Car Tracker Recommendations?

KerryHutchins's Avatar
Greetings. Sorry if this has been covered already but I didn't want to dig through all the previous pages.

I'm wanting another little GPS tracker I can stick under the seat of my wife's car so I can sneak my girlfriend over for a tryst. Pre-Covid, I got a $99 Sansum unit at Best Buy that also came with an 1 year AT&T subscription that I didn't have to do a thing with! Just fired it up and way I went! I figured I'd just throw it away after a year but then Covid hit and that device was no longer marketed.

So I'm back looking for something cheap and easy and useful. Suggestions?

Cheap around $100 or less
I want a store purchase or pickup (no "What did Amazon just drop off, Honey?"
(But maybe my sweetie could help he with using her mailing address instead)

I want a good fencing ability to alert me to when her car moves from its parking spot.
Definitely need this alert to get the clothes back on and scram

Short (10 -30 second) tracking movement interval updates would be nice

Simple subscription with minimal personal info being required
Yes, as discreet and anonymous as possible
Easy for a dope like me to use!

Wow, talk about living danderously ! I enjoy a good adrenaline rush too, but not to this extent ! I am interested to see the responses though . Dont get me wrong, I am not judging, I just dont have the cojones for something like this.
The apple air tags work well. They are small easy to hide inside the car.

When my daughter started driving she had a loser boyfriend i was worried about.

I removed the door sill (three bolts) and stuck an air tag inside the sill.

I've been told the Android version works well also.
KerryHutchins's Avatar
The apple air tags work well. Originally Posted by Fizley
Actually, no. At least, not in my situation. A message of "Unknown Airtag" would be sent to my wife's iPhone. Apple tightened things up in this regard. But thanks for the thought. (FWIW, Apple also changed things so I can't set her iPhone location services to let me track her from my iPhone without a request tipping her off that this was done or if it was OK whatever.)
Hmmm, KH. Hopefully your spouse isn't as tech savvy as you, and placed such a device in your ride..
This is what I run on my own vehicle in case of theft. It does have a monthly fee. You can setup geofence. I've been happy with it.
This is what I run on my own vehicle in case of theft. It does have a monthly fee. You can setup geofence. I've been happy with it. Originally Posted by spaceghost
I’ll second this. I purchased a couple to put on some equipment we were shipping out of the country to keep track of where it was. The ones I got ran off AAA batteries and were supposed to run for around a year or so before they needed changing. You purchase the units then pay for the tracking service month to month or yearly.

Their mounting location matters though. I stuck one on the side of a shipping container with magnets and it didn’t always show the current location when I checked it, but the other one that was attached to the frame of a machine seemed to work better. Just to compare them I put an AirTag on each piece of equipment as well and the AirTag worked just as good if not better, but I wasn’t worried about it showing up on someone’s phone telling them it was there.
Name0333's Avatar
If your wife isn't very tech savy and owns an iPhone, you could always just get her phone for a quick minute and enable Find My Friends and share her location with yourself. Shouldn't notify her at all once its activated. Just close the app and you can check her location whenever.
tracer273's Avatar
Sorry to be late to the party on this one... most modern cars already track location on their branded software ( connect, bluelink, etc ) just need to install the app and activate, or If your car's insurance company offer a "drive and save' app these also tracks all cars on the account in real time.. You can use these or watch out for these depending on the wife's tech savvy.
wilson13's Avatar
Is there any way to see the iPhone location, like Find My Friends but on an Android phone? Are there apps out there that will work across platforms?
ahab11's Avatar
Lot's of Mini GPS trackers you can find at Spy Shops if you cannot use Amazon.

Monthly fees average 35-40 bucks a month.

Small enough you can fit it inside the gas cap and cover it with a piece of black plastic.

There is an episode of Better Call Saul where the Cartel did this to Mike if you want to see how they did it.
MarcellusWalluz's Avatar
Actually, no. At least, not in my situation. A message of "Unknown Airtag" would be sent to my wife's iPhone. Originally Posted by KerryHutchins
I have ridden in several vehicles with air tags in them & never received that message or notification. The only way I knew there was an air tag is because I recognized the chime it makes.
I have several in my vehicles & the only negative IMO is they chime when they start moving. The good thing is they are not loud. I placed mine in a Ziploc bag to protect it from moisture then wrapped it in a towel to muffle the sound & placed them behind the trunk trim panels. You can't hear it inside the vehicle.