When providers call it quits...

mastermind238's Avatar
I could be wrong, but it seems to me that not all providers retire rich and/or retire on their own terms. Are there social resources out there to help these girls make the transition back to civvie life?
HoustonMilfDebbie's Avatar
I could be wrong, but it seems to me that not all providers retire rich and/or retire on their own terms. Are there social resources out there to help these girls make the transition back to civvie life? Originally Posted by mastermind238
Are you kidding! The whole reason I got into it again was because I couldn't get a decent paying job. I changed my mindset a lot about the profession (you have to). After all, we provide a much needed service, and it's not just the sex. I think the conversation, warmth, and just the companionship that a girl provides is like therapy to a lot of men. I have seen some men, especially the older ones, who really want someone just to listen to their problems. Sometimes, I feel like an "arm chair psychologist!

I love your avatar!
mastermind238's Avatar

I love your avatar! Originally Posted by HoustonMilfDebbie
Thanks, doll!

Glad to see that you're comfortable with your career choice. If only all ladies in the profession were able to make the adjustments you've made. Regrettably, not all are. Getting out is sometimes the better choice. Question is ... how?

Or let me put it another way. I have plenty of advice for ladies just entering the profession, and for ladies already in the profession looking to enhance their earning potential. But none of that advice bears on the situation I'm thinking of. I just don't know how to advise a young lady looking to EXIT the business.
Hercules's Avatar
Some get taken off the market by some rich sumabitch that don't wanna share. Others retire when they find twu wuv. Then there's those that write self-help books.
Ladies retire for different reasons. Most of the ones I know retired pretty well because they're smart and had already one foot in civvie life. There are some that retire because of burnout, and not being smart at all. There are a few programs, but I do recommend that any lady that starts in this life have a game plan.

It hurts my heart to hear that a lady's been doing this since she left home, and never had a job and worried about how she'll support herself. Things are bad enough for people out of work WITH work experiences to pay the bills. But if she has an undesirable record, and have never worked, she will most likely return to the business, or lead a life of dependency.

A game plan should include working safely (legally and health-wise), since both these things will save you if you ever decide to leave, or get a job. It should also include education, since it never hurts. It should include easy removal of profiles and pics and having a support system. Having a game plan to me means deciding for yourself your level of involvement in the industry. When you wear the certain hats, it's best when your life is more civilian than not. It cuts down on the desperation, and it's an amazing feeling to know my sugarlump wakes up seeing me get ready for and come home from work, see my college diploma on the wall AND go back to school, and having the ability to do what we want when we deserve it.
+1 Tiff !!
mastermind238's Avatar
Ladies retire for different reasons. Most of the ones I know retired pretty well because they're smart and had already one foot in civvie life. There are some that retire because of burnout, and not being smart at all. There are a few programs, but I do recommend that any lady that starts in this life have a game plan.

It hurts my heart to hear that a lady's been doing this since she left home, and never had a job and worried about how she'll support herself. Things are bad enough for people out of work WITH work experiences to pay the bills. But if she has an undesirable record, and have never worked, she will most likely return to the business, or lead a life of dependency.

A game plan should include working safely (legally and health-wise), since both these things will save you if you ever decide to leave, or get a job. It should also include education, since it never hurts. It should include easy removal of profiles and pics and having a support system. Having a game plan to me means deciding for yourself your level of involvement in the industry. When you wear the certain hats, it's best when your life is more civilian than not. It cuts down on the desperation, and it's an amazing feeling to know my sugarlump wakes up seeing me get ready for and come home from work, see my college diploma on the wall AND go back to school, and having the ability to do what we want when we deserve it. Originally Posted by Tiffani Jameson

Terrific advice - if you have time to implement it. But I'm looking for something a little more specific, concrete and immediate. I'm looking for advice on places a girl can go if she needs a roof over her head and food in her stomach. Short of checking herself into a mental institution, what does a girl - an ex-provider - do if she's in dire circumstances?

What is perhaps unique about providers who find themselves in such a dire situation is that, well, they're providers. They're often cut off from family and old school friends - the kind of support system that is there for non-providers. Even "friends" they've made as providers - clients, other providers, etc - simply aren't going to be there for them.
ElisabethWhispers's Avatar
If a woman has been on the streets or have other issues and for whatever reason, this isn't for her ... there are a couple of agencies in town (Dallas) that will help with rent, food, etc. to help her get back on her feet.

There is also counseling that specializes in retired providers/ladies wanting out for those who need it. The ones that I know of in Dallas, though, are faith based.

Sadly, even with this type of help, women who haven't worked a real job are often very disillusioned about the opportunities out there for women who don't have work experience or the education to get a job that will make a decent living.

So there is also job training and different charity groups that help with clothing, etc., to get ladies ready for job interviews and the such. Either way, it's a very hard road for many.

Although I do have a friend who just retired a few years ago and never looked back. But the catch with her is she did have a college degree. So she went to the above, got help and counseling and is doing alright for herself. Most ladies don't have that advantage, although it's easy enough to go back to school if the desire is there.

On a side note, I have ALWAYS told ladies from the get go that while they're making good money, take the time to go to a university and get a degree, BA or BS or whatever. You'll never regret it. Even if you don't use the damn thing.

Good question!!!

ElisabethWhispers's Avatar

Specifics: If she is in dire straights, she needs to check into a shelter. The Salvation Army might be a good start.

I'm going to PM you with the name of the agency that helps ladies get out of the business. If anyone reading this wishes to have that information, please just send me a note.

Jewish Lawyer's Avatar
I really don't understand how a degree from just any old college is worth a damn. As I understand it these days, you just have to show up to get a degree, most people get A's. So why do so many people still worship the college degree? I think it is pretty useless.
Terrific advice - if you have time to implement it. But I'm looking for something a little more specific, concrete and immediate. I'm looking for advice on places a girl can go if she needs a roof over her head and food in her stomach. Short of checking herself into a mental institution, what does a girl - an ex-provider - do if she's in dire circumstances?

What is perhaps unique about providers who find themselves in such a dire situation is that, well, they're providers. They're often cut off from family and old school friends - the kind of support system that is there for non-providers. Even "friends" they've made as providers - clients, other providers, etc - simply aren't going to be there for them. Originally Posted by mastermind238
There's always time, Mastermind. There are more girls doing this than ever. They put up a few pics on an ad and think it's peaches and cream. Hit or miss till you run up on the police. It's girls on here that don't know what LE stands for. That was for women NOT there YET, so they can catch themselves before they get there. The problem with some young ladies is that one day they're capitalizing on their youth, and when they blink, they're 35 with kids, 2 ho cases and no skills.

Like EW said there are agencies that help, and in Dallas she can start by calling 211. If you're asking because someone needs help, especially in Dallas, PM me. I'll see what I can dig up for you.
ElisabethWhispers's Avatar
I really don't understand how a degree from just any old college is worth a damn. As I understand it these days, you just have to show up to get a degree, most people get A's. So why do so many people still worship the college degree? I think it is pretty useless. Originally Posted by Jewish Lawyer
I find this to be an interesting commentary coming from a "Jewish Lawyer" who states that he's from Highland Park.

Although I don't know a LOT of people in college, I do know a few. I haven't seen that they're just gliding through school. But I am slightly out of the loop these days. Perhaps you know something that I do not.

Either way, I cannot see how getting a degree could be perceived in any shape, form or fashion a negative. If nothing else, having a degree shows an ability to follow through with something.
I really don't understand how a degree from just any old college is worth a damn. As I understand it these days, you just have to show up to get a degree, most people get A's. So why do so many people still worship the college degree? I think it is pretty useless. Originally Posted by Jewish Lawyer
1. Some people like to learn.
2. Better to have one than not to. It's like American Express.
3. Depending on a person's goals, it's necessary.

+1000 Lis. It's not easy at all. I'm staring down two 15 page papers in two classes right now. But I enjoy school, and in the next year, I'll be on my way to a different level. I find lots of pleasure in that.
Randy4Candy's Avatar
I suppose that it would be totally dependant on the lady's drive to change her life. Those, such as our Yiddish Legal Eagle bud, can always find a negative or a reason not to do something. If the lady really wants out, she'll get out and cobble something together using the SA or other groups, "faith based" or not on a schedule that will fit her needs. Nothing works like desire and drive. If, as soooo many are more than willing to point out, the lady's heart really isn't into it and wants others to do it for her, she'll be back in the saddle soon enough.

I know a provider who thinks she wants out but tried to exit via the sugar daddy route. Basically, all she wound up doing was redoubling her efforts to improve her hobby business. She's +/-50 and still "living the dream." Hers is a case of "want to" not being up to "will do." And, of course, she sucks with money and has't gotten any better at it over 20 years. It's a shame, but it's neither the first nor the last documented case of "You can lead a horse to water..."
Daen1304's Avatar
Are you kidding! The whole reason I got into it again was because I couldn't get a decent paying job. I changed my mindset a lot about the profession (you have to). After all, we provide a much needed service, and it's not just the sex. I think the conversation, warmth, and just the companionship that a girl provides is like therapy to a lot of men. I have seen some men, especially the older ones, who really want someone just to listen to their problems. Sometimes, I feel like an "arm chair psychologist!

I love your avatar! Originally Posted by HoustonMilfDebbie
I like to go along the lines of the ancient Romans with this one and veiw it as one of the better ways to pay tribute to a god.

Ladies retire for different reasons. Most of the ones I know retired pretty well because they're smart and had already one foot in civvie life. There are some that retire because of burnout, and not being smart at all. There are a few programs, but I do recommend that any lady that starts in this life have a game plan.

It hurts my heart to hear that a lady's been doing this since she left home, and never had a job and worried about how she'll support herself. Things are bad enough for people out of work WITH work experiences to pay the bills. But if she has an undesirable record, and have never worked, she will most likely return to the business, or lead a life of dependency.

A game plan should include working safely (legally and health-wise), since both these things will save you if you ever decide to leave, or get a job. It should also include education, since it never hurts. It should include easy removal of profiles and pics and having a support system. Having a game plan to me means deciding for yourself your level of involvement in the industry. When you wear the certain hats, it's best when your life is more civilian than not. It cuts down on the desperation, and it's an amazing feeling to know my sugarlump wakes up seeing me get ready for and come home from work, see my college diploma on the wall AND go back to school, and having the ability to do what we want when we deserve it. Originally Posted by Tiffani Jameson

Now as a recent college student who does the hobby because I don't have time or energy to get a GF and dating sites suck ass, I can say that the college system is currently fucked up. Here is why:

Most degrees are either so broad they don't mean anything or are so specific they pigeon hole you. Most people don't research what they want to do for a living so they get a degree only to find out that what they want to do didn't require a degree or even worse what they needed was a porfolio of work and those essays they did in Engl Lit doesn't count so they have a giant student loan and nothing to show for it. And the student loan system is doing the same thing that the mortgage system was doing before the housing market collapse and just handing out loans with no real research or thought into if they could be paid off. And on top of that the colleges keep raising tuition because they know the student will get the loans anyway. But no, college is not easy, not if you go to a good one.

As for the OP, I have nothing useful to add. I have been screwed by college so am a bit sore. But if I was female you bet I would be a provided to help pay off my loans, or at the very least a stripper.