harvard graduation class segregated by race

dilbert firestorm's Avatar

they're claiming its not segregation.... well if you divide by race, its segregation.

the metric doesn't look good.
bamscram's Avatar
Heck, I thought this was 2017, not 1957.

What a better way to get Graduates ready for the realities of the World than by letting them engage in a feel good fantasy.

Look for all of them in the future to cry "Racism" ever time one of those realities confronts them.
Yssup Rider's Avatar
Well that fucking tees it... NONE of y'all should go to Harvard now!

Just when you think you've seen or heard it all. And at Harvard, no less.

The closet muzzie...number 44...he attended and graduated from where again...?
Just when you think you've seen or heard it all. And at Harvard, no less.

The closet muzzie...number 44...he attended and graduated from where again...? Originally Posted by Chateau Becot
He graduated from a school you couldn't attend if you had 3 brains - do you even have a college degree? Many former Presidents besides Obama graduated from Harvard you scum bag.
When did YOU graduate from the Army's " shitburning school " seArgent shitburner " ? Did you get a "diploma " for that ?
He graduated from a school you couldn't attend if you had 3 brains - do you even have a college degree? Many former Presidents besides Obama graduated from Harvard you scum bag. Originally Posted by Luke_Wyatt

Wow. No one's ever gonna accuse you of being both fat AND jolly now, are they, you oozing tub o' rancid goo....jeez.

Unlike others in this forum (ie: StandInShit) I just don't feel it's necessary (nor prudent) to put my RL info on display here to make me feel better about myself. Hmmm...guess that tidbit of wisdom ought to apply to you, as well, right Mr Purple Heart?

For the record, I am "degree'd"...and that's all you need to know, jack wagon. Now as far as the closet muzzie earning himself a Harvard sheepskin...big fucking deal. Give it time...soon enough historians will look back on his eight year vacation as one of most lawless, corrupt times in our nation's history. As the layers begin to peel away, there's no telling what will surface.

All in all, thank god we've got someone in office to clean up the mess...the waste. It'll take two terms, no doubt, but he's up for the task. As for the mess that's called Lubey...ain't near enuff time to fix that train wreck.


What is the big deal? Students raised the 25K for the event,
and are attending the regular graduation ceremony?
  • DSK
  • 05-11-2017, 05:10 PM
Well that fucking tees it... NONE of y'all should go to Harvard now!

HAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHHA! Originally Posted by Yssup Rider
Bunch of fucking racists going there so I will pass.
Wonder where Rachel Dolezal would sit ? Would the " homies " let her hang " wit' dem " ???
The_Waco_Kid's Avatar

they're claiming its not segregation.... well if you divide by race, its segregation.

the metric doesn't look good. Originally Posted by dilbert firestorm
http://dailycaller.com/2017/05/08/iv...tion-ceremony/ Originally Posted by bamscram
non-issue, this will be some AA only let's hold hands and sing "kumbaya" gig after the official ceremony .. where the Dean of Harvard and various Schools hand those sheepskins out?

So what? make it invite blacks only. it's stupid and egotistic and asinine but hey nothing unique about the races there eh? whatev.


Well that fucking tees it... NONE of y'all should go to Harvard now!

HAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHHA! Originally Posted by Yssup Rider

What about Oxford, Jethro?
