Maximum Wage

Guest123018-4's Avatar
It seems that there are those that believe the government has the authority to set a minim wage and since they have done it and so it must be law what is to stop the government from setting a Maximum wage.
I know it is TAXES but didn't Obama say that if you have made a million dollars that is enough so what should the government imposed maximum wage be?

Af-Freakin's Avatar
in nonathletic jobs we should hava maximum wage.
joe bloe's Avatar
It seems that there are those that believe the government has the authority to set a minim wage and since they have done it and so it must be law what is to stop the government from setting a Maximum wage.
I know it is TAXES but didn't Obama say that if you have made a million dollars that is enough so what should the government imposed maximum wage be?

Discussion? Originally Posted by The2Dogs
Obama's father was an economist for the Kenyan government. He wrote papers stating his socialist views and theories. In his essay, "Problems Facing our Socialism", he stated that he saw no problem in taxing up to 100% of income.

Obama's autobiography, "Dreams From My Father" makes it clear that his goal in life is to act in accordance with his socialist/Marxist father's dreams and ideals.
Guest123018-4's Avatar
Oh that is just a bunch of right wingnut bs.
You know good and well that Obama did not write those books.
Somebody wrote them for him and you know how those sorts like to embellish.

I would have left the part about eating the dog meat out if it was me.
Damn good thing he didnt eat any monkey brains.......
joe bloe's Avatar
Oh that is just a bunch of right wingnut bs.
You know good and well that Obama did not write those books.
Somebody wrote them for him and you know how those sorts like to embellish.

I would have left the part about eating the dog meat out if it was me.
Damn good thing he didnt eat any monkey brains....... Originally Posted by The2Dogs
There is an excellent chance that Bill Ayers actually wrote "Dreams form my Father". His literary style from is his own book "Fugitive Days" is very similar. The content of the book is still based on information given to him by Hussein.

I don't blame Obama for eating dog. He was a small child; it wasn't his fault. It does show what sort of a nut job his mother was, however. She was also a Marxist, as was his biological father, maternal grandfather, and childhood mentor (Frank Marshall Davis). Obama was shaped by his environment as most people are. Romney is a Mormon because he was raised as a Mormon. Obama is a Marxist because that's how he was raised.
CJ7's Avatar
  • CJ7
  • 04-18-2012, 01:47 PM
It seems that there are those that believe the government has the authority to set a minim wage and since they have done it and so it must be law what is to stop the government from setting a Maximum wage.
I know it is TAXES but didn't Obama say that if you have made a million dollars that is enough so what should the government imposed maximum wage be?

Discussion? Originally Posted by The2Dogs

I seriously doubt it, even though you actually seemed serious.

Guest123018-4's Avatar
You are correct CJ& what he said was at some point you have made enough....
I supose it could be a lot less than a million dollars or it could be more.
What is evident is that he believes that you do not have the right to make as much money as you want unless it is for the benefit of the collective.

Here is a reference that I cheeked to see if I was on the right path.

So now we have proof that Obama thinks that he believes there should be limits on how much a person can make and it is at some point enough.
I suppose that enough remains to be defined in an amount that is acceptable to those that would make those sorts of decisions.
I mean we have a minimum wage law that appears on the surface to be a legal control on poeple and businesses so what is to stop them from contolling the amount that you can earn.

the old Marx mantra of Frome each according to their ability to each according to theeir need.

Yep lets kill all ambition and do it for the good of the collective so that those that need can be equal to those that can produce. I suppose that is why the USSR had those camps to retrain people into being productive citizens and if they could not meet the median they would be exterminated.

So it comes down to a maximum wage or extermination. which choice will you choose.
CJ7's Avatar
  • CJ7
  • 04-18-2012, 04:14 PM
do you actually believe rasing taxes a small percent will stop millionaires from making millions?

does Exxon stop producing oil when the price per barrel drops $20
CuteOldGuy's Avatar
This isn't about raising taxes, it's about establishing a maximum wage. I suppose after a certain point a person's income would be taxed at 100%, but what good would that do?
CJ7's Avatar
  • CJ7
  • 04-18-2012, 05:20 PM
be honest, its about a what if that wont ever happen.


There is an excellent chance that Bill Ayers actually wrote "Dreams form my Father". His literary style from is his own book "Fugitive Days" is very similar. The content of the book is still based on information given to him by Hussein.

I don't blame Obama for eating dog. He was a small child; it wasn't his fault. It does show what sort of a nut job his mother was, however. She was also a Marxist, as was his biological father, maternal grandfather, and childhood mentor (Frank Marshall Davis). Obama was shaped by his environment as most people are. Romney is a Mormon because he was raised as a Mormon. Obama is a Marxist because that's how he was raised. Originally Posted by joe bloe
joe bloe's link tells all. That shit is amazing. Good job joe!
joe bloe's Avatar
joe bloe's link tells all. That shit is amazing. Good job joe! Originally Posted by IIFFOFRDB
It's not uncommon for politicians to have ghost writers. John Kennedy's book "Profiles in Courage" was almost certainly written by Ted Sorensen, one of Kennedy's speechwriters. Sorensen now admits to "assisting" in the writing. The book won a Pulitzer prize in 1955 and probably helped get Kennedy elected president.

Rush Limbaugh has had two huge bestsellers. Rush wrote both books by talking into a tape recorder. Both books were "transcribed" by John Fund. Fund is a top notch writer with the Wallstreet Journal and has written several books. I think it's likely that Fund did a lot more than transcribe Rush's books.

I wouldn't be surprised if Ayers wrote "Dreams From My Father". Obama has all sorts of connections to the Ayers family in Chicago. Thomas Ayers (Bill Ayers father) was president and CEO of Commonwealth Edison in Chicago. He was a multimillionaire and politically active in left wing politics. His company was the primary client for the law firm where Michelle Obama was working where Barack met her doing an internship. Bernadine Dohrn (Bill Ayer's wife and convicted felon) has also worked there. There is also a rumor that Thomas Ayers paid for Obama's education; we'll probably never know.
Guest123018-4's Avatar
Oh I do not think it will happen in the manner that you envision but the facts are the facts and it is important to know what our elected politicians really think and Obama thinks that there shroud be a limit somewhere.

The fact of the matter is if oil drops below a certain value they do stop production on any well that dies not pay for itself. In the 70s and 80s there was old oil and new oil and old oil couldn't be sold for more than a certain amount of money. the result was that the wells were capped and they only produced from the new oil. Some of the wells were sold off and the companies that bought them did some work on them and got them reclassified as new oil. Lots of money was made that way.

The fact is that the government stepped in a decided what the top was for something and thus created a new problem.

In the end the method of creating a maximum wage is precisely done through taxation. Once the government raises taxes on a specific wage earner and the tax rise to a level that is high enough it no longer becomes reasonable to garner a wage that exceeds the limit. The end result is a reduction in tax revenues to the government and who do you think they will go for next?

The bigger the monster the bigger the appetite of the monster the more food it takes to feed the monster until it begins to devour those that feed it. It is much better to keep the monster small and insure that the monster remains on a diet that keeps it slim and trim.

What I am not sure of as of yet is if the monster has become so large that the only way to get it under control would be to chop off its head. I really do not want us to go that route but it has become so bloated and its appetite has grown so large that we are so far in debt trying to feed it that somebody else may decide to chop of the head of the monster.

Ships are being loaded as fast as possible with scrap metal and it is going to China to be turned into ships of war and bombs and bayonets. is this not the same path that Japan was on prior to Pearl Harbor.

The time has come for us to decide if we want to control the monster or wait till somebody does it for us.
cptjohnstone's Avatar
joe bloe's link tells all. That shit is amazing. Good job joe! Originally Posted by IIFFOFRDB
but why would anybody vote for this commie
but why would anybody vote for this commie Originally Posted by cptjohnstone
sorry to say but they are commies....fuckem....