Pelosi staffer admits....

They planned for J6 in advance.

Planning started in the Summer of 2020...">" type="application/x-shockwave-flash" wmode="transparent" width="425" height="355">
... See? ... We conservatives knew this already.
Thanks to Revolver News!

... Thanks fer posting that, mate.

#### Salty
... See? ... We conservatives knew this already.
Thanks to Revolver News!

... Thanks fer posting that, mate.

#### Salty Originally Posted by Salty Again
I am surprised no one here has made comments other than you.

This is solid undeniable PROOF that J6 was a planned and staged event. Why would one PLAN for J6 5 months in advance. They knew it was going to happen because they made it happen. If that makes sense?

Just like Russia gate, this one will take about 4 years to expose the TRUTH. When the TRUTH is exposed, those that planned and staged will will pay.

Really does not matter at this point. JOEY is taking us to Nuclear War with Russia
Without a doubt J6 was a planned event

They planned for J6 in advance.

Everyone knows that all that white trash that was arrested convicted and some still in jail are anifita fbi Cia and China spies

... Hmmmm.... "White Trash" ... surely seem like a racial comment
from you there, mate.

... Are you saying that the Pelosi staffer is WRONG??

#### Salty
Jan.6th as executed by trumpys wasn't specifically planned for. How could it be?
Why would one plan for an attempt by trump to stay in office and not be willing to accept the election results?
Because he claimed the election was rigged long in advance.
Plus this video is short on proof and makes unsupported claims while providing no links to backup its claims.
Planning on trump trying some bull shit was smart. Unfortunately, who could have foreseen the lengths he would go to?
He and fox both knew the extent of the lies they were pushing.

How do we know they were lying? We have the emails they sent each other.

I am surprised no one here has made comments other than you.

This is solid undeniable PROOF that J6 was a planned and staged event. Why would one PLAN for J6 5 months in advance. They knew it was going to happen because they made it happen. If that makes sense?

Just like Russia gate, this one will take about 4 years to expose the TRUTH. When the TRUTH is exposed, those that planned and staged will will pay.

Really does not matter at this point. JOEY is taking us to Nuclear War with Russia Originally Posted by FellatioHunter
You claim all the repubs from the white house were lying during Jan 6th testimony.
This is one person with no proof.
Am I saying she is wrong?
You don't believe trumpys with proof.
When this person has some proof...and you admit Jan 6th and all its witnesses were telling the truth....naw, this woman and her blog are bull shit.

... Hmmmm.... "White Trash" ... surely seem like a racial comment
from you there, mate.

... Are you saying that the Pelosi staffer is WRONG??

#### Salty Originally Posted by Salty Again
... What are you on about??

### Salty
... See? ... Right-good thing that the Pelosi staffer
AND Tucker both did the right thing.

The staffer admitted The Truth - and Tucker released
the footage...

And the Shaman bloke gettin' out of jail.
With others to soon follow suit - NOW that they
can use the footage in their defence.

Wonder how much money $$$$ The Shaman will SUE for??

#### Salty
the_real_Barleycorn's Avatar
Everyone knows that all that white trash that was arrested convicted and some still in jail are anifita fbi Cia and China spies

Originally Posted by Tsmokies
There are many Americans in jail that have not been convicted of anything. Are you alright with such Nazi and Soviet tactics? Hitler and Stalin both did the same thing.
When are these mass releases coming.
Precious_b's Avatar
Not just Americans in jails not convicted of anything.
"Muricans' could be said to be following Nazi and Soviet tactics.