Commiefornia first state to...

Governor Grusome signs off on healthcare to 90k illegals @ a starting cost of to love the bleeding heart commies!!
From sanctuary state to healthcare for lawbreakers.
Nan and the LSM got bent out of shape when Trump wanted to send the illegals there...everybody wants free stuff.
rexdutchman's Avatar
All liberal re-tards should go , the weathers great ,,,,
bambino's Avatar
There is typhoid in the streets of LA, bubonic isn’t far behind.
  • oeb11
  • 06-10-2019, 08:03 AM
Bubonic plague is still endemic in areas of the west - Arizona, New Mexico, etc.

Not out of the realm of possibility to have an outbreak in the homeless camps in LA.
Ain't it wonderful how the Socialist State of Kalifornia takes care of its' homeless and mentally ill!!!