This is NOT Modelmayhem
First off, this is not modelmayhem. I will reference that site because most newbie photographers and hobbyist photographers seem to love it. There are distinct differences between shooting showcases and shooting models.
Photographers Advertising and Setting Expectations
For many of us photography is our business and we shoot different genres including sexy, glam, erotic, etc. but let's be honest in advertising. I have shot countless models over the going on 27 years behind the camera - damn I feel old - anyways, my model shoots also have a makeup artist, sometimes lighting assistants, preplanned locations and wardrobe and the budgets are much much higher than what I charge for showcase shoots. I do not take away from the photographic quality of my images regardless of who I shoot with or what the shoot is for but let's be real, ladies if you pay me $1000 for a shoot you're getting more from that shoot than if you pay me $100. I can't pay a makeup artist, pull wardrobe, etc. on a $100 budget - and before you start lining up for those $100 shoots - don't cause D don't play
Photographers, it's simple, use whatever images you have to advertise to get started but be honest and set the true expectation for what your client is to expect. With the exception of a few photos I've used in my threads here on eccie, all of the images are from showcase shoots with providers - two were from exotic dancers and one is from a model friend. I use showcase shoots to advertise for showcase shoots so you know what to expect when you shoot with me.
It's simple fellas (and ladies - Hi Leo and Megan

Shooting but not showing faces
One difference that may seem minor but is a major one when shooting is faceless photos. When shooting models you want to capture expressions, the eyes are often the soul of the image. When shooting providers you know that most will blur their face or you will just crop the shot so you don't convey their expressions but trust me EVERY provider you shoot will first look at their facial expression when they review the images and even if they will not show their face that can make or break the image in their minds. They may have plans to show the images to a ATF client or a client may have paid for the shoot and wants a few special images and you may not know that so no matter what you think she may think of her face in the images try to get them to be expressive - trust me - they will appreciate your efforts. Also focus on her smile makes a ton of difference in the photos. I shoot many women who won't show their face but they showcase their smiles so always capture a few of those lovely smiling faces.
Free/Trade/TFP/TFCD/WTF Ever
Ok this seems to be a hot one. Let's face it in this business the trade shoot will come up and is often accepted. Trades in modeling are different - you are not trading for a physical encounter - it's generally "I, the photographer, will shoot you and I will review the images and I will pick a few that I feel are outstanding and send you between 2 - 5, maybe 10, of those images and I will allow you to use them for your advertising and marketing as long as you don't sell the images". Well that works for models but here it's "I'll shoot you and make your showcase sparkle and you give me an hour or two of your time as compensation" and that's where many problems come from. Notice I did not say anything about delivering the photos because so often once that trade is completed on the physical front then those photos are put on the back burner.
I don't do trades. I've had different photographers ask me about it and the answer is simple - I keep it professional. This is a BUSINESS and she is in BUSINESS and if there is a mutual attraction between you two that's fine just complete BUSINESS first. Someone will almost always feel slighted in this trade for pics arrangement and it's usually the provider. I hear stories all the time about how she has shot with someone and they did a trade and now it's months later and she still has no photos. That type of reputation will not only damage your business with providers but gets out about you it will damage your business in general.
The reality is there are a lot of providers who don't want to pay for photos and they know some guys will jump to shoot them for a roll in the studio hay but both parties should stop and ask themselves is it really worth it. If you agree to do a trade then make sure as the photographer you stick to your end of the deal. Deliver the proofs in a reasonable time and then when she picks her selections make your edits and deliver in a reasonable time.
Now if you offer a trade for photos only and a provider accepts that agreement don't be that creepy guy that then turns or attempts to turn it into another type of trade - she has in her mind what she's gonna do and if you push the issue, well, she might just push your ass out the studio seriously, don't push them into feeling like they are in a corner because you never know who and how many people they know and what damage that will have on your business.
Paid Shoots
Ok ladies you want to be paid for your time, you don't like to be negotiated off your rate, you feel that you will give the level of service that warrants what you charge - guess what - we do too. Everyone has rates and if you want to shoot with someone then respect their rates as much as you would want them to respect your rates if they called you for an appointment. Nuff said on that one.
Length of shoots
Ok this one can be tricky but no...ALWAYS keep in mind that time is money and money is time. My shoots vary from an hour or so to multiple hours. I am always aware of the time and I always remind who I'm shooting with of our time. My shoots are fun, lighthearted, and we typically laugh a lot - ok some may say we laugh more than we shoot - but that's just me. Now with models sometimes you can go over on shoots and it's ok but in this business you have to be aware of how long you are taking that provider away from making her money and in some cases, whether you know or don't know, who else her time away from making money can affect. Unless you both agree ahead of time on a 8 hour shooting frenzy don't spring that on her. Even if she's paying you to shoot 10 outfits she's expecting to be out of there in at most 3 hours and once that time frame has hit the mood of the shoot will change. Yes, we love to shoot, and if we're getting great stuff then we'll want to keep shooting but you're shooting yourself in the foot if you think she's happy and have not asked her if continuing to shoot is ok. Be aware and be professional about time management and be understanding of the fact that they cannot stay and shoot all night with you - get 'em in and get 'er dun.
Ok you would think this needs to go without saying but for goodness sakes be respectful of your clients - regardless of what they do and what you read in their reviews she's a person and she's your client. Now every woman that has shot with me knows that I'm a flirt but I am always respectful. I hear way too many stories about how so and so treated the provider like she was there as a provider and not as his subject to shoot and trust me, if they tell me they are definitely telling other girls. I don't care who you are shooting - if you can't see the person you are shooting in a professional manner then you are not in the right business. Yes that deserved a bold.
Shoot Planning
Let's be honest with many - probably most - showcases shoots there is no planning. They contact you, request to shoot, pay deposit, show up with some outfits, and that's the planning. Honestly, take some time to plan your shoots, discuss wardrobe, colors, etc. Treat the shoot like a shoot and you will be much happier with the end results.
Ok now ladies this one is for you. When you know you have a shoot, you want to be your best so try to refrain - and I'll leave it at that. If you show up "unrefrained" then it will have an affect on the images and chances are you will not be as happy as you would have been had you refrained. This goes with planning because no one plans to have a horrible shoot but there are things beyond the photographer's control that can lead to a horrible shoot.
Number of Images
Ok ladies this is for you. We shoot - there is no guaranteed number of images. Some shoots will turn out hundreds of images and some will not but think about it, would you rather have a successful shoot with say 200 images taken and have a hard time choosing between those 200 or would you want 2000 images taken and can't find 2 that you like out of the 2000. The number of images taken is not an indicator of how professional the photographer is. Honestly I did a shoot last week where I did 2 outfits and we only had time to squeeze in 130 shots of those two outfits and she likes 120 of the 130. I like that ratio much better than if I would have shot 1300 of her and she could not find 100 she liked. Ladies look at the quality of the images not the quantity and if the quality is to your liking then, in my best southern drawl, there ya go.
Delivering your product
It's simple. Just Do It. Again, this should not have to be said but in our world it does. Now I am a firm believer in things happen. In life you have last minute things that will screw up your plans more often than not but we do have a word that tells us exactly what we should's right on the tip of my tongue...umm...oh yeah...COMMUNICATION. It's simple, if there is a delay in delivering proofs or edits then communicate. If there is a delay in arriving at the shoot then communicate. If there is a delay in whatever, it's simple, communicate. It can stop an easy situation from being a horribly difficult one. Now once you've communicated then stick to what you said.
This is one topic that will be discussed forever. Ok I'll start with the simple. The artist owns the image, the subject can use the image and if it were that simple life would be awesome. We sign releases, etc. all the time but in this business because of discretion and also often unknown items like management agreements can be a sticky situation. I'll say this - whatever you do or don't do - stick to what you say you'll do and again use that C word - no not that one or that one...COMMUNICATION...yeah yeah that one.
Ok now this one I'll simply say if you no call/no show me and don't contact me to let me know what's up then don't bother contacting me again. Plain and simple. Ladies, if you get nc/ns'd by a client and he does not even bother to contact you to apologize then you're pissed and you'll tell all the other ladies how he wasted your time. Well guess what, we talk also - more than you all know - and if you screw me on a shoot then I'll definitely let other photographers know not to take out of their busy schedules, pull away from their family time to go and setup lights and get their studios setup just to sit there and have their time wasted by someone with so little regard for being professional that they can't send a text message and say sorry I can't make it. Whew - yeah it happens to all of us but that's why we take deposits.
In Summation
Ok there is sooooo much more but I got a shoot to get to so if I've missed anything I ask the other professionals with showcase experience to chime in. If there is something you want to have discussed in more detail feel free to ask. I want this to be an open discussion so we can clear up misconceptions and all have happier and more successful showcase shoot encounters.