"American Courtesans" - the film and the girls in it...

KristenDiAngelo's Avatar
It's been awhile since I've posted about the film "American Courtesans" here on Eccie. Lately, I've been working more with main stream media, but I figure that it is our world that will best appreciate the women and just what they are risking being in a film of this nature.

"American Courtesans" finished shooting in January. Since then the film has moved to transcription and is soon to hit the editing room. I have been working with a web designer and the website will be up soon so that i can easily keep you up on the progress. In the mean time, I have been announcing the women of the film one at a time and there are a few Southerners in the group that some of you might know.

So...the women that have been unveiled so far are:

Erin Marxx - Atlanta, GA
Emma Dupree - N. Carolina
Alina Sexton - OC, California
Skylar Cruz - New Orleans, LA
Maestra Tamsen Crown - DC and Florida

For more information on these women and for a glimpse into a bit of their stories check out the diary pages on my site. I have announced one woman a week over the last 5 weeks and have 8 more to go...

Each story so diverse and remarkable. And each woman so very candid. I am so very grateful to have had the opportunity to work on this film and to have each of these women in my life...

Also, I'd like to thank those of you how stepped up quietly, behind the scenes, for without you this work would have never gotten off the ground.

I promise to keep you posted as we go...

Until then, xoxo, kristen
Naomi4u's Avatar
Interesting stories, Kristen. This deserves a bump!