It would have been nice to meet with Angella Masters

I visited Las Vegas for a few days last week. I did a lot of research for a couple of weeks prior to my trip to figure out who would be a good local provider to meet with while I was there. I finally settled on Angella after seeing her showcase and reading her favorable reviews on this site. We communicated via email and after she checked my references we set a time and date for our meeting. We were scheduled to meet for an hour and a half incall last Thursday in the afternoon. She asked that I call her Wednesday night to work out the details for the following day. I responded and told her what time my flight would be arriving and that I would call shortly after that. Thursday evening I got into town and called as soon as possible like she asked me to and I got no answer, but it went to what I assumed was her voicemail. I really didn't expect her to answer on the first try so I wasn't too worried about it. I left a message and told her to she could call me back or text. I didn't hear back from her so I called again and it went to voicemail. I didn't feel it necessary to leave another message. I never heard back from her that night so I tried emailing, calling, & texting the next morning but still I received no response. I emailed her again on Friday to ask what went wrong and she finally replied and said that she never heard from me on Wednesday night so she thought the date was off. If that was the case and the number I called and left a message on wasn't hers then it was her fault for giving the wrong number to start with. I did double check this to make sure, by the way. I'm still not sure why she decided to not go through with the date, but I don't appreciate being treated that way and hopefully by posting this I can keep someone else from making the same mistake I did.
CryptKicker's Avatar
Sorry that happened sir as she is one of the best LV has to offer. It could be that her voice mail was malfunctioning. From your note you state that she asked you to call her Wednesday night and you did not until Thursday. It could be that she had scheduled something else during the time you were trying to reach her and could not reply until Friday. I hope she replies to your post to let us know what did happen. Very unusual.
Oops! That was supposed to read Wednesday night. I called her twice on Wednesday night like she asked me to. This was the night before the day we were supposed to meet. Thanks for pointing that out to me!