda like a nerd with a pass by the cool kids, I was accepted in all crowds.
I was the quiet shy girl never had sex til I was 19...but hung out with the cool kids but never dated in HS...ran track and played basketball and sports editor of hs newspaper...
Wakeup's Avatar
Were? Am...

High school girls...no matter how old you are, they're always the same age...
dearhunter's Avatar
I fucked a cheerleader or 3....does that count?
Fastcars1966's Avatar
I fucked a cheerleader or 3....does that count? Originally Posted by dearhunter
I did two in the same night, boy were they pissed when they found out. That's when I knew women talk LOL
and the hobby was a safer place for me.
Well, I was an other-sports star, and I was on the honor roll....hmm... This might be the tie-breaker... The folks who voted me president of the Latin Club thought I was cool.
dearhunter's Avatar
....and I had access to booze........heh
Not that I knew, until after. I was a loner by choice, the smart girl who always finished her test first so you couldn't ask for the answers, and I didn't date. I go home now, and I'll see my classmates and guys I didn't think knew I existed would tell me they always admired/had a crush on me.

I didn't play school sports, but I was in choir, and I played fast pitch in the summers for my dad's team.
No.........was not part of the cool crowd.

Thank goodness high school is over. Even this board reminds me of it sometimes.
jaydalee's Avatar
I was a cheerleader and also played clarinet in the school band.
VictoriaLyn's Avatar
I was a cheerleader,played volleyball and baseball was in drama and the auto mechanics club