
In the past week
a I have had a provider cancel on me(understandably R L situation)
and a provider choose not to see me because she said I didn't provide her enough
information!! Yet she responded to the pm that contained my references with"Ok
I will check them in the morning Thanks" Very frustratIng!!!

I just don't want to waste our time!!!
My hobby time is very limited!
Kayleehotchick's Avatar
Ummmm....a provider has every right to pass on appt. And maybe she is busy and can't check ref's until the morning. It happens....

I mean really? Come on now...

If you don't have a p411 yet, you might want to consider getting one. That might work out better for you.
Sleepy363's Avatar
As Kaylee said....get p411
It happens move on to the next one.
Yes provider does have a right to see who she wants I totally agree!
What bothered me was She told me she would check my references and everything
was great! I pmed her a couple days later and she acts like I disrespected her by
not giving her enough information! I have never had one problem getting verified
from anyone else?

All I am saying my time is as valuable as the providers!! So please have the
respect for me that i will have for you.
Kayleehotchick's Avatar
Most providers will have that respect but not everyone of them. It is the nature of this games. Sorry to tell you that but it is what it is.

And like MB said...move on to the next one.

Sadly, not all providers take this business as seriously as others do. And think of it this way. Maybe she did you a favor by acting like a jerk in pm. If she can be that way in private message, she very well might be that way in person.

MickeyBlue's Avatar
Yes provider does have a right to see who she wants I totally agree!
What bothered me was She told me she would check my references and everything
was great! I pmed her a couple days later and she acts like I disrespected her by
not giving her enough information! I have never had one problem getting verified
from anyone else?

All I am saying my time is as valuable as the providers!! So please have the
respect for me that i will have for you. Originally Posted by Sportsnut34

She may have not been the one that read your earlier PMs.
jacklongley's Avatar
All I am saying my time is valuable!! So please have the respect for me that i will have for you. Originally Posted by Sportsnut34
There, I fixed it. No sense claiming you're worth $$$ unless you're a lawyer or doctor. Mutual respect IS vitally important in the hobby, as you noted. I highly recommend taking the sage advice provided and get P411. Definitely worth it to help smooth out the screening process.

Did you give up after only two providers? Keep a stiff upper lip, chum, and get back in there. I've had to go through as many as 5 before (even with P411), so it definitely happens. I know others here have had much worse times than that, for sure.
Kayleehotchick's Avatar
As a provider, I will screen and see p411 guys before I do the other guys. Why, because it makes it soooooo easy to do! Making it easy on the provider only makes it easy on you and saves you both time!

I interpret her response as you didn't give enough info for the references to know who you were.

"Tell her it's Mike. She'll remember me."
Anything else to help jog her memory?
"I probably wore khaki pants and a polo shirt, or else dress pants and a white shirt."
Anything particular you remember about your conversation?
"no, but I think she had her hair up."

Honey Rose, over the top facetious. My kinda lady!

I was waiting for...

"Hey, I have a dick, some money, some spare time and can fog a mirror, c'mon! It's me, OK?"
berkleigh's Avatar
In the past week
a I have had a provider cancel on me(understandably R L situation)
and a provider choose not to see me because she said I didn't provide her enough
information!! Yet she responded to the pm that contained my references with"Ok
I will check them in the morning Thanks" Very frustratIng!!!

I just don't want to waste our time!!!
My hobby time is very limited! Originally Posted by Sportsnut34

My time is just as limited as the next as I spread myself among the Hobby, Family, Real Life and whatever else Life throws at me!

Never wasted "YOUR" time unless you "assumed" I'd be in touch the following morning.
We never set anything in stone because I had to verify your screening.
Maybe I should have been more clear on my response, but you can't put a time frame on a verification.

All I said was "I would check them (references) in the morning"...
(It was too late that evening and I chose to follow up the next day)

In the PM correspondence between us, I picked apart the message and noticed you did NOT resend the appropriate information that I asked for twice.

You've been a member since 2010, have 8 reviews and I am certain you can READ what it states in my Showcase that I require.
Its not as detailed in my Weekly AD, but you can bet I will for sure include the text from now on for those that need a little extra help.

It's "frustrating" to me to have to repeat myself when a simple instruction is given as well as can be read in plain text. Most Providers follow the same format.

You asked me to "consider" seeing you by reading your Reviews.

That was unacceptable as I explained that anyone could write a "Review" and it was not a form a screening I allowed.

This is what my SHOWCASE says:
Please provide either a P411 or your Provider References complete w/Providers contact info as well as your handle and contact info AND something to spark her memory. I DO NOT present a half ass reference to these ladies when it comes to screening. I am very careful and would appreciate you completing this simple request.

Ummmm....a provider has every right to pass on appt. And maybe she is busy and can't check ref's until the morning. It happens....

I mean really? Come on now...

If you don't have a p411 yet, you might want to consider getting one. That might work out better for you. Originally Posted by Kayleehotchick

I passed on seeing him, as I do have the right, just as any other Provider, to decline for whatever reason.

I told him why.

Indeed, I had a very busy schedule last week and I was not able to connect/respond with anyone as quickly as I usually do.
I was short in response to him because when I finally had time, IMO, it was already too late in the evening to contact a Provider for a reference.
I don't like being called late and appreciate the same respect as I am home with Family at night.

He could have provided the email addresses for his screening and saved some time.
But he did not.

As Kaylee said....get p411 Originally Posted by still-asleep

Make P411 Your Friend

Yes provider does have a right to see who she wants I totally agree!
What bothered me was She told me she would check my references and everything
was great! I pmed her a couple days later and she acts like I disrespected her by
not giving her enough information! I have never had one problem getting verified
from anyone else?

All I am saying my time is as valuable as the providers!! So please have the
respect for me that i will have for you. Originally Posted by Sportsnut34
Never did I say "everything was great".

Nor did I say I felt "disrespected" because you did not send the correct screening information.
That statement doesn't even make sense dude.

I took it upon myself to look at your conversations here, your posting style and Reviews of the Ladies you had listed. As a Safety precaution due to past issues from a site where some advertise, I prefer to ONLY accept references from Well-Known Reputable Providers.
-No disrespect but it is My Policy.

*** "you never had a problem getting verified" ...
My advise is to spend your "valuable time" educating yourself by reading a Providers AD/Screening, Showcase and Website.

IMO it's really a very simple request that the majority of the Hobbyists already offer when booking.

I made my decision based on the above, plus the lack of information you failed to provide to me and the incomplete Reviews you have posted of your references ( no email address ).

Most providers will have that respect but not everyone of them. It is the nature of this games. Sorry to tell you that but it is what it is.

And like MB said...move on to the next one.

Sadly, not all providers take this business as seriously as others do. And think of it this way. Maybe she did you a favor by acting like a jerk in pm. If she can be that way in private message, she very well might be that way in person.

:-) Originally Posted by Kayleehotchick
Often, I am misunderstood and some think I come off a complete BITCH... but those who know me, know different

And I can't always please everyone ... but I was a somewhat of a CUNT last week.
My apologizes to those...( especially SAY WHAT and J5 )

As a provider, I will screen and see p411 guys before I do the other guys. Why, because it makes it soooooo easy to do! Making it easy on the provider only makes it easy on you and saves you both time! Originally Posted by Kayleehotchick
I admit that p411 Pre-Screening and Requests have priority over Emails/PM's with references to verify.

* P411 will make your Hobby Life much easier *

Now, I am curious the reasoning behind this Thread?

To call me out obviously and complain about how offended you are PUBLICLY because I declined seeing you???

This was unnecessary drama and all you had to do was send me a PM, but whatever...

pyramider's Avatar
Damn if I got this butt hurt after every rejection in life, and hobby, I thinck I would downloading a bunch of porn. I have quite the collection.
berkleigh's Avatar
Damn if I got this butt hurt after every rejection in life, and hobby, I thinck I would downloading a bunch of porn. I have quite the collection. Originally Posted by pyramider
SMH...I half feel like throwing him a sympathy FUCK!

It's really not that serious...
TonyStark's Avatar
SMH...I half feel like throwing him a sympathy FUCK!

It's really not that serious... Originally Posted by berkleigh
Where does the line form for those?