Philheim in another thread suggested that the recession may be a government plan. Well this reminds me of something I talked about on another board, when the economy first started its slide. Now let me first begin by saying I am not a big conspiracy person other than Oswald did not kill Kennedy. But here goes. In discussions with a couple of friends we had come to the conclusion that the economic recession was actually an economic restructuring. Here is the basics of my theory.
American is now firmly involved in the world economy. One of the necessities of a strong world economy is strong worldwide trade. As it stands now there is a trade deficit that the US operates in. One of the primary causes of this deficit is that we buy more from them, than they do from us, why? We buy more from them they do from us because they cannot afford out stuff. It is imperative that we reduce the trade deficit, To do this the standard level of income for American workers must go done, and the standard of living and economic strength must increase in other countrys. This started during Bush 1 and continues through today. Many people do not realize that before the problems at GM, they had negotiated a new national agreement with the unions which lowered the starting pay for workers from $15.00 to $12.00. A lot of people are upset because companys are leaving the US for 3rd world nations. Many believe that this is to increase company profits. The reality is that companies have to compete globally now and in order for them to sell there products outside of America, the number one expense for a company, the labor cost had to be reduced. Our government knows that it cannot allow companies to keep leaving, but it also knows the labor costs must come down. Enter the recession, people get laid off, lost their jobs, hours cut back. But whats not being reported. Many people are rehired by the same company for less money, or they accept work for less money. Everyone talks about the unemployment rate, the realith is there are a lot of jobs out there, if you will work for $8.00 an hour.
So here is the outline, now lets debate it, keep in mind, this has nothing to do with party politics, the current government etc. This has been going on for years and is not reaching the critical point. Now if you want to call be crazy, thats cool, just tell me why I am crazy and please do say because our government would never do such a thing, I think history has shown our government, regardless of party is capable or shocking us with what it will do.