Crafty old codger...

thecapn93's Avatar
One late Friday evening, a 70-something-year old man walked into a fur shop with a young 20-something tart on his arm. He knew he brought her to the right place, for when they walked in the door, her eyes glazed over and she was just oo'ing and ah'ing as she saw the beautiful variety of apparel.

They walked around the store for a couple of minutes, and the old man told her to pick any coat she wanted, and it was hers. She was thrilled, gave him a big hug and kiss, and walked all through the store until she found the most expensive item in the store. She showed it to the old man, asked if this one was ok, and he said it was and that she looked great in it. Another big hug, kiss, and she even gave him a butt-squeeze.

They made their way to the register to make the purchase. The clerk was quite impressed, gave the old man a wink, and rang up the coat. The total came to $13,987, and the man said it was no problem and asked if he could write a check. Well, the clerk had no problem taking a check except for the fact that it was late on a Friday evening, and banks were closed so the check could not be verified.

"I'll have to hold the coat here until Monday when we can verify the check, will that be a problem?", asked the clerk.

"Not at all," the old man replied. "I certainly understand, and I'll be back Monday to pick it up. Thank you so much!" And off they went...

......tick, tock, tick, tock, (the passage of time, about 3 days)

Monday afternoon, the old man returns to the store, and when the clerk sees him, he just gives the old man a scowl.

"Sir, you have a lot of gumption coming back in here. Your check wasn't worth a plug nickel!"

The old man replied with a gleam in his eye, "Oh, I know that, I just wanted to come in and thank you for one helluva weekend!"
tia travels's Avatar
Scenes from their sordid weekend.

Dawgs's Avatar
  • Dawgs
  • 08-22-2012, 10:33 AM
Does COG know you got those pictures of him?? LOL
thecapn93's Avatar
Tia, that's awesome, thanks!