Wake Up People! Is This Really America?

CuteOldGuy's Avatar
Thoughtful essay on America becoming a police state. If we are going to stop it, it has to start NOW!

JD Barleycorn's Avatar
You need to pick up Michael Savage's book "Trickle Down Tyranny".
pyramider's Avatar
I believe this subject was broached right after 9/11 and with the passing of the Patriotic Act.
LexusLover's Avatar
I believe this subject was broached right after 9/11 and with the passing of the Patriotic Act. Originally Posted by pyramider
Yes, but then it was those "Nazis" in office: Bush and Cheney doing it.

The "Commies" have taken over now.
My answer to the question proposed in your title is "maybe".

But our likely future is more accurately described in this WSJ article by noted urban demographer Joel Kotkin who analyzes what is happening in California. If Progressive politics (as particed in California) continues to take hold elsewhere, our future is bleak.

"The Great California Exodus"...........


PS: Klotkin is a democrat who voted for Jerry Brown.
For the most part it is over, how long it will last is all that remains untold. You know you have no representation in the Gov when Holder declared it was legal for the King to kill American citizens without due process AND no one in congress even blinked an eye. At least there is a law now that allows them to detain us forever instead of killing us.
pyramider's Avatar
A new kind of public housing?