Paying It Forward

There is a young lady that I see on a regular basis and in the midst of our current health situation I have missed her. She is always sweet always great company and we enjoy each other tremendously. That being said I know she is in a financial pinch as many people are these days. Fortunately for me I had enough disposable income to send her a donation to her PayPal account at her usual hourly consideration. I was happy to do it because she has put a smile on my face many times and I was glad to be able to pay it forward. For those of us who are able but are cautious about seeing someone in the current health crisis perhaps a nice thing to do for your favorite lady would be to send her a gift also. Ladies we have not forgotten you and we appreciate everything that you do for us that brings so much joy and entertainment into our daily lives thank you all. MJ
Nice gesture. Especially for someone who is reliable and has taken good care of you.